Chapter 31

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Lots of changes of pov in this....sorry


It had been a gamble, to ask the rogue for help. But he knew what she was, and she knew what he was, and he would be able to understand what was wrong. He looked mortified when she showed him her wrist, though. And, soon after, Justin shoved her into a car, and she doubted she would ever see the rogue again.
Now Allison was sitting in a locked bedroom with no windows staring at the blank wall.
She vaguely wondered if Justin's plan was to keep her forever, or was he just going to have fun, and then kill her.
The latter sounded like the better option. If he tried the former, she would probably throw herself off the roof of this castle like thing within a month.
No. She had promised Cora before she had left the boat, that she would help them escape, and even escape herself.
Cora had just told her that she wouldn't hold her to that promise.
Allison felt lonely here without Cora. But Sam and her were staying on the boat an extra day to make sure everything was settled.
She didn't know how much time had passed, but she was sure it was hours and hours. She had left the boat at 11 A.M, but now it had to be much much later. And she had had neither breakfast nor lunch, because that meant eating with Justin, who she could barely look at.
Just as she was thinking about this, the door rattles, and it unlocked, and opened.
"You have clothes in the closet." Justin walked over to her, but she didn't turn to face him. "We are all going out to dinner in an hour. Be ready, and look nice." He jerked her arm, forcing her to look at him. She wondered how he lived with himself.
"All?" She said dully.
"Yes. About 10 of the highest rank members of our pack will be there." He said.
"Yours." She snapped.
"What?" Jesus Christ, was he actually confused?
"Yours." She repeated. "Your pack. Not ours. My pack is in North Carolina still." His eyes darkened at her, and he roughly grabbed her hips, and pulled her to him.
"Unfortunately, at the moment, you are correct." Then he chuckled. "At the moment." And then, he pulled her impossibly closer, and eyed her neck.
"No." She gasped, as she realized what he was planning on doing. But it was too late. He dug his teeth into Seth's mark, changing it to his own.
When Seth marked her, both times it hadn't hurt.
But this...this was hell.
It was as if her body was on fire, as she let out a blood curling scream, and fell to the floor.
"Be ready in an hour." He repeated, and then left the room.


Marida bounced up and down on the runway, next to the private plane.
It was getting dark, and they were about to board the jet from Ireland to Denmark.
She stepped on to the first step onto it, than jumped off.
"I can't." She said nervously.
"What?" Cynthia said, looking confused.
"I can't. I can't. I can't go to Denmark." Marida gasped, feeling panic rising.
"Why not?" Said a bewildered Jake.
"I...Um...Have Denmarkaphobia." She said. Everyone stared at her.
"Thats not a thing." Marcos stated.
But before Marida had time to answer, Seth groaned in pain, doubled over, and fell to his knees.
Everyone rushed over to him, as he gasped for breath.
"He marked her." Seth groaned. "That son of a bitch!" He stood up as the feeling passed. But Marida could still see he felt weak, and he leaned heavily on Marcos for support. "Lets go." He said, struggling. Just as he said that, the pilot came hurrying out of the plane.
"Alpha, you can not leave today." He said, worried."After what just happened, the altitude would have an effect close to saran gas."
"What?" Cynthia said.
"He would choke on his own throw up." Marida explained.
"I don't care!" Seth growled. "My mate needs me."
"Well you won't be much help to her if you're dead!" Marida snapped.
"I also won't be much help to her if she's dead." Seth argued.
"Don't be an idiot, he won't kill her. He just marked her!" Marida said, exasperated. "We'll leave for Denmark in the morning."


