Chapter 19

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"Weak willed." Cynthia said. "That's what you are. Your starting over without a mark lasted, like, what? 10 hours?"
"Shut up." Allie said, looking around the restaurant for any sign of Sydney. It was Allie's 18th birthday, and Sydney and Cynthia were taking her out for brunch. They had invited Marida, but she had immediately declined. "Anyway, you are no better! Marcos marked you in, like, five minutes." Cynthia just sighed dreamily.
"He's so wonderful, isn't he?" She said, ever so happy.
"Whipped." Allie coughed.
"Shut up! I am not!" Cyn whined.
"Yes you are." She grinned.
"You have to agree with me, I'm the birthday girl." Allie stuck out her tongue. Cynthia laughed.
"Real mature, right there, real mature." She said. Allie was about to make some witty reply, when a voice stopped her.
"Not arguing now are we?" Sydney plopped into her chair. "You just can't function without me."
"Sydney!" Allie squealed. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!"
"Um, you haven't?" Sydney said. "Hello? You were playing hooky or doing who knows what the first two days of school! And we have zero classes together. And you have so much to tell me! Cyn tells me you both have new boyfriends? And this new look is ah-mazing. I love it. It's like sexy goth-but-not princess thing. And you are eating again, I see. Good." She said it all very fast, and Cynthia and Allie both laughed. But they knew they would not be able to answer most of the questions, they knew Sydney wanted to ask, truthfully.
"You make my life sound interesting Sydney." Allie said. "But the only new important thing is our boyfriends."
"Oh yeah, aren't they twins?" Sydney said. "I think I've seen them around school. Hot as Hell."
"Don't let them hear you say that!" Cynthia laughed. "They have big enough egos already."
"Mm. Yes." A weird look passed Sydney's face. "Speaking of boyfriends. I saw someone yesterday you might want to know about."
"Justin." Cynthia and Allie said at the same time.
"What if it had been, like, Channing Tatum or something?" Sydney said, annoyed that they had known.
"Not even in the same league." Allie waved her hand dismissively. "So what happened?"
"He was asking questions about you!" Sydney shook her head.
"Where she is, how she is, if she talks about him, if she misses him, if she was dating anyone else?" Cynthia asked. Sydney looked confused.
"Nooo. Those are creepy, stalker questions though." She sighed. "He stopped me at the grocery store, and I almost punched him in the face immediately, except we were in a public place. He asked: where you were staying, if I'd heard from you, and if I'd seen you since the summer. So I, naturally, told him to go fuck himself, and then I left without buying anything." Cynthia turned to Allison.
"He's trying hard to find you. Breaking up with him over the phone was probably the smartest thing you have ever done." Allie bit her lip, then shook her head.
"I can take care of myself now." She said in a clear voice. "I'd actually like to see him try and hurt me."


Allie was in a carefree mood when she pulled up to Seth's house.
"He's in his office." Aviva said, as soon as she walked in.
"How do you know I wasn't here to see you?" Allie asked. Aviva smirked.
"I have good instincts." She replied. Allie just smiled, and made her way back to Seth's Alpha office. His back was facing her when she walked in. She surveyed the room.
"It's a mess in here." She observed.
"My father left it a mess, so don't blame me." He turned to face her. "Happy Birthday, baby!" She smiled, and made her way through the mess towards him. He planted a soft kiss on her lips, before pulling away and taking a small box out of his pocket.
"I got you this." He handed it to her. She eyed it warily.
"That better not be a ring." She said. He laughed.
"Not yet. Just open it." She slowly opened it, and gasped. It was a beautiful gold locket. It was heart shaped, and had a lovely design of diamonds covering it. She opened it, and there was a small picture of her and Seth together. It was a truly wonderful gift.
"Oh, Seth." She whispered. "It's beautiful. I love it." She saw relief fill his features.
"It isn't as beautiful as you." He whispered. She looked up into his eyes, and kissed him on the lips. He responded back enthusiastically, pushing her up against his desk.
"What a cheesy thing to say." She mumbled against his lips. But she enjoyed every single moment of it. As they kissed, he fastened the locket around her neck. It laid there perfectly.
Just as they were about to let things go too far, the phone on his desk rang.
He groaned and pushed himself off of her.
"Hello?" He paused as the person on the other end answered. "Yes. Uh-huh. Why on earth...?"
Allie was distracted from Seth's phone conversation when her phone buzzed. She frowned. It was a picture message from an unknown number. She slid to unlock it.
Her heart stopped.
She let out a small cry and felt the the phone slide from her hand. It hit the ground with a small thump, and did not break. She covered her mouth with her hand, and felt her eyes water. She had changed her number, how had he gotten it?
"Excuse me, I have to go." She heard Seth say, he sounded far away, but she couldn't take her eyes off of her phone on the ground. It was a picture from that night, the one when Justin had gotten mad at her for dancing at the club. The night when he...
She was not awake in the picture. She was only wearing her black bra and underwear. She had a slash down the side of her cheek, one down her arm, and in between her legs was bleeding. Under the picture, it said:

Happy Birthday, love.
I expect to be seeing you again soon.

