4 - Dining with celebrities

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The restaurant we went to was huge, and it looked expensive. I started to get worried if it would cost me too much, so I planned I would just choose a light meal for the evening.

I couldn't help but feel nervous and small among these three great people. The restaurant itself was filled with people, not entirely filled but just about.

A waiter greeted us, and Martin told him that we would like a table somewhere more alone so that we, perhaps, could get some privacy. The waiter led us to a table for four that stood more alone than the other ones.

I took of my jacket, which Benedict took and hung over the back of the chair before taking off his own.

"Thanks," I smiled to him and sat down with Benedict next to me and Marin and Amanda sitting opposite us.

The waiter gave us the menu.
"Would you like to order some drinks first?" he asked and was clearly a bit nervous and excited. I figured that he must have recognized them.

"Yes, what do we want? Shall we share a vine? Red?" Martin asked and looked at Benedict and me.

"I'll just take some water, I'm driving," Amanda said.

"Sounds good to me. What about you, Clary?" Benedict asked and looked at me. The way he said my name made me blush.

"Eh, yeah," was all you managed to say and the waiter noted it down on a small block and left us so we could decide what we wanted to eat.

The evening went all right. No, it went great actually. They were all so kind and sweet to me. They talked about how it is to be actors, how it is to rehearsal their lines and to be recognized by millions of people.

They all agreed it was a bit odd at first, but they are used to it now and they enjoy it. They love and appreciate their fans and said that neither of them would've gotten where they are if it wasn't for them.

We laughed and had much fun. For a moment it didn't feel like they were famous and all that. It didn't feel like the first time I had met them. I told them about the university, and about my passion for drawing. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do after I finish the third year, but I have at least a while to think about it. I also told them about my other interests.

The time went by, and Martin told us he was going to get a drink at the bar. Amanda decided to join him. Possibly, so that Benedict and I would get some time alone.

Suddenly the air between the two of us felt awkward. I didn't know what to say, and it seemed like Benedict didn't know either. Martin and Amanda were the most talking ones and now that they left us, we sat silent for a moment.

"So..." both Benedict and I began but chuckled.

"You first," I said before he got the chance to say it.

"'Well, I was just wondering if you're in London alone, or did you come here with friends or family? If I may ask?" Benedict looked at me with his stunning eyes.

"No, I'm here on my own. I don't know anyone here. Well, if I might count you, Amanda and Martin as acquaintances, then I sort of know you."

Benedict smiled and a new silence grew between us. I stared sweating in my palms.

"So, what did you want to say?" he asked and I rubbed my hands together under the table.

"Can I ask you why I'm here? I mean, why did you want me to come with you?"

Benedict straightened himself up in the chair and held one hand on his glass.
"I... *clears throat* I mean, you are a lovely person and since it's your first time here I thought it might be a good way to start it," he said, not looking you in the eyes all the time he spoke. He seemed a bit nervous himself so I wasn't alone about that.

I Deduce Romance | Benedict CumberbatchTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang