Chapter 5

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Allie hurried out of the elevator and over to the front desk. The lady there just gave her a cold look.
"Yes?" The clerk said irritably. Like, why are you wasting my time, bitch? Nice customer service.
"Yes, can you call me a cab?" She tried to be polite, but this obvious snob was really trying her patience. Her name card read Nancy. Annoying name too. Nancy sneered at her.
"What do you think this is, New York?" She said rudely.
"Jesus, I'm not asking for a ride to the Statue of Liberty. I just don't have a car with me. What the fuck is your problem anyway?" The woman stared at her like the answer was obvious.
"We don't like witches like you here. So don't expect us to be polite to you." She said coldly. Everybody in the lobby was staring at them now. Allie felt like banging her head against a wall.
"Okay." She said loudly turning to look at everybody. "I don't know what crazy ass drug you all are on, but in the past 24 hours, I feel like I have said this way to many times. Witches. Aren't. Real. Neither are werewolves. Seriously. Get over yourselves, people!" She turned back to Stacey, pushing her hair off her shoulders as she went, for it had gotten in her face when she had swung around.
Everyone in the lobby let out a collective gasp. Stacey's eyes widened, almost popping out of her head. She was staring at her neck. Oh. The mark slash hickey whatever the fuck it was was on her neck. Oops. Thats embarrassing. Way to ruin her tough act. Now it was obvious that she got laid last night.
Suddenly, Stacey pulled herself up straighter, bowed her head in respect, and said:
"Forgive us, Luna we did not know." Allie knew that she hadn't given Stacey her name but it sure as hell wasn't Luna. But if Luna got nicer treatment, she was going to use that to her advantage.
"Well, apparently I don't either." Allie said, more than confused. "But I would really like a cab."
"We don't have cabs, unless you want to go to the airport, but I can get you a driver, Luna."
"Yeah. Sounds good to me." She shrugged. This place was too weird. A driver was immediately called up, and at the door in 2 minutes flat. Allie started for the doors, and when she reached them, she turned to look at everybody in the lobby.
"By the way, I think you are all mistaking me for someone else. My names Allie. Not Luna." Everybody looked confused, so she just smiled broadly, and left without looking back.


"I don't care what you say. I'm not rejecting her." Seth told his dad angrily. Seth Slader didn't take shit from anyone. Not even the alpha of the pack-his Dad.
"She is a witch! You. Cannot. Be. With. A. Witch. Get a different mate!" His Dad yelled. John Slader was a force to be reckoned with, but he was getting old, his mate was dead, and it was almost time for Seth to take over. His voice had little to no effect on Seth. Seth laughed bitterly.
"You and I both know that it doesn't work like that! I cant just get another mate. I love her. There is no way I'm rejecting her." His Dad was now shaking with anger. Seth understood where this was coming from, he understood why his Dad hated witches so much. But mates are mates. And you don't try to keep a wolf from their mate.
"You will reject her." His Dad growled out. "Or you will kiss that Alpha title good bye." That hit below the belt. Seth had been preparing to be Alpha since his mother had died. He had taken himself out of the fun, he hadn't slept with all the girls he could have, because that was not what a respectable alpha did. He had wasted half his life on this shit. He would be damned if he gave it up now.
"And who would you give it to?" Seth said coldly. His Dad was playing dirty, and he knew it.
"Marcos will have it." Seth resisted the urge to burst out laughing. Marcos was Seth's fraternal twin. Marcos was the best brother ever, but he hated anything to do with responsibility. He had made it clear since a very young age that he would never be jealous of Seth's alpha title, because it was the last thing he wanted.
"Marcos will not. Don't you know your own son?" Seth laughed, but his dad was unfazed.
"If his mate wants him to, he has to take it." Seth was shocked. That was low. Marcos didn't want that kind of responsibility. He didn't even want the responsibility of a mate! That was forcing Marcos into two things he never wanted! At the same time!
"Well, as Marcos hasn't found his mate yet, that is not a problem." Seth snapped, heading for the door.
"I forbid you to see her until this is resolved!" His Dad called after him.
"Fuck you!" Seth nearly threw the door off its hinges in an effort to get outside.
It took all his concentration not to shift. Seth slammed his fist into a short tree that stood by the huge house. Again, and again, he punched the tree until his knuckled were bleeding. Letting all his anger just flow into his hands. The tree couldn't take the strain, and soon it fell over.
"Hurting and killing wildlife is not a good way to let out anger. You should be calm and express your emotions to those who care about you." A sarcastic voice interrupted Seth's rampage. Marcos stood behind him.
"Did you hear what he said?" Seth screamed.
"Yes, and why don't you scream a little louder? I don't think they heard you in Bulgaria." Marcos always tried to lighten up the situation. "Anyway, Dad's a dick. Always said it. Always will." He sat down heavily on the newly fallen tree. "Imagine a witch being the Luna of this pack. Weird. Hard thing to wrap my mind around, you know? With Mom and all..." Seth just shrugged and sat down next ti him.
"She didn't even know she was a witch. Not until I told her. It's weird." Seth said. Marcos nodded.
"But don't worry bro. It'll work out. I wont become alpha, and Dad'll just have deal with Her. He'll live." Marcos, always so positive.

It had been a short drive. Only like five minutes, and when they pulled up in front of the house, Allie was eager for some answers. It looked pretty normal except for a couple things. It was a normal upper middle class home, with a lawn and all. But it was different from the other ones. Where all the houses around it's lawns were brown and dying from the hot summer sun, its lawn was still a luscious emerald green. The other houses windows were dusty and normal, but this house's windows were squeaky clean. All the architecture of the houses was the same. They were all literally the exact same house. This house had obviously tried to be different. The door was bright blue, and the shutters were splatter painted lime green. Then there was the feel of the house itself. There was not a friendly feel about the house, like the pristineness of it might suggest. No. It felt lonely. Un-wanted. Not welcoming. This was defiantly the house where she could get some answers.
The driver opened the door for her, and bowed his head.
"Luna." And stepped back. Allie sighed irritably.
"Seriously. My names Allie." How many times did she have to tell the guy.
"Of course Luna." And then, casting a frightened look at the house, he was gone. She sighed heavily. It was now or never. She went up to the front door at a calm, steady, confident pace. This was an act she had put on many times, although really, she was not a confident person. Not after Justin. (A/N her abusive ex. Remember?) She lifted her hand to knock on the large bright blue door.
But, before her knock could hit, the door was flung open.
Hey all.
It is 5 in the morning. I have been awake since 2. Yay me! Fun stuff guys. Maybe its because I watched this really disturbing Elementary last night. Or maybe it because our air conditioner broke. In the middle of summer. Whoopdy fucking doo.

Im going to the American idol end of season tour concert with two of my friends tonight. I've never actually seen an episode of American Idol in my life so I have no idea why im going. I have no idea whos even performing. Oh well I'll live. Somehow.

Again, if anybody knows how to put pictures on the side and stuff now would be a great time to tell me! Thank you!
PLEASE FOLLOW-actually I don't care about this one but it sounds better with three.:)
ANYWAY thanks again for reading!

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