She saw Seth bend down and pick up the phone. She watched fearfully for his re-action. He stared at it for a few seconds. Then his eyes darkened to an almost black. He started to shake.
"What the fuck is this?" He said in a low, dangerous voice. His question brought her back to the present, and out of the past. She felt a tear run down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away, and if she had been thinking clearly, she would of noticed that it was not black. It was a normal, human tear. She felt her body shake with sobs she was trying to hold back.
"It's nothing, Seth. Give it back." She choked out. She wasn't ready to tell him yet. She didn't want him to think she was weak. He didn't move.
"Who sent this?" He yelled angrily. His eyes were turning darker by the second. If that was even possible.
"It doesn't matter. Seth, please, give it back." She felt more tears stream down her cheeks.
"It matters, Allie. It matters." He hissed. "Tell me, so I can kill them." The hand that was holding the phone was shaking so badly, she could barely see it.
"I don't know. It doesn't matter." She sobbed into her hands.
"You don't know? He knows when your birthday is. You know him. Tell me!" He said in his Alpha tone. It had no effect on her.
"J-just give it back Seth." She said weakly. "It was a long time ago. It doesn't matter."
"STOP SAYING IT DOESN'T MATTER!" Seth yelled. "It matters to me. Somebody hurt you! MY mate! MY Luna! They deserve to pay."
"I SAY IT DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE IT DOESN'T!" Allie screamed back. "It was a long time ago! I was a different person, back then. It was another era, for me. And I don't like being reminded of it, and I don't like talking about it! Why do you think I sleep over here every time Royce is out? Just so I can have sex with you? If that was the case, I wouldn't only come when Royce was out. I come over here for the simple reason that I am afraid to sleep alone. I'M AFRAID TO BE ALONE.**Do you know how fucked up that is? How fucked up I am? Pretty fucking fucked up is the answer. And it's all because of the person who took that picture." She paused, breathing heavily. "But it was a long time ago. So it doesn't matter. But the memory of it isn't gone. In fact, it's heightened, when I talk about it, so I don't. Because, as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter."
And with that, Allie ran out of the room, the locket bouncing against her chest.
She heard her phone shatter as it hit the wall of his office. She didn't care. She wouldn't have been able to look at it the same way ever again.
**I got this idea from the HBO series The Newsroom. This woman goes to Africa on a thing for the news show, and they are at an orphanage when they hear shots. Some Cattle Stealers were shooting at the orphanage and so they had to evacuate. One of the kids was on her back, and he got shot from a bullet that was meant for her. He was like 7. So now shes really fucked up, and goes every night and sleeps around because she is afraid to be alone. So thats where I got that idea. Just thought I should say that in case anyone thought that was an original idea cuz its not.

Guys, you gotta comment. I have gotten like none on the last two chapters. I like comments. I like to see what you think about my story, and yeah. HELLO? I SAID PLEASE LAST CHAPTER. THAT MEANS YOU HAVE TO DO IT. lol

I hate my science teacher. I really do. I might have already said this, but I really do. She grades in this special way that is really horrible so you either get a 100 or you fail. No in betweens. So if you don't get everything right and perfect, YOU FAIL. I hate her.

I watched Mulan over the weekend. I felt bad for laughing out loud at a G rated movie, but it was fucking hilarious. Now all the songs are stuck in my head, though.

-we must be swift as the coursing river
with all the force of a great typhoon
with all the strength of a raging fire
mysterious as the dark side of the mooooooon!-

So I would put a picture of the locket on the side, if I knew how. I'm trying so you should check to see if I got it, but the likelihood is that I wont be able to figure it out, but I'm going to try.

Thank you so much for reading!!! I hoped you liked this chapter!! I have a ridiculous number of reads. So thank you again! I love you all!!

Rock, Paper, Scissors- completedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora