Chapter 28

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A/N before we start-
I've never been pregnant-duh- so I've never lost a baby, yeah? I know if it just dies, on its own, there aren't much side affects, same with an abortion. But I don't know what happens if someone murders it. But I don't want to search it, cause what if someone saw that! So I'm just gonna,like, make it up


He left the room as soon as he knew it was done. Allie felt numb, although her whole body was pulsing with unbearable pain.
She didn't cry. She was sure Justin would hear her, and showing weakness to him was an unimaginable thought.
She pushed herself up on her knees, and crawled to the bathroom door.
The blood on her hands left a stain on the white door when she pushed it open. She shut the door with her foot.
She crawled her way over to the huge glass shower, and turned it on. She didn't even bother to take off her ruined dress. She didn't even bother to stand up. She didn't even bother to make it warm, and let it out ice cold. She just curled up under the freezing water. And then, and only then, did she let herself cry, because the sound of the water drowned it out.

10 minutes later, sooner than she would have thought, she sat up. The water that was running into the drain was still pink, but it was mostly from the blood that was soaked up by her dress. She peeled the torn dress off, and through it to the side along with her bra and underwear.
She had stopped bleeding. Her body was still torn and bruised, but it was nothing she hadn't seen before. She washed all the remaining blood off, conditioned her hair, and got out, drying herself off with a fluffy towel.
When she looked in the mirror, Allie wasn't surprised. Her face wasn't as bad as she thought it would be, though. A bruise outlined her cheekbone, and there was a shallow scrape on the other, but really, nothing bad. After she blow dried her hair, she stepped back into her room, and gasped.
It was clean. There was not blood smeared across the floor anymore. Someone had cleaned it all up, and laid another dress out for her.
Allison vaguely wondered where they were getting all these beautiful dresses. This one was long, to the floor, but there was a slit in the front, so that when she walked her legs went through. It was made of white silk, strapless, with gold trimmings and a gold belt. There were gold heels to go with it.
She looked good in it, but the material hurt when it brushed against her bruises and cuts.
There was makeup in the bathroom, and Allie planned on using it to hide the bruises. Not from others, but from herself.
And then a horrible scream ripped through the silence. It went on and on and on to Allie. Full of pain. And Allie couldn't ignore it. She kicked of her heels, and ran as fast as the dress would let her towards the sound.
It was coming from the hold. Allie ran past empty cells, towards the end of a stone hallway, and turned to the right.
Another hallway lined with empty cells, but at the end there were 3 figures.
One, Allie didn't recognize. She was lying on the ground with four slash marks running across her body, her stomach, her arms. She was bleeding out. She couldn't be more than 5 years old.
Cora was kneeling next to the girl, trying to stop the blood, but failing miserably.
Sam was standing a couple of feet away, looking stunned, and unable to do anything.
Allie ran up to them, and gazed down at the dying girl for a second. This must be their sister, Lillian.
"Sam!" She turned to Sam. "Do you have a knife?" The stunned look on his face didn't leave as he handed her a pocket knife from his pocket. Allie started to cut her dress mid-thigh length as quickly as she could. Cora reached over to help her, and being a vampire, ripped it easily.
"Okay. Good." Allie said. "Now, rip some, and bandage each wound, as tightly as you can. Then, take two thinner pieces, and just tie one extremely tightly on each side of the wound, to stop most of the blood from flowing to it. Sam! Help!" Sam immediately dropped to his knees, and helped Cora and Allie.
They worked silently until they were done. But, Lillian was still fading fast.
"It isn't enough." Allie said, panicking."She's lost too much blood." Cora started to cry.
"She's going to die." Cora sobbed."She's going to die." She's lost too much blood. Allie thought. And then a realization hit her. Lillian was a vampire, and she had lost too much blood.
Next to Allie's left leg, sat Sam's pocket knife. It was so simple. She picked it up quickly, and put it against the underside of her right wrist, her left had the silver band on it. She slashed it quickly, with her left hand, for less pain.
"What are you doing?" Cora shrieked. But Allie ignored her, and brought her bleeding wrist to Lillian's mouth. She let the blood flow slowly in for a minute or so, and then she got a reaction. Lillian started swallowing. Her eyes flickered open, and Cora started crying again. Sam let out a sigh of relief.
"Stop." Justin's icy voice came from behind them. Sam moved in front of Cora and Lillian. Allie balled up her fist, so the blood would flow faster. Her head started to pound. "Stop." Justin said again. And walked over to Allie, and jerked her to her feet. Lillian let out a small whimper as her blood source dissapeared. Justin let go of Allie. "Come with me." He snapped. Allie hesitated, then turned to Cora and Sam.
"She'll recover, just be careful with her." And then she hurried after Justin, holding onto her wrist to stop the bleeding. they entered a large empty room, that Justin quickly locked the door of. Allie turned away from him before she spoke.
"Were you born without a heart, or did you have it surgically removed when you were young?" She turned back to him to see what he had to say for himself. He just raised his eyebrows, and said nothing. "She's only five. How could you do that? How could you be so cruel?" Justin reached into his pocket, and pulled out...her Ipod. Her eyes widened.
"I told him, that if he disobeyed me. If he hid something from me. If he helped you in anyway, she would pay. And he did, so I kept my promise." Justin sounded like he was doing the honorary thing.
"You almost killed her, because of an Ipod?" Allie spat. "You're sick! I hate you." This was probably not the right thing to say. Justin's eyes darkened with anger. He put the Ipod back in his pocket, and stepped towards her.
"You don't." He growled.
"Yes, I do. I hate you. Rot in Hell." He moved so fast, how could someone move so fast? He slammed her against the wall. She groaned as her head hit.
"You don't hate me." He whispered in her ear. "You love me. Say it." She said nothing. "SAY IT." He yelled, she flinched.
"I don't." She said. "I don't love you. I love Seth. I hate you." She flew across the room, into the opposite wall.
It hurt too much to move. She heard him walking over to her. And, then he was straddling her, with her hands pinned above her head. Fuck, he was fast. He leaned down so he was inches away from her face.
"You don't love him. You'll never see him again. You love me." His voice was deadly calm. Allie shook her head vigorously. His hand was on her throat in a millisecond. He tightened, and she gasped for air. Thrashing underneath him. He let her go. "Say it." He said. She felt a tear fall into her hair.
"I-I lo-lo-ve love you." She gasped.
"Good." He growled. And he kissed her, but she kept her mouth tightly closed.
His nails dug into her side, making her gasp in pain. His tongue immediately plunged into her mouth.
She almost gagged in disgust, before biting down hard on his tongue. He jerked back, spitting out blood.
Then he slapped her hard across the face. Her head whipped to the side, and the horrible twinge in her neck told her she got whip lash.
"Get. Off. Me." She gasped. But he leaned down and his lips brushed her ear.
"I would take you right now." He said, and shivered at the thought of any kind of sex with him. Again. "But I won't, because you're still all ugly because of the baby. But soon, Alice, soon." Allie had forgotten he used to call her Alice. She hated that name.
"Don't talk about that like it's my fault!" She hissed up at him. He just laughed as he got up off the ground.
"But it is." He said. "If you hadn't gotten knocked up, it wouldn't have happened." And with that he left the room.
Dickhead. No, Asshole. No. Son of a bitch. No, Son of a fucking bitch dickhead asshole. But that wasn't even enough profanities to describe him. He was beyond the worst of the worst. He would need his own, new, horrible explicit name.



