Chapter 4

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Knock. Knock, knock.
An annoying knocking sound woke Allie up from her peaceful sleep. What the fuck? She turned to tell Seth to open the door.
He wasn't there. There was nobody in the hotel room but her. The door pushed open. There was a woman, no she looked more Allie's age at the door. She was holding a trey filled with breakfast food. Oh. Fucking room service. She turned to look at Seth's side again. And then she noticed the note. She scowled to herself. Probably a Thank You for the great fuck last night! We are never going to see eachother again! Yay! Well fuck him.
She turned back to the woman who was standing in the door awkwardly.
"Oh. I dont want that. I've lost my appetite." The woman just stared at her. "Um. I don't want that." Nothing. Just stared. She looked thin. Thinner than Allie, and Allie didn't eat. "You can have it if you want?" Still nothing. She just stood there "I don't eat!" Allie shouted. "Im anorexic!" This woman obviously didn't speak english. This was okay, because Allie didn't just randomly let people know she was anorexic. That would be weird. So how did she communicate with this woman? And then, the words simply fell into her mouth.
"Lo siento. Pero yo no quiero eso. Me gustaría que usted tenga en su lugar, ¿de acuerdo?" What the hell? Did she just speak in Spanish? She took French. The woman nodded solemnly, before backing out of the room. Leaving Allie alone with her depressing thoughts. She got slowly out of the soft king sized bed, and made her way over to the gigantic bathroom, with a jacuzzi. Fuck, this hotel was nice. She stared at herself in the mirror. There was a mark on her neck. Not a hickey. A mark. She poked it with her finger. Shooting pain raced through her body, causing her to gasp. And then, all the details of the night before came crashing back. And her heart started to ache. She remembered everything now. From the snake tattoo that wrapped around his left arm, to the words he had whispered to her, telling her that he'd never let her go. And she'd been stupid enough to believe him. They hadn't just done the nasty last night. They had talked too. He had told her all about werewolves, and witches. And for those couple shining hours, she had let herself believe in the impossible. That there was another world out there. But there wasn't. It had all obviously been bull fucking shit. Because if what he had said was true, he would still be here. He wouldn't of left. Because he had said they were like soul mates. In-sepperable. And they would be together even after their lives had ended. But it had all been a lie.
She stared back into the mirror. At the weird thing on her neck. An Alpha's mark, he had called it. She remembered now. He had bit her. Which was fucking weird. But she hadn't thought so at the time. How the hell had he bit her? And why hadn't it hurt? She shook all the misgivings out of her head. She was being stupid. No fucking supernatural things existed. No fucking werewolves. No fucking witches. And. No. Fucking. Mates.
She needed to get out of here. It was embarrassing to stay. Usually she was the one doing the leaving. Or, that was how it had been before she started dating Justin. Was she losing her touch?
She quickly showered and put her clothes back on. Then, she sat on the bed and sighed heavily. Something crinkled under her. The note. She picked it up, and feeling stupid, opened it.

I had to figure some shit out
Marida can help you.
215 Victory Lane

Allie stared at the note in shock. He didn't even bother saying Thank You! It was I needed to clear my head shit. And who the fucking hell was Marida? And the address? What was that all about? Weird. Should she go? She had nothing to do today. So why not? She had never been a really coucious person, if she had she wouldn't have done half the things she did everyday. But she wanted to leave this whole terrible ordeal behind her. So shouldn't she tie up the last loose end? She wondered if anybody was looking for her. Probably not. Her mom was probably out with her flavor of the week. And she hadn't seen her Dad in two years. He was always doing business shit on his visitation weeks.
So, why not go?
Ugh. I am extremely stressed right now. My wattpad is breaking, i cant get more stories anymore some fucked up reason. My schedule came out for school today, and it is horrible. They fucked everything up. See we have this thing that we can request what semester our classes are in and they totally didn't listen to mine. I know that sounds really bratty, because who the hell cares what semester the class is on right? Wrong. It changes what teachers you get. So now I have this really horrible teacher for Advanced Art when I could have the really good teacher in the Spring! I can change my schedule, by complaining but then it will fuck up the rest of my schedule. Oh and I have like no classes with most of my friends so thats just another stressful thing to think about. Oh! AND i have science- where we will be dissecting things this year- RIGHT AFTER LUNCH whos brilliant idea was that? Im gonna throw up like every fucking day! So yeah. Im really stressed and annoyed. Soooo, thanks for letting me rant.

Oh and by the way this takes place in North Carolina.

Thank you so much for reading! Please comment! Please vote ! It would mean the world to me!
Luv ya!

if anyone knows how to put those pictures and videos up on the side and stuff it would be great if you could tell me. Cuse I have no idea THANK YOU!

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