7 - Chatting

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After we finished the University on Friday the same week, Amy, Simon and I went to get some food at an Italian restaurant.

I ordered some pasta with bacon and ham while Simon and Amy shared a pizza with pepperoni. We had one soda each as well.

"So how do you guys know each other?" I asked them while I ate my food.

"We went to high school together. Amy asked if she could borrow my pencil sharpener. She always forget hers," Simon teased her.

"I do not," Amy denied with a puzzled tone, making me giggle.

"And you know what? When she got out of the bathroom, she had-"Simon began but got stopped by Amy pinching him in the arm.

"Ouch!" he cried out rubbing his arm.

"How about we share some more facts about ourselves? Some that doesn't involve embarrassing each other," Amy stated while turning to Simon when she said the last words.

Simon leaned over the table so he was closer to me and whispered.
"I'll tell you later."

"I can hear you," Amy said with her arms crossed. Simon leaned back up in the chair.

"Okay, do you like to read?" Simon asked me.

"I do very much. Mostly fantasy and detective stories," I told them.

"Favourite movie?" Amy asked.

"Too many," I chuckled while taking some sips from my drink.

"I like romantic movies. You know where the girl gets her dream man," Amy said dreaming.

"Life is most not like those movies," Simon said. "We can find love but did you know that there are more people who gets a divorce than people getting married? Life is never 100% like a beautiful, romantic movie where everything gets perfect."

"Oh stop it! You don't need to lower the mood with all your facts. Some people do find love you know. The love they never thought they could get but still ended up getting it," Amy spoke.

"Like whom?" I asked making Simon laugh when Amy didn't come up with someone. We finished our meal and walked out of the restaurant.

"Okay," Simon said and turned towards Amy and me while walking backwards. "Who is your biggest crush?"

"Amy and I looked at each other.

"From school or celebrity?" I asked.

"Anything," he replied.

"Tom Hiddleston," Amy said.

"What happened to DiCaprio?" Simon asked her. "You couldn't imagine any other man in your life," he said with a funny tone.

"A girl can change her mind," she responded and Simon turned and walked beside us again.

"And you still have the crush on Angelina Jolie?" she asked him.

"Come on! She's so hot, and she has a marvellous backside," he said and we laughed.

"She actually does," I supported Simon. "But so does my crush."

"Who?" they both asked interested.

"Benedict Cumberbatch," I told them and thought about the time I had spent with him.

"Oh, Sherlock Holmes right? He's pretty fine I have to admit that," Amy said.

"So are British men," I said.

"Ah, thank you ladies," Simon joked and we laughed again.

"So Clary, has something exciting happened to you while you've been in London?" Amy asked.

I thought through my days and wondered if I should tell them about Benedict.

"Yes, I actually met Benedict at North Gower Street last week while they were shooting season 3. I also met Martin Freeman," I told them. I let out the dinner and park because I didn't want to sound like a special fan that got to spend time with him.

I hadn't heard from him since Monday after he sent me that text. He was probably busy with work, or he had moved on. Sounds weird I know, but I was just another fan of his. Although I had to admit that I missed him. I missed his beautiful British accent, his generous smile, his eyes... His whole presence to sum it up. He made me feel so happy. I was happy with my new friends too, but it was different with him.

"Oh my god, I've never met any actors, but I want to so badly." Amy sounded a bit sad but immediately cheered up again.

We kept talking about all kind of things and spent the day together. I got back at my place in early evening. My mom called just as I came out of the shower. I had talked to her once when I first landed in London.

"Mom, hi!" I answered.

"Hi, darling! I've been dying to hear from you," she sounded a bit upset by happy at the same time.

"Sorry, I've just taken everything in," I told her.

"You have to tell me all the details. What have you been up to?"

"You will never believe it!" I said.  

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