19 - My new relationship

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"Good morning," I said smiling as I walked up to Amy.

"Morning. You seem happy. Does it have something to do with the advice I gave you that wasn't for you?" she asked teasingly. I knew she wasn't fooled, but I just answered, "maybe" before walking into the classroom.

I saw Simon already sitting at his spot and greeted him as I came over. Just as I sat down, my phone vibrated. It was a text from Ben, asking how I was this morning.

I smiled to myself and couldn't help biting my lower lip as I typed in an answer. I was tired but elated over what happened yesterday. I couldn't sleep because of it. It's not every day you get to make out with your favourite celebrity.

"Who is it?" Simon asked as he saw my illuminated face.

"Clary's in love," Amy answered while looking dreamingly up against the roof to suppress her statement.

I wanted to say something against it, but I knew it was useless. I couldn't get them to think otherwise because they're right.

"Oh, really? Who's the lucky one?" Simon asked with a light tone that made me giggle.

"I think it's more me who's the lucky one," I said.

"Who is he? Does he go here?" he asked.


"She doesn't want to tell us who it is," Amy pretended to whisper to Simon although I could hear her.

"Oh, so it's like a secret romance... interesting," Simon said and I threw my eraser at him while we laughed.

Shortly after, I got a new message from Ben. This time he asked if we could meet after I was finished at Uni. My heart was beating fast and I felt warm inside. This is real. But it feels like a dream I never want to wake up from.

* * *

Everyone had come a long way with their projects, and all of us had gotten started on one of them. As for me, I was working on a drawing of London. It's gonna include Big Ben, London Eye and more.

During the day, I got much work done, and I was glad when lunch came because my stomach was practically begging for food.

"Hello," a guy's voice said behind me in the cafeteria.

I turned by surprise and saw Will standing with his food in his hands.

"Mind if I sit down?" he asked.

"Be my guest," I replied and moved a little on the bench so it was room for him.

"So, how are things?"

"It's good. Well, really good actually," I said, not being able to hide my smile.

"That's great! So you and whoever this person is, have sorted things out?"

"Yes, we're all good," I told him.

"Excellent! I wanted to ask you if you've got plans on Friday?"

"No, not yet."

"Then come to a party a friend of mine is having. It'll be fun, many from Uni are coming too."

To be fear, I've never been the kind of person who enjoys parties so much. I'd much rather be home and do my own stuff. But this could be fun, and I wanted to spend more time with the friends I've made here.

"Okay, just tell me the time and address and I'll be there," I told Will. 

"We could get a cab together?" he asked. 

"Yeah, that would be great."

* * *

Benedict's laughter filled me with joy. It could be so dark, but it could also be so light, and both versions are wonderful to listen to.

He's such a sweet and funny guy to be around with. It's easy to talk to him and he's an exceptionally good listener.

To be short, he's everything a good person should be.

"When was this?" Ben asked after laughing.

"I was eight, so you can't blame me for not knowing better," I elbowed him as his light laughter escaped his mouth. He had to dry away some tears that had rolled down his cheeks.

"Good god, I wish I was there to see it," he giggled.

"No, you really don't" I chuckled.

"Oh, it's been long since I've ever laughed so much," Ben said.

We were at Ben's 'secret' place in the park near Buckingham Palace. The one he showed me on our picnic several weeks ago. We sat beside each other, Ben had his one knee up in the air and his arm resting on it while he laid on his elbow with his other arm.

"Oh and by the way, I've been asked out on Friday," I said and Ben looked at me with a questioning look.

"What?" he asked with a serious look.

Wow, he really can change his mood in the splint of a second.

"Just kidding," I smiled and he looked relieved. It was a miracle to see it. That Benedict would get jealous if someone had asked me out.

"But I've got plans on Friday. That wasn't a joke."

"Really? And what does those plans contain?"

"A friend from Uni invited me to a party of a friend of his."

Ben didn't say anything or smile in response. Instead he looked at me with a stern look.

"What?" I asked.

"What if I say I don't want you to go," he said.

What was this about? Why is he like this?

"Why wouldn't you? Besides, I'm allowed to go if I want to," I told him.

Suddenly he burst out in laughter once more.

"I'm an actor, remember?" he chuckled and straightened himself up and put a hand on my cheek.

"I'm sorry, Clary," he said and got puppy eyes.

I smiled at him. "You nearly got me, Benedict," I said and leaned myself on him so he fell backwards. 

He arched a little in pain as he did. 

"You okay? I didn't mean to-" 

"I'm alright. Just not healed properly yet." 

He gave me a soft smile. His cuteness dragged me to him, into a kiss I just couldn't resist.

He hummed as he kissed me back and placed his other hand on my back.

"I didn't mean to scary you, Clary. Of course, you should go to the party."

"Hm, you sure?" I asked and looked at his pretty face.

"Definitely," he responded and pulled me down for another kiss.

The feelings I got in situations like these were indescribable. And I mean that in a very good way.

Ben deepened the kiss and pushed his tongue in between my lips.

It caused me to moan, and Ben switched places so he was the one on top. His hand travelled down to my leg and pulled it up with his hand under my knee. I felt his hips pushing closer to mine and it made me break the kiss to let out another moan.

"Are you alright?" Ben asked, worried he had done something wrong.

"Yes, but, there are other people on the other side of those bushes. They could hear us."

Ben helped me get up and gave me a soft kiss.

"I have to ask you before you get taken Saturday night as well." Ben said just as we got on our feet.

"Would you like to go out on a date with me? It's a bit late since we've already together, but still."

"Yes, I'd love that."

Ben gave me a big smile. "Great, so would youlike homemade dinner or restaurant dinner?"

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