Chapter 26

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When Allie woke up in the morning, lying next to Seth, the first thing she noticed was what a beautiful day it was. The sun was bright and the sky was clear, blue, and without a single cloud.
A perfect day for a walk.
She felt like she had not exercised in forever, and she would be damned if she would get screwed over by being a fat ass after she had her baby.
She slipped out of the covers silently, and paused for a second, wondering briefly if she should wake Seth up.
No, better let him get his rest. She would leave him a note.
She quickly slipped into some comfortable clothes, put her Ipod in, and set out into the beautiful September Sunday morning.
Seth's locket bounced on her chest, as she walked off briskly through the forest, and to the park, where she planned to walk around the pond.
Allie had yet to take the locket off, and she didn't plan to. It was like a token of their love, until she got a ring, that is. She giggled at the thought.

"You said you don't know me
And you don't even care, oh yeah
Well you said you don't know me
And you don't wear my chains, oh yeah

She said I think I'll go to Boston
I think I'll start a new life
I think I'll start it over
Where no one knows my name

I'll get out of California
I'm tired of the weather
I think I'll get a lover
And fly 'em out to Spain

Oh yeah and I think I'll go to Boston
I think that I was tired
I think I need a new town
To leave this all behind

I think I need a sunrise
I'm tired of Sunset
I hear it's nice in the summer
Some snow would be nice, oh yeah"*

Allie listened to the song intently as she reached the park. It used to be the literal story of her life, but replace Boston with New York. A lot had changed since then. She laughed out loud. Then was only about two weeks ago, and she was pregnant, and thinking about marriage. Ha. She was way too young to get married.
You're too young to be pregnant, yet here you are. Why is marriage so different? A voice in the back of her head said.
Shut up. Allie thought to herself. Shotgun weddings were totally not her thing.
Her parents had gotten a shotgun wedding. And you can see how well that turned out.
Allie turned towards the pond, and marveled at it's beauty, before again letting herself being consumed by her thoughts.
Yesterday, when Seth and her had been in the car driving away from her parent's house, Allie had been fuming. She had been mad at her father, for hitting her mother. She had been mad at Seth for not attacking him, and beating the shit out of her father. And she was mad at herself for not melting Thomas immediately.
Seth, of course, had been the voice of reason, and said she should be thankful that they had left before they did something they would regret later. Well, he said this after he calmed down himself. Before, he had spent 10 minutes ranting about what a horrible man Thomas was, yelling about how he needed to rot in hell after Seth killed him, and then leaving dents in his steering wheel where his hands had gripped too tight.
They had left so that he wouldn't lose control.
Allie sighed to herself at the thought of yesterday. She didn't want to think about her parents ever again, but she knew they would always be there, lurking in the back of her mind.
Allie finished her loop around the pond, and now got to the part where she had to cross a wide stream. As she approached the bridge, she noticed that there was a man standing right in the middle of it. The bridge was too thin for two people, so when she approached him, she couldn't get around.
She cleared her throat pointedly. The man didn't move.
Annoyed, Allie pulled her earphones out, cutting off Ed Sheeren's beautiful voice.
"Excuse me." She said as politely as she could muster. The man turned around slowly. She had never seen him before, but she immediately knew something was wrong with him. He looked pale, and gaunt, like he had neither slept nor ate in days. His dark eyes were full of sorrow, sorrow so deep that it stabbed at her heart.
He had bands if silver around his wrists.
He looked disappointed to see her.
"I'm so sorry." He said, in a guilty, depressed tone, and then he moved so fast, she didn't have time to re-act.
He jammed something hard into her arm, and the most bitter cold spread outward from her arm, followed by a burning hot pain. It hurt too much to scream.
Her world went dark.
"Please forgive me." The man whispered.

