Chapter 35

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Last chapter!!!!!
But there will be an epilogue

Switches perspective a lot.


"You left him at the altar?" Allie gasped again.
"That's cold." Brent nodded.
"Okay, who even are you?" Marida snapped.
"He's my partner in crime." Ryan said, his arm around Aviva. "Well, my partner in fighting it." He looked confused for a second. "He's my Politiet Partner. And my room mate."
"Off topic." Cora said, looking amused.
"Cora, you're not helping." Sam said unhappily.
"I'm not trying to help you. I think its time that you actually talked about this." Cora replied.
"Talk about what?" Sam snarled. "It already happened, what's there to talk about?"
"Why don't you start from the beginning?" Cynthia suggested.
"No." Sam hissed. "We are not doing this in front of everyone." Allie decided she liked the silent yet strong Sam better than the angry one. Everyone was silent, waiting for someone to break the silence.
And then Marida did, but said the completely wrong thing.
"Where's Lillian?" She said, looking at Cora.
"She's dead." Sam said harshly. Allie felt a pang of pain, thinking about the young girl.
"Oh." Marida said quietly, her voice cracking.
"Who's Lillian?" Jake whispered to Cora.
"My little sister." Cora said.
"I'm sorry." Jake meant it.
Another awkward silence ensued.
"They met at the park." Cora said. Both Marida and Sam's heads snapped towards her. "On a bench, by the stream. Its also where he proposed."
Everyone listened intently.
"They we're happy, so everyone was confused when she left. But nobody knew about the fight the night before, although it did end up okay. But then when she got to the altar, she, well, didn't say it."
It was a stupid fight." Marida interrupted. (A/N lol Somebody I Used to Know just came on my Pandora)"I don't even remember what it was about. But that wasn't why I left. I almost lost control again, after I had fought so hard not to, I almost lost my control over something stupid like....bedroom drapes? What the fuck is wrong with me? After that, I realized I was still a danger to everyone around me."
"We're vampires!" Sam shouted. "We could overpower you until you calmed down!"
"But what if I wasn't around you!" Marida said helplessly.
"You're just as likely to be around non-vampires as you would be when you left." Sam said flatly.
"You don't think I don't know that now?" Marida snapped. "I've thought about my stupid reason for leaving every single fucking day. I was stressing out, and thinking of worse case scenarios, and being stupid. I wanted to come back the minute I left! But I didn't because I thought you hated me!"
"I do." Sam said coldly. And he stood up, and walked out of the room.


"I can't believe you're leaving, man." Brent groaned, watching Ryan pack his bags. "You've only been here a year!"
"I know but I need to be with her." Ryan answered, unable to think of anything but Aviva.
Brent rolled his eyes. He didn't understand.
"Well, why can't she move here?" Brent grumbled. Ryan knew she probably would if he asked her.
"First of all, I would never ask her to do that. All her family is in North Carolina. I couldn't ask her to separate from them. Second of all, I don't...really like Denmark." It was true, he didn't. He liked America. Where most of the time he understood what people were saying. Where he wasn't an outsider. Where he was part of a pack.
Brent's shoulders sagged.
"Now they're gonna assign me some stupid newbie as my partner." He sighed. Ryan patted his shoulder.
"You're still a newbie." He laughed."Anyway, you don't do much, it won't be so bad."

"This is our home." Sam said.
"Maybe its time for a new home." Cora begged.
"Why do you want to leave?" He asked.
"Why do you want to stay?" Cora snapped. "All the happy memories?" Their parents had died her, Marida had left here, they had been captured by Justin here, and Lillian had died here.
"This is our home." Sam said again. Cora shook her head.
"Not anymore." She sighed."I'm going with Jake, Sam."
"You don't know him, he could be horrible." Sam said.
"Allison said he wasn't, and I trust Allison." Cora said. And I already love him. She added silently.
"You don't know her either." Sam protested.
"God, you are just coming up with any excuse, aren't you?" Cora wanted to scream. "Sam, I love you. You're my last family, and I need you. But I need Jake, too. Don't make me choose between the two of you. Please come with us."
Sam sighed heavily.
"Fine. But I won't hesitate to say 'I told you so' when this doesn't work out."
"And I won't hesitate to say it when this does!" Cora smiled. She didn't know what she would do if he didn't come.

Seth stood up quickly from the couch, and crossed to the other side of the empty room.
His eyes were black with anger.
Allison sighed. She knew he would re-act like this. She quickly wrapped up her arm again, covering Justin's red name.
"It'll scar." Seth said in shocked voice, his back towards her. "It'll scar in his name."
"I think that was the intention." Allie said bitterly.
Seth was shaking.
"If he wasn't already dead-"
"You'd kill him. I know." Allie crossed the room towards him, and put her hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down.
"How can somebody be so disgusting? So cruel?" Seth spat out. "How was he able to die so quickly and painlessly? He hurt you, he killed our baby, along with how many other people? He deserved to beg for death."
They were silent for a couple seconds. Allie didn't know what to say.
"Jesus Christ what is taking him so long? I want to go!" Seth burst out, referring to Ryan.
Marcos hurried into the room.
"He's done. Everyone's ready whenever you guys are." Then he left.
"Are you ready to just forget this whole fucking thing?" Allie asked.
"If it's possible, yes." Seth said. "Even though it won't be." Allie shrugged.
"Life goes on. We'll get over it."
God, I'm sorry! I don't want it to end!!!!!!!!!!

That was short wasn't it? I'm sorry, I was trying to wrap it up.
Btw, does anybody know how to complete a story? so that it shows up on the description as completed? If so, please let me know.

I saw Thor the dark world over the weekend.
I can't. I just can't. The ending, just, no. Too amazing.
If you've seen it and love Tom Hiddleston as much as I do, you'd understand.
If you call me a nerd for liking super hero movies, I'll tell you that I actually don't like them at all.
Seriously, I watched Iron man and it was sooooo boring like ew no.
Super hero movies are only good when they have Tom Hiddleston(Loki) in them.
He's just got so much.........swag.
BUT THAT MOVIE no, I'll never get over it. NEVER. The ending UGH I just can't OMG. Too amazing. Too amazing.
If you've seen it, I'm just going to tell you I had an actual mental breakdown at the end.
If you havn't seen it....see it. But see the avengers first.

I cried for the first time in 2 1/2 years today.
The stress of school is, like, no. I never have time for anything anymore. Like this, I'm writing late at night.

I've also self-diagnosed myself with narcolepsy.
The website said that if you had one of the five symptoms you could have it.
I have 3 of the five.
It's either that, or insomnia.
I'm having a really bad week
And it's only Tuesday.
Fuck me.

Well, please read my other book A Girl So Pretty if you want to still hear from me after the epilogue is up!!!!!
That would make my week so much better! !!!!

Thank you so much for reading!!! You guys have been great!!!! After the epilogue, I'm going to shout out a couple loyal readers+commenters in appreciation because I love you guys so much.

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