Chapter 24

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The day after Allie came clean with Seth about her past, she expected to feel good. To feel light. But she didn't.
Many things were wrong.
First, the most obvious one, her cheek hurt. Justin must of hit her harder than she thought, she had been too busy not losing control to notice the pain. But now there was a bruise in the shape of his fingers, and when she had woken up in the morning, she saw Seth's angry look in his eyes when he saw her. She should have known better than to stay over last night, she should have known that there would be a bruise, and he would be mad. They hadn't done anything last night, just slept, but it was nice. It had been comforting. But now it was time to go home, after all, she wasn't living with him. Yet.
The second thing that was wrong was her questions. She had purposely tried to lose control last night, why hadn't she? She had done it twice, and nothing had happened. Was she becoming human again?
The next problem was that Cynthia had still not woken up. Marcos was panicking, and Allie was so worried. If it wasn't for her, Cyn wouldn't even be in such a state. The pack doctor said that she had had a strain on her body and mind, and was just sleeping because they both needed rest. But, really, what did the doctor know?
Allie sighed as she pulled into her driveway, she was too tired for this shit, and she was somehow going to have to slip past her family because all her makeup was in her room, and she didn't want questions asked about the bruise.
She opened the door as quietly as she could. And slowly crept up the stairs, and into her room. Nobody stopped her.
Suddenly something on her bed lit up, and she walked over to it. She hadn't realized she had left her phone here.
It was a text from Royce.
U there? She frowned. Had he been texting her? She quickly checked the rest of the conversation. There were three other messages.

If you need me, I'm at the Bank's Hotel.

I don't want you at the house now that I'm not there. Understand?


U there?

Now that I'm not there? Allie wondered at Royce's choice of words. It sounded much more permanent than him having a one night stand somewhere. And the Bank's Hotel was much to nice and expensive for one night anyway. What the Hell was going on?
Forgetting about her makeup dilemma, Allie rushed downstairs, to the living room, where she hoped someone would be. Thomas was. He looked up at her approach.
"Where's Royce?" She said immediately, not bothering with formalities. She hadn't seen much of her father over the past two weeks, and she was pleased to see that his nose was still bruised and crooked. He stared at her.
"What happened to your face?" He asked rudely.
"None of your damn business." Allie said through clenched teeth. "Where's Royce?"
"Did your boyfriend hit you?" Thomas said bluntly.
"Like you even fucking care. Now, Where. Is. Royce?" Allie hissed. Thomas looked like he was contemplating answering.
"I kicked him out." He said, as if it was nothing.
"YOU WHAT?" Allie screamed.
"He's over 18, out of highschool, and he has no right to stay here anymore, so I kicked him out of my house."
"You're unbelievable! Go fuck yourself." Allie stomped out of the house in a hurry. She needed to see Royce. This was another problem to add to her list of bad things today.