"She isn't here." Marida said flatly, as soon as they stepped off the plane in Ireland.
"She could be!" Argued Marcos, who had been optimistic the whole plane ride over. But Seth had known she wouldn't be here. It was too close to Britain, too obvious.
"No, Marida is right. She's not here." Seth said in an emotionless voice.
"How do you know? We haven't even started to look!" Cynthia said. "We could do that short thing we did in the states!" Seth had had all his wolves sweep North America, looking for her. They were fast, so it hadn't taken long. It had been 30 hours since Allie had dissapeared, and Seth was dying on the inside. Knowing she was in danger, knowing that she needed him, and knowing he could do nothing to help her was worse than Hell.
"No." Seth said again in the same tone."No. She's not here. I can feel it." Marcos and Cynthia nodded in understanding, but Aviva and Jake, who didn't have mates didn't understand still. But they didn't argue.
"Alright." Jake said. "Where nex-" But Seth didn't here the rest, as another voice filled his head.
"I don't love you. I love Seth. I hate you." Allie's pained voice rang through his mind out of nowhere. Where had that come from? Where the fuck was she?
Someone snapped a hand in front of his face.
"Seth? Where next?" Aviva asked. But he didn't answer. I love Seth. I love Seth. It repeated in his mind like a mantra. Her voice over, and over again.
Everyone was staring at him now.
"The Bond of Loyalty and Love." Marida said.
"What?" Everyone said at once.
"Seth heard Allison, right?" Marida stated, and Seth nodded. Cynthia gasped. "Well, he heard her most like because of The Bond of Loyalty and Love. It's a true mate bond, where the pair really loves each other. In a time of need, if one is having an extreme feeling of love and loyalty to the other, he/she will be able to hear them. But only for a short time, so its pointless really."
"How d'you know that? Its about werewolves, and I didn't even know that." Marcos said, bewildered. Marida shrugged.
"I had a book on werewolves. I know everything about every race, it helps you know what you're up against." She said.
"Really?" Jake sounded skeptical. "You know everything about vampires too?"
"Yeah." She sighed heavily. "But I learned everything I know about them from Sam."
"Who's Sam?" Cynthia wondered. Marida got a faraway look in her eyes.
"No one you know." She said.
"Look," Seth snapped. "I don't want to be rude, but I don't really give a fuck about anything but finding Allie, and she's not here. We need to leave." And he turned to get back on the private plane, they had just exited. But nobody complained. They all wanted to find her.
I hate mondays. I think they were created by the devil. They feel like 60 hours long at least.

So, fun stuff happening in the political world, which you probs don't care about, but we might have a government shut down 2 1/2 hours. Isn't that great?

So I read my new favorite book over the weekend. Its called An Abundance of Katherines by John Green its amazing, hilarious, and just absolutely wonderful you should read it. If not, you are more than missing out.


You know how chapter 7 didnt come up? And the summary of it is right above where chapter 12 starts? Well it is if you forgot. It was Marida's story. IT SAID NOTHING ABOUT SAM IN IT. JUST SO YOU KNOW. I thought I should tell you, cause I thought it might or might not confuse people.

Thank you so much for reading. You. Are. Amazing.

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