Chapter 27

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It wasn't dark, or cold, or uncomfortable like you would expect. Quite the opposite, really.
She was somewhere warm and soft. Her head hurt, but not too much, and her left wrist was cold, but not unbearable. All in all, she was very comfortable. Her eyes fluttered open.
She was lying on white canopy bed, in a cute little room. The walls were a pretty forget-me-not blue, there was a soft white couch against the wall, and a small round glass table, with black metal chairs in the corner. There were no windows.
There was an outfit lying on the couch. Evidently, she was supposed to wear it. She slipped it on quickly, and frowned at herself un the mirror on the back of the door. It was a deep blue high-low strapless dress. It was too fancy. So were the silver heels that went along with it. But she had nothing else to wear, other than the clothes she had worn on her walk, and they seemed like bad luck.
Shit. Allie noticed what was making her wrist cold. There was a tight band of silver around her wrist. There was no clasp, no visible way to get it off. It restricted her already small powers. She would deal with this later. One thing at a time.
Now it was time to get the hell out of here. She was feeling sick to her stomach, which she took as a good sign that her baby was unharmed, but she wasn't sure. A stab of worry pierced her, but she pushed it away. Another thing to figure out later. At least she still had her locket.
Allie tried the door, and to her surprise, it was open. There was no guard in the hall outside. Odd. She pushed the doubt away.
She was standing in a long hallway. Her room was the only door, and at the end of the hall, there were stone stairs. They were the only way out.
Allie walked as quietly as she could up the stairs, and stopped in front of a door that she was sure led to the outside. She silently pushed it open.
Allie had to resist falling to her knees in despair, as the sharp smell of sea salt hit her.
She was on a boat. More like a small, private, cruise ship. It was beautiful, but she couldn't care less. There was no way to escape, just miles upon miles of vast ocean as far as she could see. She walked over, and put her hands on the railing, wanting to cry, but fighting against it.
"I'm sorry." A woman's voice said from behind Allie. She had an accent Allie couldn't place. Allie spun around. The woman was about Allie's hight, and age. She could be called beautiful, but she looked too miserable. She had beautiful red hair that flowed freely down her back, and shined brightly in the early morning sunlight. She had deep purple eyes. "So is Sam, but he isn't allowed to talk to you." Allie stared at the woman, then found her voice.
"What?" She said.
"Sam, my brother, is the one who kidnapped you, and he is really sorry. He can't stand the fact that he is the one who brought you here. " The woman repeated.
"I know that." Allie said. "He told me as I was going out. I'll forgive him." The woman grimaced.
"I don't think thats going to help either of you." She said bluntly. "I'm Cora by the way. I'm from Denmark." She held out her thin hand.
"Allison. I'm from Richton North Carolina." Allie said warily. She shook her hand, then jumped back at the icy touch.
"You're a vampire!" She gasped. "W-"
"Cora!" A harsh voice from behind her cut Allie off. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" Allie and Cora both stiffened. Cora bowed her head quickly and ran off, but Allie stayed where she was, and didn't turn around to look at him. She just stood at the rail and stared out at the ocean. She could hear him coming up behind her, and soon he was next to her. He pushed her hair out of her face. Her head snapped towards him.
"Don't touch me." She hissed. Justin just laughed.
"I can do whatever I want." He smirked. She stared at him. Examining his black eyes, taking in every cruel feature that used to haunt her.
"Why am I here?" She asked bluntly.
"So you can be with me." Justin stated simply, moving closer to her, so he was trapping her against the railing. "So we can have the life we should have, before you fucked it up. Just not in America, of course." She glared at him. But he just smiled. "Don't worry. It'll be better than it was with Seth. I have much more money than him. I have more space than him now, and many servants who work for me who can get you what you need." His boasting made her angry. How dare he think that he is better than Seth?
"I don't care if Seth was the poorest man in the world." She said through gritted teeth. "And didn't even have a cardboard box to live in. I will always choose him over you." Anger stirred in Justin's dark eyes. His hand flew back, as if to hit her, and she flinched away automatically. But then he lowered it, and put his hand on her neck. It traveled down the gold chain of the locket, down to the gold heart, where he grabbed on to it. With one swift yank, he broke the chain, and tore the locket off.
He threw over the rail, and into the ocean. She let out a cry as she watched it fall, making the tiniest splash as it disappeared forever.
"I wasn't asking, if you wanted to be with me. I was telling." He growled, his black eyes flashing. And, then, he stepped back from her, and walked away.
After standing in shock for many minutes, Allie turned swiftly, and headed back down to her room. There an object and a note lying on her bed. It was her Ipod.
I was able to hide this from him, but your phone wasn't so lucky. I hope you enjoy your music.
I'm a vampire, so I have heightened senses that even Justin does not. You're pregnant. Don't worry, the silver didn't hurt it, but more would have. Being pregnant is not something I would tell Justin. Tread lightly.
Again, I am beyond sorry for bringing you here. The guilt will haunt me forever. I will understand if you hate me, just be kind to my sister, please. She's your maid, Cora.
Always apologetic,

