Dear Pygmalion

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Matchmaker Trilogy #2

In Greek mythology, Pygmalion is the sculptor who falls in love with his masterpiece—a statue named Galatea. He is completely smitten with the ivory maiden that he made a way for her to come to life by begging Aphrodite.

Nevertheless, that is not the case in Galathea Arteza's life. When she accepted the role of being a matchmaker, she needed to match three sets of two people to be one, to be their so-called cupid for the exchange of three wishes.

Amid Thea's mission, a statue of Pygmalion suddenly appeared in her room. She was forced to use her one wish to get rid of it not to be accused as a thief but things did not go according to her plans. Unexpectedly, instead of disappearing, the statue of Pygmalion came to life as a gorgeous, hot, and innocent guy, mistaking Thea for his majesty. 


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Do not distribute, publish, transmit, modify, display or create derivative works from or exploit the contents of this story in any way. Please obtain permission.

This story is unedited. There are loopholes, grammatical, and typographical errors in this story. So, if you're looking for a perfect novel to read, better stop reading this and find another one. I'm not perfect and there's always room for improvement.

Warning: This story contains scenes and strong language that are not suitable for young readers. Please do read at your own risk.


My characters are not made to be adored and idolized. I created them with flaws and imperfections to depict real human beings. I made them to teach lessons from their mistakes and wrong decisions. So, if you are not into imperfect characters who commit mistakes, you are free to stop reading this story and leave.

Ps. I highly appreciate your comments and your help to recommend this story if you ever like it. Thank you in advance!  


ZiaRaegan: Some parts of this story contain spoilers in Dear Phoebus but this story can stand alone. If you don't want to be spoiled, better read Dear Phoebus first.

Dear PygmalionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora