Chapter 2

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"Oh, look at that one! He is like super hot." Cyn and Sydney were already in full party mode. They were now looking everywhere for somebody to flirt with.
But Allie could not shake off the feeling that someone was watching her. As Cyn and Sydney continued to talk, Allie couldn't help but look over her shoulder. And she was right. About 20 feet away, a boy about their age was staring at her. No, not staring. He was full on glaring at her. He had so much hate in his eyes. But she had never even seen him before. How could he be staring at her like that? What had she ever done to him? As soon as she met his hate-filled gaze he turned, and disappeared into the crowd. Allie shuddered inwardly. Whoever that guy was, she hoped she never saw him again. Ugh. She needed a drink.

The party was okay. He had seen it all before. It was nothing new. The same people, the same alcohol, the same songs. The only reason he came to these stupid parties was because his asshole of a father said he might find his mate at one of them. But Seth doubted that would happen. So did Sean, his wolf.
'Lets ditch' Sean whispered. 'I wanna run.' Seth mentally rolled his eyes.
'Shut up' He hated talking to his wolf in public. That was like talking to yourself when you had people standing right there. It was weird. Even though he was going to be alpha soon, he didn't want to be weird.
Seth was distracted from his thoughts suddenly, when his beta, Jake, walked up to him. Jake looked pissed.
"There's a witch here." He hissed under his breath. Seth straightened up. Finally, something interesting.
"Where?" He almost yelled. "She needs to leave. At once." He knew they would have no chance against a witch. So they usually just got them to get the hell off their territory. Marida was the only exception. Jake nodded, and led the way.
She was leaning against the bar, her back to them. Just talking to friends, who were obviously human. Even from the back, you could tell she was beautiful. Although a bit too thin. She had brown wavy hair, that fell down her back. Wait. What? All the witches he knew of had black hair. All of them. Even the good ones. Black hair. Bright green eyes. And the evil ones. Black hair. All black eyes, no iris, no whites. Evil ones were creepy as hell. With their taloned hands and... Seth shuddered.
"She doesn't look like a witch." Seth told Jake.
"I know." Jake was confused. "But she is. Maybe she changed her appearance? Can they do that?" Seth shrugged. He had no idea. They stared at the girl intently. Her shoulders tensed like she knew she was being watched. She turned around. And their eyes met.
'MATE' Sean screamed in his head. Fuck. He tore his eyes away from her. She was staring at him now. He knew she could feel it. The urge to be with him. The need for it. Seth turned to Jake in shock.
"She's my mate." He said quietly. Jake stared at him in horror.
"B-but but" he stuttered. "But she's a witch!"
"God dammit, Jake. I know that." He sighed.
"Alpha's going to be so mad." Groaned Jake.
"Don't you dare tell him." Growled Seth. He wasn't in the mood for his father to know about this. He would explode. "I'm gonna talk to her." He sighed, and walked over to her. She was alone now, nursing a drink. She turned to face him, as if she knew he was coming. His wolf was was screaming for him to take her. Mark her.
'Shut the fuck up!' He mentally yelled.
"Hello, gorgeous." He said in a low voice. Her eyes swept him.
"Same goes for you." She smirked. He raised his eyebrows.
"I'm not gorgeous. I'm ruggedly handsome." He said, but he was surprised. She didn't know what he was. Or was it just an act?
"So, is there a particular reason you came over here? Or was it just to say how good you looked?" She said. He decided to just do it. Why the hell not, right?
"I was just wondering..." He smirked at her. "If you knew that you were a witch?"
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