Well that was nice. Allie thought to herself. Which was weird because vampires weren't supposed to be nice.
The door behind her creaked open, to reveal a worried looking Cora.
"Oh good. You're okay. I thought something might have happened." She was really blunt, Allie couldn't help but like that about her. Then Cora frowned. "Where's your locket?" She asked Allie.
"At the bottom of the ocean somewhere." She tried to keep her voice steady. She paused, then said. "It had Seth in it." Her voice cracked. She took a deep breath to calm down, then sunk down on the couch. Cora sat next to her.
"I sort of know how you feel." She said softly. "I haven't been home in years. Sam had to leave any hope of seeing the love of his life again." Allie noticed that Cora had silver around her wrists too.
"So why are you working for Justin, then?" Allie tried not to sound accusatory. But Cora looked offended anyway.
"Working for him?" She said in a disgusted tone. "We have to. He has Lillian! If we don't do what he says, he'll kill her."
"Who's Lillian?" Allie ventured to ask. Tears filled Cora's deep purple eyes.
"My sister." She gulped. "She's only five."
"That's horrible!" Allie cried, horrified. "If it makes you feel any better, I'm pregnant." Cora didn't look shocked at the news.
"No. That actually makes me feel worse." She sighed heavily. "You seem nice, I don't want you to be here. Being pregnant here is not a good thing. What if Justin finds out?"
"Yes. What if I found out?" His cold voice came from the door that Cora had accidentally left open. Cora and Allison both jumped up, eyes wide. He looked beyond angry. His eyes were flashing dangerously. "Cora. Get out." He snapped. She hesitated, and glanced nervously at Allie, who was frozen. "NOW!" He yelled. She scuttled out of the room. He slammed the door, and locked it. "You're pregnant." He said flatly. He took a step towards her.
"N-no." She took a shaky step back from him. "I-I'm not." He moved closer to her, and she backed into the wall. He was a foot away.
"Don't lie to me." He growled.
"I'm not!" She gasped. He slapped her. She held on to the wall to keep from falling. He took the last step, and closed the gap between them, holding her to the wall.
"You're lying." He whispered. "I heard you talking. You're lying." His hot breath blew in her ear, and she shivered in disgust.
"N-no." She tried to sound truthful, but he always used to tell when she was lying, too. "You're wr-wrong. I'm not pregnant. I'm n-not." He threw her away from him, and she flew into the glass table, shattering it into thousands of pieces.
White hot pain surrounded her, and she felt something warm and wet running down her back, staining the beautiful blue dress red.
She felt sobs rack through her body as he stood over her. She brought her knees up to shield her stomach and covered her head with her arms.
He grabbed her wrists, and pulled her to her feet.
"I said not to lie to me, love." He said in a soft tone, that totally contrasted to everything about him.
"Please." Allie begged. "D-d-d-don't."
"You think you can just whore around and get pregnant? You think I won't do anything about it?" Her whole body was shaking in fear. "'Cause if thats what you thought, love, you were dead wrong."



"Allison Oliveria." Marida's fingers skimmed over the top of the small pond but nothing appeared.
"Does that mean..." Cynthia whispered.
"She's not dead." Seth snapped. "I would know. It just means Marida's fucking pond isn't working."
"It means nothing of the sort." Marida said in an offended tone. "It just means that she either is wearing some sort of silver, or doesn't want to be found. My money is on the first one. Now let me try something else." She turned back to her stupid pond. "Samuel Haissen." Nothing happened. "Cora Haissen." Nothing. "Lillian Haissen." Marida gasped desperately. Nothing.
Seth had no idea who the fuck any of these people were, nor did he care. He had only one mindset. Finding Allison. They had already tried both her and Justin in the pond many times, only to come up with nothing. They could be anywhere.
"There is one last thing we- you can try." Marida said quietly to Seth. Everyone stared at her. "I didn't tell you this, because I thought it would stress you out. And it will. But... Allison is pregnant." Seth felt his stomach sink slowly down until it settled at his toes.
"Great." Seth said sarcastically, trying to keep the panic out of his voice. "More good news."
"It is actually!" Marida pointed out.
"Any other time, yeah, sure, fine. But now is not the best time for this!" Seth yelled, on the brink of losing it.
"It should help you find her." Marida said calmly. "It's the future Alpha and is in your pack. If you concentrate hard enough, you'll be able to reach out to him." She was right. Why hadn't she said this before? He close his eyes tightly, and concentrated.
He was able to do this with every wolf in his pack. Connect with them, and know where they are. There was no reason he shouldn't be able to do this with his baby. He thought as hard as he could. And then he felt its presence in his mind. He was so close.
He connected with the baby.
As soon as he did, knew something wasn't right. And, before he had the chance to locate where they were, a heaving pain shook his body.
Seth cried out and his eyes flew open. Everyone was staring at him cautiously.
He opened his mouth, then closed it, wondering what had just happened. But it wasn't really that he didn' know what had happened, it was that he didn't want to except it.
"Justin killed the baby." He finally said, in a horse voice.
Sorry 'bout that. That took a long time didn't it? Yeah, well this has literally been the longest week ever, I'm not even gonna bother going into the details.

So I'm just gonna clarify something.
I'm pro choice. I think life begins at the moment you decide to keep the baby, so I would classify what Justin did as murder.

I could sleep for years. Literally, I could. Just watch me. But I would still be dead tired when I woke up.

Modern Family came back Wednesday!! I watched it, it was adorable!
Castle came back too, but I haven't watched it yet.....

Well I loved all the comments last chapter. That was pretty awesome. COMMENTING IS REALLY AWESOME!! If you don't do it, then you should, so you can be awesome.

Thank you so much for reading!!!! I love you guys so much!

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