Chapter 21

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Justin stared straight into her eyes. He did not look surprised to see her. Allie's nails dug into her palms. She felt anger rise to the top, but she didn't try to fight it. If she killed Justin, who would miss him?
But nothing happened.
A sudden pain deep in her stomach brought her back. She hadn't changed, and Justin wasn't dead. Everyone was staring at her now.
"I'm sorry, what?" She put on a fake smile. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Justin smirking at her.
"We were, just, introducing ourselves." Jake said flatly. She turned and smiled at Justin.
"I am Allison. Luna of this pack. Nice to meet you, Alpha Justin." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Seth looking bewildered. He hadn't said Justin's name.
"Sorry we're late!" Cynthia's voice said from the stairs, and Cynthia and Marcos came down them. Cyn froze on the last step, and her mouth fell open at the sight of Justin.
"Y-" She started.
'Shut up!' Allie screamed at her inside of a mind link. 'Seth doesn't know, and I plan to keep it that way! Don't. Say. Anything.' Cynthia turned to look at Allie, confusion written in her eyes.
She wasn't strong enough to answer back. Things would have to be explained aurally. Cynthia gave her a slight nod, then turned back to Justin, her eyes dark.
"I'm Cynthia, Marcos's mate." She gave him a tight lipped smile, and he just smirked and nodded.
"All right," Allison said. "I'm sure dinner is ready, let's go to the dining room, and you can...discuss things there." She spun on her heel, and started towards the dining room. As soon as she turned away from them, her fake smile slipped into something more like a scowl.
Once they had sat down, all the men together, and Cynthia, Allison, and Aviva sitting next to them, Allie could tell Cyn wanted to talk. Aviva was listening to Seth's conversation, so she deemed it a safe time. She turned to Cynthia, who was sitting next to her.
"What are you-we going to do?" Cynthia said frantically.
"Shhh. Keep it down!" Allie hissed, glancing over her shoulder at them, completely ignoring her food. "And I don't want Seth to know!"
"What, and just let them have a peace treaty with that...thing?" Cynthia whispered. "Why can't he know?" That was a question Allie didn't have the answer to. She didn't know exactly. Something held her back from telling him.
"I don't know! He'll hate me!" She said. Cynthia stared at her.
"Hate you? What the fuck, Allie? Where did that even come from?" She sounded annoyed.
"Cyn. I had sex with his, like, greatest enemy." She said in a defeated voice, as the truth of her own words crashed down on to her."Wouldn't you hate me?"
"It was forced sex, Allie. There's a difference." Cyn said through gritted teeth.
"Not all the time. Not all the time." Allie whispered. Cyn scoffed.
"You only did it willingly because you knew he would force you to anyway. Get your head out of you ass, Allie. You need to tell him." Her voice had risen, and Allie saw Justin's eyes flash to hers. She flinched in spite of herself.
"Shut. Up!" She hissed. "They can hear you."
"What are you two talking about?" Marcos stuck his head in-between the two of them.
"Marcos!" Cyn said, putting a hand on her chest. "You just scared the shit out of me. Why aren't you over there?" She pointed to over where Justin, Seth, and Jake were talking.
"It was boring me." Marcos wrinkled his nose. "So maybe we could go someplace?" He wiggled his eyebrows at Cyn suggestively.
"Ew." Allie muttered under her breath. Cyn glanced at her, looking stressed.
"I don't know..." She looked like she was struggling with herself. She obviously didn't want to leave Allie.
"She would love to." Allie answered for her.
"But-" She started.
"Go." Allie said softly. "I'll be fine." Cynthia bit her lip. "Go. As your Luna, I am ordering you to go have sex with Marcos somewhere."
"Cool." Marcos said. And he and Cynthia left. She looked over to Justin, Seth, Aviva, and Jake. Jake kept checking his watch, and Aviva looked like she was about to die of boredom. Her seat was right next to Seth's. Allie walked over to her.
"You can leave if you want." She whispered in Aviva's ear. She frowned.
"Are you sure you don't need another girl here?" She whispered back.
"Nah, I'm good." Allie said. "You look bored as hell." Aviva laughed.
"Yeah, remind me to never come to a dinner like this again." She said, before getting up and walking away. Allie slid into her seat, ignoring the fact that she was now across from Justin. There was a pause in the conversation.
"Seth, do you want to finish this in the living room? I think everyone's done eating." Allie asked. Seth looked around, as if just realizing half the people were gone.
"Sure." He said, nodding.
"Seth..." Jake started. Seth looked at him.
"Yeah, you can go." He said.
"What?" Allie said, looking at Jake. "You gotta hot date, or something?" He grimaced.
"Something like that." He said as he left.
