10 - You make happy

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if the wonderful smell hadn't appeared, I'd probably still be asleep for a while longer. The smell reminded me of weekends, or holidays. Yes, that suits better. I moved on the couch and when I opened my eyes, I had to think for a moment to remember where I was, then it hit me when my eyes landed on the huge TV.

I'm at his place!

Then I remembered last night at the bar.
As I was about to straighten myself up, I discovered that I had a blanket over me. It was the same blanket I placed over Ben last night. The smell hit me again and I looked over my shoulder to see where the delicious smell came from.

Ben stood by the stove. Oh God, he cooks too! I always had my suspicious, but now I knew for sure. He had changed his clothes from yesterday. They were replaced with a pair of casual, blue jeans and a white t-shirt. His curly black hair looked like he had just woken up, but it was hard to tell because he had his back to me.

I began to think about all the things we've done together: I've seen him work 'live' as Sherlock twice, been in parks with him where we once had a little picnic, been out on dinner, theater and bar with him. And to top it all, I've now stayed the night at his place. And all this in just under three weeks! I mean, what are the chances for something like that to happen?

If someone had told me that I would spend a night on the couch to my favorite celebrity, I would laugh at them and then cry because there wasn't a chance in the world that, that would happen. But now it had, and I may have seemed calm about it on the outside, but on the inside, all sorts of feelings and thoughts raced through my body like a wild storm. I was afraid that at some point, I wouldn't know what to do or say to him if my feelings would take the upper hand. That's what happens when I find it so hard to stop looking at his face. That's when my feelings are taking over.

What if i say or do something inappropriate and scare him off? I wouldn't dare to do so, but i wasn't sure if I could control my feelings towards him much longer. I knew nothing could ever happen between us, and it's great to hang out with him as friends, but I would lie to myself if I said that I didn't want to go further. Maybe the best thing to do was to keep some distance from each other. At least until I've got more settled with all that's been happening.

I turned away so I faced the TV again. I could see myself in it's screen. My ponytail was totally a mess and I closed my eyes while asking myself why I didn't take it out last night. Well anyway, I opened my eyes again and took out the hair elastic and placed it around my wrist. Then I moved my fingers through my hair to make it look not so messy. Luckily, because of my curly hair, it was easily done.

"Good morning. I do hope the couch didn't kill your back," a deep, British voice said behind me.

I turned and saw Ben placing two plates on the dinner table along with two glasses.

I was right, it didn't seem like he had fixed his hair yet. To be fair, it didn't bother you at all.

"Morning. I slept pretty well so don't worry about that," I told him.

"Oh, that's good. I'm sorry that I fell asleep like that last night. That wasn't mature of me at all since I had a guest," he said and scratched the back of his neck. He often did that. I had seen him do it on almost every talk show or interviews.

"Oh, no need. We were both pretty tired I guess."

I got up from the couch and straightened my skirt and blouse before walking over him.

"How's your head?" I asked. It looked better but still painful.

"Oh, I will survive," he replied. "I'm just glad that i don't have any more shootings at the moment," he chuckled.

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