Chapter 21: Ethan? Ethan.

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Aww! Adorable update by Kayla...
Without a further information about this topic, let's start! :)

Mikenna's POV
It's been two years since I ran away, got back together with Zander, then found out he cheated on me, broke it off, and staying with La Quinn's. I eventually had to leave and find my own place, Hayley is a beautiful newly four year old, and I have a two, almost three year old son, that looks like his real father, Ethan, I named him Logan Chase Dolan. Katelynne was there for the birth of Logan, I was so grateful, he already has warmed Kate's heart and mine. I think he'll be a heartthrob growing up.

So to fill you in, a single mother that is slowly recovering from depression, and that works as a boss at Taco Bell to get money, and takes her kids to school can sound mind racing, but I got the hang of it. I met this guy named Brent Rivera, and now he is my close friend, he is like an uncle to the kid's. I can't stop thinking about him, Ethan. I sigh as I pull up to my work, And collect the bangs of my blonde-blue hair in a ponytail as soon as we stop, I missed my hair being blonde and I did dye Hayley's hair back to normal. "Momma, Logan is playing with my hair!" Hayley squeals, making me crack a smile as I take the keys out, Hayley screamed at me when I told her that we were leaving Katelynne and Kellin's house a month before we moved into our house. I grab my phone and go on my new Instagram account, I kept my old one working for personal issues, and tap the flip the camera button as I am leaned over and take a picture of Hayley and Logan, I put for the caption: 'My handsome son and beautiful daughter are my rocks, throughout my depression, they make me light up, I hope they do to you all as well! Remember, there is something or one thing in this world that lights us all up, whatever it is, it makes you strong :)' I post it and turn back around and grab my purse and keys. Hayley unbuckles her brother as I get out, I hold him as I take him out, he nuzzles his head in my neck. Hayley jogs to me, you could say that they have fans that get too close for knowing the Brent Rivera.
As soon as we walk in, I notice my employee's kids are playing, I smile, "Go play with with your brother, and remember to play easy with him, Hayley." I tell her bending down and putting Logan on the ground next her, "Okay, Mama!" She chirps, it's Saturday at noon, I smile and kiss their cheeks, "Bwe-bwe, Mwamwa!" Logan says, walking behind Hayley, I stand up, "Are we ready to serve hungry people?" I ask, they cheer, "What?" I ask acting deaf. They cheer again, I smile, at the teen mom's and dad's, "Then, let's do this!" I say, as costumers come in. "Oh my gosh, y-you're Ethan Dolan," I hear my youngest cashier, Amy, say, I smile, she's a fan of Ethan's, I walk over, "Hey, honey, calm down and focus." I say soft and calm. She looks at me with her blue eyes and listens to my words, she nods grinning, "Yes ma'am, Mikenna!" She says smiling, I mentally face palm, and there goes that.. "Aye, back to work, ladie." I say like Mr. Krabs. She laughs and nods, I walk to my little office, and look at my plans for an rearrangement, hm... Ethan looks so hot now, like so so.. Wait, what am I doing? Am I sounding weird? Yes, I am.

Ethan's POV
I miss Mikenna so much Kayla wanted me to go to Taco Bell to try and gain my hunger again, ever since she got back together with Zander, I got upset, I shouldn't have snapped at her like that, then again, I didn't let her explain why the kiss even happened..
I walk up to a cashier, she widens her eyes in shock, "Oh my gosh, y-you're Ethan Dolan," she says shocked as a woman around two years younger than me walks by, she stops and walks backwards to us, she looks at.. Amy, tells her something in hushed whispers, "Yes ma'am, Mikenna!" She salutes, and the lady, Mikenna face palms herself, wait... I-Is that, Mikenna Roseanne Tatiana Sanchez, Mikenna? She smiles over at me softly, before she walks away, probably to her office, Oh my god, I saw her after these years.. I stay frozen and give Amy a hundred dollar bill. I chase after her, and knock on the door, she sighs and comes and opens it, "Ethan?" She asks shocked still, "Mikenna? Is that you?" I cross my arms. "Um, maybe, maybe not." She says nervously, "Is it you?" I ask again, she nods as two kids burst in, "Mama, time for Logie's sign language les-" The burnette hair starts then looks at me, and shuffles weirdly. "-Lesson." She finishes looking up at me, looking at me closely, and shrugs, I think of who she looks like, no... Hayley, one year old Hayley? Mikenna looks at me with soft eyes, "I am sorry, but if you don't mind, I have to take my son to his lesson. It was great seeing you again, later skater!" She says smiling and giggling as she leaves. I grab her business card:
Mikenna Sanchez
20, Female; Los Angeles, California originally from Sydney, Australia
Mother of two kids: Hayley Sanchez and Logan Dolan...
Wait.. Dolan? As in me or..?

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