Chapter 10

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Allie knocked on Cyn's front door hopefully. She better be home. Sydney was only a couple blocks away, but Sydney wasn't as understanding as Cyn. She had another friend that lived near here, but Delilah was, no offense to her, a prude. She was still a virgin, and you couldn't say a bad word in her presence with out her getting mad. Or make a dirty joke. All in all, Delilah was boring to hang out with if you were alone. Luckily for Allie, Cynthia opened the door. She looked extremely surprised. Allie was this close to crying, as she thought about all that had happened in the past week, and her father. She burst into tears, and rushed her arms.
"Shh. It's okay. What happened?" Cynthia cooed, as she led Allie to her living room. They sat down on the couch, and Allie raised her head from her hands. Cynthia gasped, and blanched.
"Dude! You're crying black!" She whispered.
"What?" Allie caught a tear on her finger. It was not water. It had the consistency of water, but it looked like oil. "Oh, yes." She said nonchalantly. Marida has told her about this. As soon as the tears left her eyes, they turned black. "Yes, that'll happen." Cynthia just shook her head.
"So explain why you are crying. And somewhere in this explanation, explain why you are crying black." Allie nodded.


"Woah." Cynthia said at the end of her story, which had consisted of what Allie had neglected to tell her about her father years ago, all the way to the life changing events of the past week, to seeing her father earlier this morning. "Woah." Cynthia said again. "I totally take back what I said last month." She said. "I'd totally sleep with your brother. He's like fucking superman." Allie laughed.
"That's an overstatement, but, yeah, he's pretty awesome." She smiled. "But you aren't, like, freaked out about me being a witch, or werewolves being real?" Cynthia just shrugged.
"I always knew there was something wacky about you. And werewolves don't seem that bad, so what's there to be freaked about?" Allie stared at her.
"I don't know, I was pretty freaked out." She said.
"Yeah, but you also didn't believe it at all. But, I just saw you cry black, so... You know." She sighed, then perked up as an idea hit her. "Can I meet Marida? She sounds, like, totally awesome." Allie disagreed. Over the last week, Allie found out that Marida didn't like anybody or anything. After the first day, she had not opened up at all, and had been strictly business. No friendship allowed. Allie thought it would be hilarious to introduce her to happy and carefree Cynthia. Marida would probably stump Cynthia's friendly ways, and vice versa.
"Okey dokey." She said to Cyn. "But just remember, you asked for it." She decided to try to do that mind talking thing Marida had been trying to teach her.
'Oh. Good job. You did it. Now where are you? You're quite late.' Ha! She had done it. She put her guard up so Marida wouldn't know what she was thinking.
'Yeah. Some stuff came up. Meet me for lunch?' There was silence for a moment.
'I haven't been out to lunch in forever." Marida observed. Allie doubted she had been out, not since Eliza was killed.
'Yeah. Exactly. Come on. We'll go to The Café. See you in 15 minutes.' Then she cut it off, before Marida could object. She turned to Cynthia who had been looking at her weirdly for the whole of her mental conversation.
"Come on then." She smiled. Cynthia just rolled her eyes and followed after her.
"Marida!" Allison called, trying to get her attention. She saw Marida's eyes glance briefly at her, before turning her attention back to the hostess, who seemed to be refusing to let her by. The hostess must be a werewolf.
"Why isn't she coming over?" Cynthia wondered.
"It looks like the hostess is holding her up." Allison couldn't hear what was being said, but she could see Marida start to lose her patience with the woman. Uh-oh. Time to intervene. She made her way over.
"Our restaurant is not open for you." The hostess told Marida, ice in her voice.
"Look," Marida said through gritted teeth. "I'm meeting someone, and if you don't let me through-" Allison caught her off.
"Oh. I'm so sorry. I didn't tell you. Marida is with me." She said flipping her hair back, displaying her Alpha's Mark. The hostess bowed her head.
"Of course, Luna. My apologies." And she moved out of the way. Allie knew she had this kind of power. Marida had explained it to her. Luna was not a name, it was a title. The title for the Alpha's mate, and the leader of the pack. Lunas were respected everywhere, and held almost as much power as the Alpha.
"What a bitch." Marida grumbled as they walked towards the table.