When Allie parked in front of the Bank's Hotel, she inwardly groaned.
It was the same hotel that she had first slept with Seth at. What lovely memories. Not.
Everything was the same as the last time. Heads bowed as she walked past, and, luckily enough, it was the same bitchy woman at the front desk.
Stacey. How wonderful to see her again. She glanced nervously at Allie, when she approached.
"Luna." She bowed her head.
"Mm, yes. I need the room number for someone I know for-" Allie started.
"Allie?" Royce had just stepped out of the elevator. Everyone looked annoyed that this random person was addressing their Luna so informally, but Royce didn't seem to notice.
"Oh, never mind." She said quickly to Stacey. She turned to Royce, and watched his smile quickly become an angry scowl. He walked over to her quickly.
"What happened to you?" He whispered furiously. "Did Thomas hit you, because if he did, I swear..." Allie just smiled at him re-assuringly.
"No, its a long story, not important." She waved her hand, trying to dismiss the topic.
"Did Seth hit you?" Royce asked bluntly. Stacey hissed at Royce at even suggesting such a thing of her Alpha. Stupid werewolf hearing. Allie was a little mad, too.
"NO. Seth would never do something like that? Are you crazy?" She said, annoyed. "And can we please talk about this somewhere else, like your room perhaps? Where its private? And you have some explaining to do!" Stacey cleared her throat. They both looked at her.
"I don't know if Alpha Seth would like it if the Luna went into a random guy's hotel room." She said matter-of-factly.
"Royce is not a random guy, he's my brother. And even if he was some dude I just met and wanted to have an affair with, you can learn to mind your own damn business." Allie snapped angrily at Stacey, who flinched. Allie pulled Royce into the elevator, away from all the prying eyes of the werewolves in the lobby. Royce pressed a button, and they started to move.
"Why are you staying at a werewolf hotel?" Allie asked Royce. She had learned that not only was the hotel owned by werewolves, but usually only used by werewolves.
"Humans can stay here too." He shrugged.
"They don't like people other than werewolves." Allie said flatly, as they stepped out. "And how expensive is this place anyway?" They had stepped into an elaborate hallway.
"Free." Royce said, as if that was normal. They stopped at the end of the hall, in front of a door.
"Free? What?" Allie gasped as he opened the door. It was even more beautiful than the one she had stayed at with. It had its own pristine kitchen, a bathroom bigger than the whole thing put together, and a California King Bed.
"Yup. Everything's free when you belong to the Alpha family." He said as he handed her a glass of champagne.
"You're not part of the Alpha family!" Allie said.
"Uh, you are, so I am, Luna." He smirked. She glared at him.
"So what happened with Thomas?" She said as they sat down at the table.
"Nuh-uh." Royce shook his head. "More important stuff first, what the hell happened to your face? I swear, Allie, if Seth hit you..."
"I thought I told you! Seth would never do that!" She said through gritted teeth. "And, anyway, it was nothing, I just saw Justin last night." She waved her hand dismissively. Royce jumped out of his seat.
"WHAT?" Royce yelled. "And he hit you? I'll kill him." Allie laughed humorously.
"Good luck with that. He's a werewolf." And she told him what had happened the night before.
"If he ever comes near you again, don't hide it. Say something." Royce said, once she had finished, ending at the part Cynthia had fainted. "He sounds dangerous and I don't want him anywhere near you." She just rolled her eyes.
"Just tell me why Thomas kicked you out." She said.
"Oh, he is such a dick." Royce said in an annoyed tone. "I was about to go out, because there was no point staying in that goddamn house if you're not there, and I was walking out, when Thomas comes up behind me, and says:
'Don't bother coming back.' And I was like,
'Did you just talk to me?' And he said,
'Yes, and don't come back because I don't want you in this house anymore.' So I said,
'If I leave, so does Allison.' Because I am not leaving you alone with that bastard. And then he had the nerve to tell me that then he would arrest me for kidnapping, so I packed up, left, and came here until I find a place. But you are not going back there."
"No." Allie said. "You are not living here. You hate it here even more than I did. You have so much money from that damn internet business, you can live anywhere. Except the North, because then I couldn't visit you."
"I can't leave you." Royce said flatly.
"Hell yes you can. I have Seth. I'm fine." She said stubbornly. "Now you have the chance to leave, and you will. You have a week before I buy you a house in like, LA, or something, and force you to move. "
"Where will you live?"
"I'm 18, I can live wherever I fucking feel like. End of conversation, you're out of arguments."

Royce decided to stay for just 2 more weeks, to make sure she was okay, and Allie had left him after he made his decision, to go to Marida's house.
She wanted to know what had been wrong with her last night, and she was sure Marida would have the answers.

20 minutes later Allie was sitting in Marida's living room, waiting while Marida got refreshments.
"So, how've you been?" Marida said as she entered the room.
"Horrible." Allie groaned. "I saw Justin yesterday." Marida sat up straight.
"Did you lose control? Did you kill him? Because, really, that's not that ba-" Marida started.
"No. I didn't lose control." Allie said with a sigh.
"Oh really? I would of." Marida said.
"So would I. That's the thing." Allie said, getting to her problem.
"What?" Marida looked confused.
"I lost control twice! But nothing happened. And I didn't cry black!" Allie said frantically. "Am I turning human?" Understanding crossed Marida's face.
"I highly doubt it." She said. "Did you feel any pain in your neck?"
"No-" Allie started.
"Ears? Wrists? Fingers? Ankles?" Marida kept asking.
"What? No. Why?" Marida was confusing Allie.
"If you were wearing any silver, it would stop you from changing, while sending you a fierce pain from the spot where its touching." Marida said.
"I'm not stupid. I wasn't wearing any silver." Allie rolled her eyes.
"Well, you can do it on accident. Dis you feel any pain anywhere?" Marida asked, sounding like a doctor.
"N-" Allie started to say, then stopped. "Actually yes. In my stomach." Marida choked on the sip of water she had just taken.
"Your stomach? Are you sure?" Marida said once she got her breath back. Allie nodded. "Then there's an obvious answer to why you can't lose control." She gave Allie a sympathetic look.
"You're pregnant."
So Idk if you read it, but the last authors note was kinda sad. Sorry, but it was very necessary.

I like that people have been commenting...ish. I could still get better.

So one of my favorite bands-Maroon 5- had a concert in my city this week, and I had tickets, and my parents were just like HAHA screw you, you can't go. Because it was a "school night" and they didn't want me to stay awake till 1. And I was just like, phhst I do that anyway. And tat din't help me convince them I should go. So I didn't. AND IM PISSED NOW. Because everybody goes to concerts except me. I'm serious, everybody at my school goes to every concert, and I had to look at an instagram feed full of pictures of Adam Levine with his shirt off. I've only been to one concert and I got those tickets on accident. Literally. But I have to say they were fucking good tickets, and one direction is alot better in concert than on the radio.

I'm going to dedicate the next chapter to the people with the best comments, and even if you don't care about that, comment anyway.

Thank you so much for reading! You are the most amazing people ever!!!

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