"He obviously doesn't take his post seriously." Justin said as soon as Jake was out of the room. Allie bristled. And Seth's eyes darkened in anger.
"He obviously has better things to do, than sitting around and talking to you." Allie snapped. Seth coughed to hide his laughter. Justin just raised his eyebrows at her, then turned and made his way to the living room.
"Feisty." Seth smiled at her.
"I don't like him." She tried to say lightly.
"Nobody likes him." Seth shrugged. "That's like his thing." Allie just rolled her eyes, and walked towards the living room with him. "So, picking up where we left off." Seth said to Justin. "You're going home, why?" Allie's head shot up.
"You're going back to Britain?" She said.
"Yes, its where my family is, and it is my home." Justin's black eyes glared at her.
"You're lying." Allie said coldly. She turned to Seth. "He's lying. He's not going back to Britain. He hates Britain. He hates his family." Seth looked shocked.
"How do you know?" He said. Justin smirked.
"Yes, why would you think that?" He asked.
"I-" Allie stuttered. The truth was that she had listened to Justin endlessly complain about both his family and Britain. But she couldn't tell Seth that. "I'm a witch." She said, covering it up quickly. Seth looked at her suspiciously, but before he could say anything there was a crash from upstairs, and a loud scream.
"Alpha! Alpha!" A voice screamed. Seth stiffened.
"Excuse me one moment." And he bolted out of the room.
There was silence for a moment, and then Allie turned to Justin.
"We are never going to have a peace treaty with you." She said, ice in her voice.
"Oh?" Justin said. "And why do you say that, love?"
"I won't let it happen." She said simply. "You don't even want one. Why are you here?" He looked at her, and smirked again.
"I wanted to see you, love." He laughed.
"Well you have, so you can go crawl back into your hole now." She smiled sweetly at him. His eyes darkened in anger.
"My what?" He asked in a low voice. Touchy, touchy, he was. This time she smirked at him.
"Your hidey-hole. Where all the other bastards, assholes, and dicks hide under their better reputations." His eyes were black now, and he was at her side in an instant. But she didn't flinch. And she didn't step back. She looked him cooly in his angry eyes.
"NEVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN." He yelled at her.And then he brought his hand up, and slapped her in the face.
And then she lost it completely. She could feel the hot bubble of anger rising to the surface. How dare he hit her? She could already see herself shattering him into millions of little pieces.
But nothing happened.
Just like before, she didn't change. And a horrible pain in her stomach brought her back to reality. Cynthia was screaming in her face. Where had she come from.
"FINE! YOU SAID YOU WOULD BE FINE, SO I LEFT. AND NOW LOOK WHAT HAPPENED!" Cyn screamed. Allie slowly looked around her. The door to the living room had been ripped off its hinges, and the glass door on the opposite wall that opened to the yard and the forest was shattered. There were two wolves fighting in the yard. One was a pure black, and one was a gorgeous deep brown. Justin and Seth were fighting. Allison looked at Cynthia.
"Do something!" Allie yelled, not even bothering to ask what had happened, when she had been trying to change.
"I'm human! What do you think I can do?" Cynthia yelled back.
"Try!" Allie screamed. Cynthia ran towards the yard, her feet crunching on broken glass.
"CYNTHIA." Allie hadn't even realized Marcos was in the room until he chased after Cyn. She wasn't in the mood to follow, but she watched with no emotion on her face.
Cynthia raised both hands, and slammed them outward. Seth flew to the right and Justin flew to the left, hitting a tree. Cynthia flicked her left hand, and Justin flew through the trees, all the way back to his territory. Everyone stood frozen for a second.
"You're all idiots." Cynthia whispered, before collapsing into Marcos's arms, completely knocked out.
So the end might of been confusing, so Ill try to explain it. Stuff happened while Allie was trying to change, she just didn't see what it was. That's why I'm doing Seth's POV next chapter. Lucky you.

This took longer than I thought it would. I'm sorry but this has literally been my days:
Wake up
Go to school
Come home
Do hw
Eat dinner
Do more hw
Take a shower
Pass out on bed immediately

I've had really tiring days. But its the weekend now! Yay!

You know what is really cool? COMMENTING. COMMENTING IS REALLY COOL. I got zero comments on my last chapter. Come on guys, you can do it! I have faith that you will comment this chapter! DON'T RUIN MY FAITH IN YOU. BE COOL AND COMMENT.

My favorite song right now is Boston by Augustana and Read My Mind by The Killers. Old, I know. They both came out in, like, what? 2004? Whatever. They're really good.

Thank you ever so much for reading. I love you so much. Yes, You. I love you.

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