Chapter 30: She really loved you

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Kayla Here!! This is going to be the last chapter.. There may or may not be a sequel ;)
Kayla POV:
It was the big day, Mikenna and Ethan's wedding. I was bridesmaid for her and Gray was Ethan's Best man of course. I was finishing up getting ready as Grayson comes through the doors. Me and Grayson.. There was something up, like we weren't as connect as before. Yes, I love him.. But, I don't think he still loves me. "Hi Grayson" I say softly and he takes a seat next to me. "Hi baby" He says softly. "Grayson will you marry me one day?" I ask laughing. "Hmm" He says thinking. "You have to think about that? Grayson do you love me?" I ask and He just looks at me. "Grayson what's up.." I say begging for answers. "I just don't feel the same about you" He says and I try not to cry because of my make up. "Are you telling me that your breaking up with me.. On this day, Grayson it's suppose to be about happiness today.. You know what it's fine, I didn't think I could get a guy like you anyways. But, give one great reason why you don't love me so, I can get all the behind" I say as my tears start to fill up my eyes. "I fell in love with someone else" He says softly. "Of course you did.. Goodbye Grayson" I run out the room and into the bathroom. I hear the door open again and see its Miki. "Hey what's wrong?" She asks. "Grayson just broke up with me.. He said he loves someone else.. Why doesn't he love me?" I begin to cry and mess up the Make up. "I don't know honey but, just don't think about him.. I'm getting married" She tries to Cheer up the situation. "Yeah, and I won't.." I begin to cry again. "Kayla just do the wedding for me and we'll figure things out later".

The ceremony was over. It was Cake and dancing time, Mikenna always wanted a Spring wedding.. She got, I wanted One as well but, I don't think I'll fall in love if it's all gonna end like that. "Kayla" I hear my name being called softly I turn to see it was Ethan. "Hey" "I'm sorry" He says softly. "No it's fine don't think about it, it's your special day make it special"I say taking a look at Grayson as He's talking to this girl with long black hair. He laughs and she laughs. He kisses her cheek and they sit back down. I can't do this, I'm going home.. I run across the street with tears in my eyes. "Kayla!!" Was what I only heard then blank.

I woke up, in a strange place. A hospital I believe it's called. I see Mikenna, Ethan and This other boy that looked like Ethan.. Who is that? I ask myself. "Hi honey your awake" Mikenna says sweetly. "Hi, Mikenna let me tell you a secret" I say as she leans in closer, "Who's that boy that looks like Ethan?". She takes a big sigh, "That's Grayson Don't you remember?" She says concern. "Grayson who?" He takes steps closer to me. "Why don't you remember me? You sang me love song for my birthday.. We thought we had a baby together. You love me.. I'm your boyfriend well was your boyfriend. Why don't you remember me?" He asks. "I don't love anyone.. I've never even been in love before. What are you talking about?" The doctors comes into the room. "When memory lost comes.. She mostly losses the memories that meant to her to the dearest.. She doesn't remember you that means she really loved you"

That's the end of the book, stay tuned for the next book. I cried so much writing this but, it was a good one bye see you again.

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