Something didn't feel right.
When Marida woke up in the morning, she knew something was wrong.
Something bad was going to happen, but she had no idea what it was.
But when Marida's intuition told her something was going to happen, it always did. When she was 7 years old, she had woken up around 7:00 in the morning, and had screamed and cried at her parents that something horrible was going to happen in New York. It was September 11 2001.
So, Marida knew something was going to happen to Allison. She should warn her.
Marida hurried towards the door, then stopped. She would be too late, because she didn't know where Allison was.
She hurried towards the tiny pond in her backyard.
She ran her hand over the surface, creating the tiniest ripples.
"Allison Oliveria." She murmered. An image slowly appeared in the pond.
Allison was walking up to a man on a bridge. Marida's eyes widened. Allie wasn't a good enough witch to know he was a vampire.
"Excuse me." Allie said to the vampire. And he turned around.
"Sam!" Marida exclaimed out loud, shocked. He had changed so much since she had last seen him, only two years ago. He used to be happy, but there not a tint of happiness on his face now. He looked miserable. Then, Marida saw the silver bands around his wrists. He was a prisoner. What had happened to him, Cora, and Lillian?
"I'm so sorry." He said to Allie. And he plunged a shot into her arm.
Allie collapsed into his arms.
"Please forgive me." Sam whispered. Marida was horrified.
"Oh, Sam. What have you done?" She whispered at the image. He has injected her with silver, that's what he had done.
"Good. I thought you'd never get around to it." A man had walked up behind Sam. Sam straightened up, and glared at the man. Marida gasped when she recognized him. Alpha Justin.
"You are a sick, sick man." Sam said angrily. Justin just laughed.
"Be careful what you say, Sam." Justin grinned. "We don't want dear Lillian to get hurt do we?"
"How dare you threaten Lillian, you stupid Mother Fucker!" Marida shouted at the pond, and swiped her hand into the water, so it hit Justin's face. The image on the surface shattered into a million pieces at her touch. But she didn't care. She was already running.


Marida pounded at Seth's door desperately. It swung open after a minute of relentless knocking.
"Okay, okay. Be patient would y-" Marcos stopped mid-sentence when he saw her. "Since when do you come out of your house?"
"Since right now." She snapped.
"Marcos, babe, whats going on? Is something wrong?" A small, worried voice said from behind them. Cynthia came up to them. She looked horrible. Her hair was sticking up everywhere, she was deathly pale, and she had huge shadows under her eyes.
"No, nothings wrong." Marcos said quickly. " Go back to bed, the pack doctor said you needed your rest. It's just that Marida is here. Nothing to worry about."
"Marida is here!" Cynthia gasped, stepping around Marcos to see her. "Oh, no! Something must be really wrong! Is it Allie? Is she dead?"
"She's not dead." Marida said flatly. "I really need to talk to Seth." Marcos just nodded, looking worried, and stepped out of the way.
Seth was in the kitchen, with Aviva.
"What are you doing here?" They both said at the same time. Aviva sounded much more happy about it than Seth.
"Allie's gone." She said clearly.
"I know." Seth said. "She's on a walk, she left me a note." Marida sighed irritably.
"No. I mean gone." She snapped. "She was on a walk, and now she's not. Justin had her." Seth stared at her.
"No." He shook his head in dis-belief. "How would you know this?"
"I saw it happen." And she told him everything that happened in the pond, purposely leaving out that she knew Sam. By the end, he was shaking. Everyone else in the room was deathly quiet.
"I DID!" She screamed at him. "THAT'S WHY I'M HERE RIGHT NOW!"
"SHUT UP!" Marcos yelled at the top of his lungs. Everyone stared at him. "You're wasting time." He said calmly. "You could be trying to get her back." He turned to Seth. "If I were you, I would get the pack's best trackers, and go to the bridge and fucking find her."

Three hours later, Marida, Aviva, Marcos, and Cynthia were sitting in the living room, waiting for Seth to come back, Cynthia was lying in Marcos's lap, sobbing uncontrollably. 30 minutes ago, Seth had mind-linked Marcos and told him that there was no trail. There was no scent.
There was no trace.
*Boston by Augustana -its a good song.

Sorry it took long. Shit's been happening... One of the holdups was the fact that I do this on my phone and the IOS 7 has been all screwy.
Another one is that this random woman said I was dressed like a slut, and that I was a condescending bitch in the same conversation. She was so stupid. I wasn't even being condescending. I just told her she looked like a vulture and then I asked her if cawing at people about their clothes made her feel more like a vulture than she already was. See? Not condescending. Just bitchy. And I wasn't dressed like a slut, I just had a shirt that fell off my shoulder. If she hadn't come up to me, just to tell me I was a slut, I wouldn't have called her a vulture. Some people, guys, make me lose all my faith in humanity.

I probably won't update until Tuesday, or later, because I have to write another story for school, it'll be really short, like two pages, but its gonna take up my time until Tuesday, when it's due.
Its an extension to the short story, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty." Because we read it in class. It wasn't even good. The only short stories I have ever enjoyed are:
"The Tell-Tale Heart." By Edger Alan Poe. And:
"Lamb for the Slaughter." By Roald Dahl.
We are reading short stories in English in case you didn't notice

Anywho, Nobody commented, on the last chapter. Which isn't really surprising because I thought it was kind of boring. A real filler chapter. But this isn't so YOU SHOULD REALLY COMMENT. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU SHOULD. PLEASE?

So thank you so much for reading. That's pretty cool. You're pretty cool!
I love you do much!

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