He made her pull her hair back for dinner, to display his mark, and it made her sick.
Allison didn't want to be here. She wanted Seth, she needed Seth.
She just hoped he was somewhere out there needing her too.
She needed to get away from Justin.
The restaurant was fancy, with good food the Allison consented to eat.
And,even better, the restaurant's bathroom was right by the exit.
About halfway through the dinner, she turned to Justin.
"I need to go to the bathroom." She stood up, but he caught her wrist.
"Try anything..." He left the sentence hanging, but she understood.
As she rounded the corner towards the bathroom, and they were all out of sight, she hurried towards the exit, and walked into the cool night.
When she reached the street, she leaned against a car, to take off her impossibly high heels.
Then, she started to run.
"Stop!" She heard Justin's voice behind her. How the hell had he realized she was gone so fast? Stupid werewolf senses.
He caught up to her in seconds, and grabbed onto her arm.
She screamed in fear, and he slapped her across the face.
"Oh, shit!" She heard someone yell close by. Justin's grip on her arm tightened as they looked back down the street, but no one was there.
Justin dragged her down a road towards the sketchier parts of Copenhagen, and shoved her down an alleyway.
Everywhere was deserted.
Justin slammed her against one of the buildings. Her head shot through with pain as her head connected with the stone surface.
"Were you trying to run away?" Justin growled in her ear. Her vision blurred, as tears formed in her eyes.
"Yes." No point in lying. He threw her down, and she felt her right wrist break as it made contact with the concrete. She bit back a scream of pain.
Justine pulled out a pocket knife, and knelt down beside her head.
"You. Are. Mine." He growled, then brought the knife down hard into her left forearm, and started to carve something.
Allison screamed, and screamed, but he didn't stop.



Ryan and Brent ran down a deserted street, towards the screams, until they got to an alleyway.
Ryan threw out his arm to stop Brent, and he peeked around the corner.
The Alpha's back was to them, he was kneeling next to the witch, carving into her forearm.
Ryan jerked back, sickened.
"Hvad er det?" What is it? Brent whispered.
"Jeg vil skyde ham, ikke følger mig." I'm gonna shoot him, don't follow me. Ryan breathed.
"Nej! Hvad fanden? Du kan ikke bare skyde folk!" No! What the Hell? You can't just shoot people! Brent whispered worridly. The screaming rose a pitch, and Brent hesitated."Fint." Fine. Brent sighed.
Ryan closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and turned into the alleyway.
He aimed, a fired.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
The Alpha crumpled after being shot 3 times.
Ryan felt bad for less than a second for shooting him in the back, but it had to be done.
Ryan rushed over to the body, and shoved it out of the way so he could reach the witch. She struggled into a sitting position. She looked shocked.
Her left arm was bleeding pretty badly, and her right wrist was sticking out at an odd angle.
He heard Brent come up behind him.
"Hey." Ryan said softly. "You okay?" She gulped before she spoke.
"You killed Justin." She said in a bewildered voice. "Thank you." She blinked up at him, and he knelt down beside her. She turned to look him in the eye. "But, no. I am not okay."
And then her eyes fluttered closed, and she fainted, slumping against him.
You know who I really like?
Lana Del Rey
She has the most amazing music, and she's so pretty in an exotic awesome way.
And her music videos are awesome.
But if you're like under 12 then don't listen to her music cause some of it is reeeeaaaallly inappropriate.

Sorry for the wait -_-

You know whats awkward?
Seeing teachers outside of school.
Its like ummm You have a life?
Yesterday my friend and I were walking back from the Starbucks in my neighborhood when somebody honked at us, and I turned around to see someone in their car waving at us, but I couldn't tell who it was so I squinted in this rude really disrespectful way, and then I realized it was my math teacher from last year who hated me.
And she was like:
"You guys be careful around her okay?"
And I was thinking ummm, bitch, this is my neighborhood, don't tell me to be careful. But we were just like yes, and she drove away.
It was awkward
See, my english teacher this year specifically told us, that if we ever saw her outside of school to not come up to her, because it was awkward for her too.
My english teacher is pretty awesome.

Please comment because its an awesome thing to do! And if you don't, my baby kitten will die!

Jk I'm allergic to cats

Thank you so much for reading!! You guys are the bestest!

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