28 - Do you really mean that?

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"It's so good to have you back," my mom said when she gave a big hug. I was back in New York for some days to spend some time with my family. I'd missed them a lot, especially my dad. "You have to tell us everything! You met Benedict, and even better - you are together! I can't believe it!" 

I laughed. "I can't still believe it either, it's... it's just perfect. He is perfect." My mom smiled the biggest smile. "I couldn't be more happy for you. But you have to convince your father because he won't believe me," she chuckled. "Do you have some photos of you two, sure you do. Let me see." 

"You will, when we go and see dad. I'm missing him so much." She put a hand on my shoulder. "I know you do, honey," she said and pulled me in for a second hug. "I know you do." 

We where at the hospital a little later. My dad was in room 28, so we had to use the lift up a floor to get there. I saw him through the little circle window on the door. He had his eyes closed. Mom opened the door for me and I quietly walked in. She wanted me to get some time with him first. I sat down on a stool beside the bed and gently held over his hand. His eye locks began to open. 

"Hi dad," I said softly. His eyes shined up when he saw me. "Clary, sweetheart." His voice was hoarse and it made my eyes create a blank sheet over them. "You're back." He smiled weakly. "Yes, I had to see you again." 

"How's the London life? Tell me everything. Mom says you've found that actor you love so much, is that true?"

I smiled. "Yes. We... we're together. Surprisingly enough."  My hand got a squeeze from his. "I couldn't be happier or more proud of you, Clary. I knew London would be a good change for you. Is he here with you? I'd very much like to meet this amazing man." My smile dropped. "No, he's starting his work soon in a new movie so he couldn't come." My dad nodded. "I understand." Tears started to escape my eyes. "I want you to meet him too." 

We were interrupted by the door opening and my mom coming in to us. "Well, at least you must have some photos of him," dad said. "Of course." I took my phone out of my pocket and clicked my way into the album. I gave him my phone so he could see. Mom bended over him so she could see too. "He really is beautiful," she said. "You look so happy with him," dad said and gave me my phone back. "I truly am. He is incredible." 

I had a great day with my family. My brother, Michael, would come for a visit in two days and we would go for a walk in Central Park to have a picnic like we used to do with our father. We had much fun and shared our stories with each other. He was just as happy for me as our parents were. 

Luckily, we had the weather on our side. New York was sunny, even though the temperature was something else. But I'm used to it so it didn't bother me much. We spent almost the whole day in the park, while our mother prepared dinner for us. We had tried to convince our father to eat at the hospital so we were all together, but he insisted that we should eat at home. And so we did.

It felt a bit strange, coming back to these circumstances. The house was more quiet now that our dad wasn't here. "We have to arrange something soon so that we can meet Benedict," my mom said while taking a bite of the food. "Yes, I'll ask him when he's available. Now that he's started on this movie, he's pretty occupied."

"Too occupied for you as well?" Michael asked, for a bit of fun. I chuckled softly. "Well, I've been thinking about getting a jobb beside Uni. I need to make some money. Maybe just at a cafe for starters. I don't earn that much but it'll do to begin with."

"I think that's s great idea. Get yourself some stablishment, but you're brother has a point. If you're getting a jobb and he's so busy, will you even have time for each other?"

I Deduce Romance | Benedict CumberbatchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora