Chapter 11

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"I hate this school. I absolutely hate it." Allie told Royce in a huffy tone. It was the first day of Senior Year. And Allie hated snobby Richton Hills Prep school with a passion.
"Yup." Royce said in a tired tone. "So did I." He shoveled some cereal into his mouth. He hadn't had to wake up early, but he didn't want to leave Allie alone for a second around their father. Thomas was reading the paper at the kitchen table. He looked over at Royce and frowned.
"That is an extremely ungrateful thing to say." He said sternly. "Richton Hills is one of the nicest schools in this town, and you both are complaining about it. It certainly would of helped you get into college if you had actually went." Royce turned to look at his father. He just glared at him, before turning back to Allie. Ever since the first day, Royce had successfully managed not to talk to Thomas at all.
"You should go, you're going to be late." He said, just as their mother came in.
"Is it the first day of school already?" She said. "I thought you would have dyed your hair back by now. You look so...goth." She sniffed.
"Thanks, Jane. But it's really none of your business." Allison smiled. "Well. Got to go. See you." She said before rushing out to her Prius. What a bitch her mother was. Allison had told her family that she had been dying her hair, and that her eyes probably just felt like being less hazel and more green. Which was stupid, but whatever.
She had changed so much over the summer. Her hair was now pure black, except for one streak near the front which was blonde. Marida couldn't explain the blonde streak, but it was there. Allison'a eyes were a pure emerald green and she loved them. She wondered how her other friends other than Cynthia would re-act. She had not seen any of them over the summer, because she had been too busy learning.
Cynthia had changed as well. Marida had been teaching her little things all summer. Cynthia's ends of her blonde hair were black, and her brown eyes were now hazel. But Marida said that was all that was going to happen.
Allison pulled into the parking lot at the same time as Cyn's bright red convertible. They walked into school together.
Allie was surprised to see that most people recognized her. A friend of hers was leaning against her locker. He looked her up and down.
"Damn girl." John said. "You look sexy. I could never pull that off!" John was beyond gay. He was great.
"Well thank you, love." She answered as she watched Delilah skip over to them.
"Oh here we go." Sighed Cynthia.
"Hi guys!" Delilah squealed. "You look different." She said squinting at Allie and Cyn.
"Duh." John said.
"Well whatever." Delilah shrugged. "I did something horrible over the summer. I had... You know." They all stared at her.
"" Cyn said.
"Shh! Don't say that word out loud!" Delilah squealed. John gaped at her.
"All right! I'm done. There's only so much of her I can take." He said in a disgusted tone, before walking away.
"Seriously, Delilah." Allison said, trying to keep a straight face. "Now that you have damaged goods, don't you think you can be a little more normal." Cynthia burst out laughing. But soon stopped when a voice interrupted them.
"Under all that black, is that Allleeeson?" An annoying voice said. Allison turned around, and forced a smile on her face.
"Emma! How un-lovely to see you again." Emma and her stupid friends were Allison's and her friends greatest frenamies. They totally hated each other. But as the two most popular groups in the grade, they still had fun together. When they weren't at each other's throats.
"Ugh. No need to be rude, Allleeeson." Emma rolled her eyes. "You may look awesome now, but I bet I can sleep with one of the new kids before you do."
"You don't have to prove to me that you're a slut. I already knew that." Allie said. "Wait. New kids?" Emma rolled her eyes, and smirked, she knew things that Allie didn't.
"Um, yeah." She said. "New kids. Our school, like adopted then. Their school, like, burnt down in the middle of the summer. It's tragic really. It wasn't as nice as our school. I mean, I wouldn't give them a second thought, but all the guys are, like, super hot. Look! There's one now." Emma pointed to a locker near by, where a boy was. Allie's stomach dropped.
"Jake?" He turned quickly, and stared at her. His jaw dropped.
"Holy Hell." He sputtered. "Luna?"
"What are you talking about?" Delilah said in a whiny tone. "Her names Allison." Jake blinked at her.
"Right..." Then he turned back to Allie. "What are you doing here?"
"Um. I go here?" She said. "It was your school that burnt down?" He shrugged.
"It exploded, but that's not the point-" a voice interrupted them.
"Jake. Jake. Jake." A girl about a year younger than them ran up to them. She looked familiar, but Allie had never seen her before.
"Aviva. Aviva. Aviva." Jake said back. "What?"
"You will not believe what Marcos just did!" Aviva squealed. Jake looked at her warily.
"I'm sure I will. What did he do this time?" Jake sighed.
"He-" And then she stopped. "Who are you?" She said, surprised. Like she hadn't seen them all there before.
"This, Aviva," Jake said. "Is Allison." Aviva stared at her in wonder. Then she started jumping up and down.
"Really?" She squealed. "Oh! I have heard so much about you! Oh my gosh! I have so wanted to meet you!" Then she gasped. "Does Seth know yet? Oh my god, he is going to kill us for keeping it from him. Literally. I really must go!" And then she dashed off. Everyone stared after her with wide eyes.
"Mental, that one." Cynthia remarked.
"She's Seth's sister." Jake said curtly. Allie felt her stomach drop another couple of notches at his name.
"He's not here, is he?" She whispered. But the answer came to her a second later, when the door to the hall opened, and Seth himself walked in.

(A/N I was thinking of ending it her so it was like a cliff hanger, but I'm trying to make my chapters longer so....)

Their eyes connected, and his widened in surprise. Jake must of, like, sensed his presence, because he turned around, and then quickly got out of the way. Seth looked like he was battling with himself. And then he loosened up, and he crossed over to her in less than a second. They said nothing. Nobody said anything. Her friends were just looking confused, and Jake was looking slightly scared. Seth looked Allie up and down.
"I've missed you." He said in low voice, his eyes flickering to the moon shaped mark on her neck. He took another step towards her.
"You could of found me. You could of tried." She said bitterly. She stepped back into the lockers. He stepped forward again, and put his hands on either side of her head. Trapping her there.
"I couldn't have." He whispered. Him being so close to her was making her feel faint.
"I know." She whispered back. His lips were only inches away from hers. "I was just saying that." And then he was kissing her. It was amazing. She tangled her hands in his hair, and wrapped her legs around his waist. His strong arms held her there.
"Ew." She heard Emma say. "PDA." They broke apart, and he set her back on the ground. His lips brushed her ear.
"Your shorts are too short." He whispered. She pulled away from him.
"That's why their called shorts, dickwad." She snapped, picking up her backpack. A number of emotions were ripping through her like wildfire, and she wasn't sure she could cope with everything right now. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for Math." And then she ran off. In the totally wrong direction, 20 minutes early.
Well yay Seth's back. I am gonna do his pov next chapter to see how he broke the command.

I am really pissed at the moment. Today is the last day of summer. Northerners are so lucky, they don't go back until September. I cant believe I'm starting tomorrow. The summer was too fast, and I am not ready for all the hard work. I am not ready to wake up at 6:15 in the morning and I am just not ready for school. Just no. I just can't. Like, FML.

So I have over 1.7 k reads, and when I started this story, I was not expecting more then like 300. So I'm pretty happy right now. Oh, and all the comments have been really nice! I love you guys so much! Thank you!

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