Chapter 3: Hayley Talks

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Michelle here! :)
Awh! I feel excited, great update from Kayla, you may now read this!

Mikenna's POV
I gasp as I feel the cool breeze as we go outside and Hayley whimpers, I hug her tighter. "Yeah, it is chilly outside, but it is sunny." I hear a voice behind me say, I turn around and guess, "Ethan?" He chuckles, "The one and only." He replies, Hayley claps her hands giggling, "Mama!" She says loud enough for us to hear. I look at her shocked, "What?" I hear Kayla ask as her and Grayson walk over to us, my daughter points to me. "MAMA!" She screams, Ethan and Grayson laugh as Kayla covers her ears. "Guys, we have to get going before we get crowded by fans.." Kayla whispers as she slowly uncovers her ears, Ethan introduces himself to Hayley, she gurgles and put her arms out, he looks at me, "Is it okay if I..?" He trails off, I look back and show him my joking look, "If you drop her, I swear on my Mother's grave.." I growl serious. He smiles soft, "I promise, Miss. Mikenna, I won't drop her." He says looking at Hayley. She looks at me and points to him and smiles "Ew..Ew-than!" She giggles. I smile and laugh as I hand her over to Ethan. "Good try little one, good try." He says as we get in the-- Limo?! This was so not in the plan. Oh well. I laugh again, "Lemme gue-" I stop my midsentence noticing Kayla and Grayson are having a one-on-one conversation as we drive off. "What's the--I ship it!" He says in a girl voice, I look at him weirdly before laughing. He laughs as well. I smile as I see the sight, I can't actually believe Kayla and I are here, in Los fucking Angeles.
Ethan looks at me, "I swear, I am like so jelly of your clothing!" He says in a girls voice, I notice he is filming, I turn pink and turn away, "Aww!" He coo'ed. "Camera shy." I say giggling. He chuckles.
I am going to like it here in L.A, California, my phone rings, I grow stiff, "Kayla? It's Hayley's father..Zander Smith." I whisper suddenly freezing.

You are probably what happened right?

Well, let's just say, we were together in freshman year, until he started raping me. I thought he was the one, but soon after I told him that I was pregnant with Hayley in the beginning of junior year, it all turned around, he started to abuse me and Hayley as soon as I had her, enough was enough, I packed everything of ours and went to Kayla's to find out no one was there, so I went to the park that I used to go with Kayla when we were little. Yeah, me and Kayla are friends from way back and still are.
I found her there crying her eyes out, I went over to her saying things like: "I don't need you and dad anymore, if you want to be like this."
After I helped her stop crying she saw a little two month old Hayley in my arms, and asked me if she could live with us, so I said yes and we bought that house, and have been living together since. But, I did stay away a little bit after I found out my mother passed away due to overdose, which shocked me, because she was always happy when Kayla, Hayley and I, were around, which was a lot.
But things have been getting better.
The end.

My phone being taken away from my hand wakes me up from my thoughts. I noticed we stopped, "Kayla is going to talk to him," Grayson says, smiling soft, I smirk. "You like her, huh?" Ethan and I ask. He laughs, "You could be his twin," He says to me, making me groan like: Seriously man, answer my question. "Dudde, answer our question." Ethan says smirking. "Maybe, maybe not, may the odds be in the air." He says shrugging. I smirk at Ethan, he smirks back at me, damn, his smirk is whoa! "Team Grayla in action!" We say together. Grayson laughs as Kayla walks back in. "Kayla, what's wrong with-" She interrupts me, "He wants custody.." She whispers as she hands me my phone back which I drop on the limo's floor. "Ethan, cover Hayley's ears." I whisper, he does. "Oh fucking hell no, does he fucking know who he is fucking messing with?!" I ask to myself, I nod at Ethan, he uncovers her ears, I notice Hayley looking tired, I get her from Ethan and sing You Are My Sunshine. I sing it two times, Ethan joins me softly on the third time. I hum the tune of it, to make sure she stays asleep as I rock her softly.

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