Chapter 13

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This is going to be a pretty long chapter btw


When Allie left school at 7:50 that morning, she had no idea that that night she would be planning not to see Seth ever again. That she would be planning to pack up and leave and never come back. That her and Cynthia would do the thing they had talked about for years.
No, instead she was looking forward to a peaceful day to collect her thoughts.
That was the first problem.
Her thoughts drifted towards an unhappy place, and she was struck with what she thought was a brilliant idea. She needed to start fresh with Seth, and she had the perfect way to do it.
She arrived at Marida's house at 12:01.
"Marida?" She called when she entered the house.
"Isn't it your first day of school?" Marida said, coming out of the kitchen.
"Seth is there." She sighed. "I didn't want to stay." Marida nodded in understanding.
"Oh, yeah. Their school blew up."
"Thaaats weird. But not the point." Allie said. "I need you to remove my mark." Marida's jaw hit the floor.
"What?" Marida said. Allie looked at her pointedly. "I-Jesus Allie-I don't know if I can."
"Well, why not?" She was desperate to get it off. Marida sighed.
"All male wolves mark their mates. It's to show that their taken. Blah, blah, blah. But you have an Alpha's mark. Showing that not only are you taken, but you are the Luna of a pack. An Alpha's mark is like 10 times more powerful. It will probably not only be very hard to take off, but extremely painful for you." That stopped her.
"Will it hurt Seth?" Marida scoffed.
"No." She said. "He'll know a couple hours after, and then he'll be fine after he gets over his heart break and other emotional shit."
Six hours later, Allie was pulling up to her house. Her neck was throbbing. Six hours of pain, and the mark was gone. It was time for a fresh start.
As she entered the living room, she knew something was wrong. The whole family was in there. And Royce was looking livid. Her father brightened up as soon as she came in.
"Allie! Why don't you sit down?" He said. She wondered vaguely if she was about to get a telling off for skipping school today. She sat down, and stared pointedly at him. But her mother was the one who spoke.
"Your father is here on business, like we said, and he is working on this huge deal that would bring in tons of money." She started. "However, the other people are still on the fence about it." Allie waited for the point of the story. "And your father and I have the perfect solution. It turns out these people have a son who is about your age." Ah. So this was the point. They were probably going to try sell her off. Yeah right. Good luck with that. Her mother kept going. "And, this is the amazing part, you already know him! And they said, if you got back together-"
"Wait! BACK together?" Allie said, her pulse racing. Her mother nodded and smiled.
"Oh! Yes. Their son is Justin Bridgeland." Allie's stomach tightened. No. They had to be kidding....


"Allie, you need to loosen up! You haven't been out in forever!" Sydney said happily. The lights in the club were bright, the music was pounding, and the smell of alcohol and pot hung heavy in the air. It was the kind of place Allie loved. But Justin didn't let her go out. She had not told her friends about what he did to her. She didn't want their pity. She was sure they would try to get her to break up with him, but she didn't know what would happen if she did. What would he do?
"Yeah!" Cynthia yelled over the music. "You never come out with us anymore!" She complained.
"Oh, well, you know how Justin is." Allie answered. "He'll kill me for being here." She internally shuddered at the thought. Literally, he might kill her. Sydney handed her a drink, which she reluctantly accepted.
"He is way too overprotective!" Sydney whined. "But he's not here right now. Let loose. Dance!" She dragged her out to the dance floor. Dancing in general was not a bad thing. How they danced in this particular place, however, was close to cheating on Justin. But soon the music overwhelmed her, and she started to feel the way she used to feel. And she had always been a great dancer. The music picked up in beat and a random hot guy starting grinding against her. She leaned into him a bit, thinking to herself: He's not here. Do what you want.
And then someone grabbed her arm roughly, and jerked her away from the guy.
"Justin!" She squeaked. He didn't answer, but she saw fury swirl in his eyes. She looked around quickly, she couldn't see Cynthia or Sydney. She began to panic. How had he found her? Suddenly, she was being dragged towards the entrance of the club. His grip was too tight. It was going to leave bruises. The street was empty, once the got to it. His car was here, she noticed.
He slammed her against it. She groaned as her spine made contact with the metal.
"What are you doing here?" He said in a low dangerous voice.
"Justin..." She pleaded. He slapped her across the face. She cried out and stumbled. He grabbed her wrists, righting her.
"Answer me!" He hissed. She looked at the ground.
"I was j-just going out with my friends." She didn't know what he was going to do to her. She hated feeling scared, but she was.
"Oh, sure you wer-" He started in a sarcastic tone, then stopped. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He yelled, shaking her. She met his cold black gaze. He started again slowly. "I saw you with that boy in there. I saw you about ready to hook up with him. Do you think I'm stupid, Allison?" His voice rose with each word.
"I wasn't going to hook up with him!" She sobbed. He was scaring her. "You know I love only you!" Which wasn't true. She hated him. He backhanded her cheek, and this time didn't stop her from falling to the ground. He kicked her in the ribs. She let out a whimper as pain rushed through her. But nothing broke, luckily. She lay at his feet shaking.
"I was just dancing Justin." She whimpered. Suddenly he picked her up and slammed her head into the window of his car.
"You were acting liking a whore! You wanna be a whore?" His nails dug into her hips.
"N-no." She choked out. He pushed her into the backseat of his car, and slammed the door, pinning her underneath him. She felt the car start to go, he must have his driver with him.
"Because I can treat you like a whore, babe!" His hand shoved its way up the bottom of her dress. She screamed and struggled, trying to get him off her. But there was no point in either. Every part of this car was soundproof, and he was so strong. He ripped off her dress.
"No!" She screamed. "Justin! Please. I'm sorry! Please stop! Justin! Please..." She trailed off into silence, because it made no difference either way.