"Literally." Laughed Allie, and she turned back to look at the hostess, which of course made her run into someone.
"Oh my gosh!" She gasped. " I'm so sorry. That was totally my fault." She turned to look at the person who she had ran into. He laughed.
"Oh, no, Luna, it was mine." He smiled. A jolt of recognition went through her.
"Hey! I know you from some where!" Did I ever sleep with him? Ew, how much of a slut am I? She worried to herself.
No. She remembered now. He had been at that fateful party with Seth. The one who looked about ready to kill her. But he looked so friendly now... "You were at that party!" He nodded and smiled. He stuck out his hand.
"I'm Jake. Seth's beta." She shook it.
"I'm-" But he cut her off.
"Allison, I know. You're all Seth ever talks about." Something flashed across his eyes. "When he does talk, that is." She narrowed her eyes at him. She didn't like talking about Seth.
"Well you can tell him from me that he's a dick." She huffed.
"What? Why?" Jake said, surprise clouding his features. Weird he didn't know.
"Um, because he left me?" She said. Jake looked even more confused.
"He didn't leave you. He was just telling the Alpha about you. He was going to come back but then..." His voice trailed off.
"But then?" Allie said, interested in spite of herself.
"But then the Alpha ordered him to stay away from you in till they came to a decision about who the Alpha title was going to go to." Jake shrugged. Seth had told her that you couldn't break an Alpha command.
"But I thought Seth was getting it?" That's what made her Luna, after all. Jake nodded.
"But the Alpha now really hates witches. He wants to give it to Seth's twin brother, but Marcos doesn't want it." Jake shrugged. "It's complicated. Seth is so pissed, he's been going crazy not seeing you. Seriously. He's going crazy." Allie frowned.
"Why does Seth's dad hate witches so much?"
"I'm not sure if I can..." Jake trailed off again.
"Seth's mom- the Alpha's mate- was killed by witches." Marida said in a matter of fact tone. Jake and Allie jumped. They had forgotten she was there. "Now can we please go. Your friend that you didn't tell me about is wondering what is going on."
"Oh. Yes." Allie said faintly, struck by this new information. "Well, it was nice to meet you, Jake." He was glaring at Marida, but he nodded quickly as they walked back to the table.
"What was going on there?" Cynthia asked.
"Just finding out a few things." Allie shrugged. Cynthia nodded, and turned to Marida who was looking her up and down. They were quiet for a few moments.
"I like you." Marida said finally. Allie gaped at her. "I like you. You have this weird spark that I've never seen from a human before. You want to get out if this town just as much Allie does. And by the way, the answer is yes. I can teach you some things. Not a lot, because you are human, but some simple things."
"Really?" Cynthia squealed. "Awesome!" Marida's read on Cynthia brought back Allie's memory back to when Marida had said she had known everything about her.
"Marida?" Allie started.
"Why did you leave out my father?"
"What?" Marida looked confused.
"When we met. You didn't say anything about my father. All you said was that he and my mother were split, and I hadn't seen him in a while. And that was it. Why did you leave the rest out?" Allie said.
"What rest?" Marida looked troubled. "I said everything I got from you. Just in less detail. Whatever you are talking about, you must of accidentally blocked me out." Allie shook her head.
"No, then I would of blocked the rest of it out too. With Justin and stuff." It didn't make any sense. Then Cynthia spoke up.
"It isn't the same thing." She said.
"What?" Marida and Allie said at the same time.
"There is a difference between someone you know being horrible, and someone who is supposed to love you being horrible. Someone from your family. It makes you ashamed. So you work harder to pretend it isn't happening." That made since. Sort of. Allie shrugged.
"Well if you are learning witchcraft too, this is going to be one crazy summer."
Sorry it took longer than usual an that it is kind of a spread out messy chapter. I'm kind of distracted right now, my cousins are at my house right now, and they are crazy. Seriously.

I just want to let you know that I probably won't be updating quite as frequently. School starts again on Tuesday. Yay. Not. But I am not going to be that slow updating. I doubt it will be more than a couple days in between.

Thank you so much for over 1K reads!!! When I saw that I was like: WTF! So yeeess thank you so much!!!!!!

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