30 - Being late can result into something good

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I raised myself up from the bed, and since Benedict laid over me, he had to do the same. When he realized what I got so worried about, he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "We have overslept. I should be at work," he frowned. "And I should be at Uni..." my voice toned out as I remembered that I did just have lessons until half past elleven. Without thinking, I slung the duvet away from my warm body and was about to get out of bed, but I got dragged down by two strong arms. My back hit the bed again and my eyes met Ben's. He looked tired, and his hair was all over his head like it used to. "What are you doing?" I asked him softly. "Why can't we just lay here? Call in sick," he almost begged while making a puppy face. "As much as I'd love that..." I took a break as he stroke my hair. "...I should be going, and so should you." He gave me a kiss as to not move, and he knew it worked. Each time he kisses me, it's like he's enchanting me and I can't stop him. His hand sneaked under my knee and pulled my foot up so it was leaning against his hip, while his kisses got more intense. "Mmm... Ben," I tried to speak normal, but the words just came out like moans.

"I-I don't want to be the reason why you are late for work," I finally managed saying when Ben put his lips down my body. "I'm already late. Five more minutes can't hurt," he said and wanted to continue with what he was doing, but I rolled over to the side. "As much as I want to stay here all day, we need to go. You have a movie to finish. They can't do it without you, you know." Ben grunted but slowly got up. "Okay, okay. You're right. I shouldn't stop you from going to your class either."

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and turned away from him to find my clothes, when he again, slugs his arms around me and gave me a kiss. "Thank you," he said. "For what?" 

"Being here," he softly said and rested his jaw on my shoulder for a brief moment and then kissed the hook of my neck before he walked over to his commode to get dressed. I turned in the direction he went and took in every move be made in just his boxers.

"You're so enjoying it, aren't you?" he said with his back turned to me, almost with a proud tone. "It's delicious," I replied, making him turn and raise an eyebrow while making a grimace. His funny expression made me laugh. "Get your clothes on, otherwise I won't be able to get out of this room," he said as he held up a pair of black jeans. "I can say the same to you," I teased back. 

After a couple of minutes, we were both, finally, in in clothes and on our way out. "Hey, what time does Uni finish today?" Ben asked when we stood beside his car. "Eh..." I looked at the clock on my phone and raised my brow when I realized. "It's only one and a half hour left of class, and it takes at least half an hour from here." 

Ben stood in silence with a thinking expression on his face. "Soo," he dragged out the 'o'. "You're saying you're not going?" 

"Does that make me a bad person?" I asked. Ben pretended to think about it for a moment. "Nah, it's only an hour. Besides, every good girl gets a little bad once in a while." He walked over and kissed me.

The result ended with me coming along with Ben to the shooting. He insisted that it wouldn't be a problem. In fact, it turned out to be a good thing that I came too. The producer was relieved when he saw Benedict come up to the set. They had to shoot at least two scenes that day to not fall behind the schedule. Luckily, Ben took the first scene real quick, but it was the producer had an little idea on his mind when it was time for the second scene. Two women who were supposed to play two of the girls coming off a bus together with the supporting actor, Keira Knightly, whom was super lovely by the way, called in that it was impossible for them to come in today. The producer was so desperat to get these scenes done that he asked me, yes me! To be one of those girls. He said with a little make up ans change of clothes, I would be perfect for it. He had already got another woman to be one of them so he only needed one more I wasn't gonna do anything else than coming of the bus and walking past the camera.

Ben was just as surprised as me, but he thought it could turn out quite good too. I turned to him for advice after I was asked, but he just said "It's all up to you". He didn't want to make that choice for me. To play in a movie where Benedict is the lead actor has always been a dream but now that it actually could happen, I couldn't avoid thinking that I would mess everything up. As the lucky person I am, Ben came with multiple advice but reminded me that I was the one who had to make the call.

After an amount of minutes with hard thinking, I thought to myself, "I only live once. And I've come this far, going further won't hurt. The world already know about me and Ben, and playing this role won't change my life much more than it has." So it was settled. I took the offer.

We got it on the first take. I thought it was gonna be hard, but it really wasn't. Although, as said, my characters role just stepped outside the bus and took a few steps and then it was over. Nevertheless, it was really fun!

Hi guys!
I'm saying this a lot but sorry for not updating, a lot has happened lately but I finally found some time to write, and yes I know this chapter isn't that long...
I'll try to post a new chapter on "True to the Heart" as well this week!

Hope you're all doing good ❤

~ Cumberlocked4ever

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