-end flashback-

It had been the longest night of her life. And by far the worst. Just remembering it almost made her almost lose control.
"You're kidding right?" She said.
"Honey, your father really needs this deal!" Jane said sternly.
"I don't care. I'm not getting back together with him! And by the way he is not my age, he's four years older than me!" They were such selfish people.
"You don't really have a choice." Her father said smoothly. "You are going to start dating him again." The world darkened. Allie started to shake. She put her hands behind her back, and leaned against a table, in case she started to change.
"I don't have a choice?" She said in a dangerous voice. "Well that is where you are wrong dear Father. Because I will never EVER get back together with him." Royce had said nothing the whole time, he looked too angry to say anything. Jane just shook her head.
"I know you had a rough break-up, but are you really going to let pride be the issue?" And then her mother was gone. She could see nothing. NO! She was not letting this happen. She pushed darkness away, but she could feel her hands had formed into talons, and they were digging into the table. Her parents and her brother were giving her strange looks, and she knew her eyes must me changing.
"First of all." She said in a measured voice that was full of ice. "It was not a 'rough breakup' it was an 'I almost died breakup.' Second of all this has NOTHING to do with pride." Her mother rolled her eyes.
"You can't die from a broken heart! And you shouldn't hold a grudge just because he broke up with you!"
"I broke up with HIM." Allie screamed. She was so close. So close. Her talons dug farther into the wood of the table. She was shaking so badly, and the world was slowly slipping into shadow. She had to fight it. But it was almost too late. "And I was not talking about dying from a broken heart! I'm talking about literally I ALMOST DIED. Because Justin is the worst boyfriend one could possibly have! He hit me!"
"HE WHAT?" Royce roared. But Allie couldn't stop.
"He used to beat the shit out of me!" She yelled. "If you think I'm going to EVER be AROUND him anymore, THINK AGAIN!"
"We all have to make sacrifices, Allie!" Her father yelled.
And that was the last straw. Allie let out a very inhumanly scream, and fell to her knees. She had to get out of here. With her last thought, she ran up the stairs to her room. The last thing she saw was her own talon swipe across her wall, creating deep gashes, before everything dissolved into blackness.
Somebody help me.


"Allie." A calm voice broke through the darkness. "Allie come back. I know you can. Allie. It's me. Cynthia." Did she know a Cynthia? She had once. But that was a long time ago, wasn't it?
"Why is she staring at us like that?" Another voice said. It was familiar. Her brother? What did that word mean?
"She's probably debating whether to kill us our not." The first voice, Cynthia, said. Kill? She did not kill. Or did she? No. What a vulgar thing to do. And with that thought, the darkness cleared.
It was like coming out of deep water. Letting out air you had been holding for too long, and taking your first gulp of oxygen.
She took in a huge breath, and squinted her eyes against the light. Her legs wobbled, and she fell to her knees. She looked around at her surroundings. It was her bedroom, but barely. Everything was destroyed. The walls had gashes in them, the bed was in pieces, and there were feathers everywhere. Cynthia and Royce were standing in the doorway
"What happened?" She groaned. Cynthia let out a relieved sigh, and stepped through the threshold.
"You unleashed your anger." She sighed, and sat down next to her. Royce plopped down on her other side.
"Did anyone get hurt?" She asked quickly. "Did anyone die?"
"No. No. Everything's fine except your room." Cyn replied. Allie gave her a questioning look. "I heard your voice in my mind, so I came right away. Your parents were just looking confused, and Royce was trying to breakdown your door. I explained everything to him in about 3 sentences, and now here we are." Allie looked at Royce in surprise. He just shrugged.
"You may be all powerful now, sis, but I'm still going to find Justin, and beat the fucking shit out if him." He said, getting up. "I'm gonna go sort out those dooshes downstairs." And then he left. Cyn turned to Allie.
"So, what was it about?" She asked.
"They want me to get back together with Justin."
"No!" Cyn gasped.
"I know, and I even told them that he hit me, and they didn't care." She sighed heavily, hating herself for losing it. "I can't stay here. I hate them. I'm leaving." Cyn looked up, excitement flashing in her eyes.
"Are we actually going to do it?" She said, in a whisper. They had talked about this for years.
And now, it was time.
Hey everyone.
I don't like the flashback in this chapter. It makes me sad. But oooohhh well. We carry on.

It is 12:04 AM i don't know why I am still up. You should thank me. I could be sleeping right now, but I'm totally not. Because I wanted to update. Just for you. Aren't I nice? Lol. But seriously, I have to wake up in 6 hours and go to school. Yay. Isn't school just so much fun!

This chapter is dedicated to @SamLoveheartr, for leaving a nice comment on my page a while ago:)

Thank you so much for reading!!!
lots of love,

PS it will not be 12:04 AM when this ends up updating. Nor will it be 12:10 AM as it is at the moment. Because my internet is sucking at the moment. So I'm very sorry about that.

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