23 - Letting them know

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The next day at Uni, my two friends, Amy and Simon, wouldn't leave alone about me seeing someone. They also asked why I left the party so sudden. I told them the reason and Simon, the protective guy he is, said he'd talk to Chris about it but I said it didn't matter. The real problem was how I was gonna explain to them that I'm now the girlfriend to a high talented actor with millions of fans.

I spoke with Ben yesterday about how I should tell them, and my family. It's really hard to come up with something, especially when I haven't totally gotten my head around it either. It's still very big news to me.

But I had to tell them today so they could get their heads around it a bit before I'm going on the Star Trek premiere with Ben.

They kept asking me questions about who he's, what his name is, how he looks like, what he does, etc.

"Okay, before I tell you anything, let me ask you something," I said to get them to stop talking.

"If you had the chance, would you date a celebrity? For example, would you date Tom Hiddleston if you had the opportunity?" I looked at Amy who looked surprised to why I brought this up.

"Yes, I think so. I mean, I really like him and a relationship with him would be amazing, but then there's all these things that come along with fame and the press and media, but I wouldn't let that ruin it if I really had a chance with him, but come on! How big is that?" she chuckled but looked a bit sad about it.

"So you would date him even if you would get photographed and people sharing the photos all over the internet?"

"I think I would yes, but I don't understand what that has to do with you, if I didn't know better it sounds like your in such a situation. Like, you are the one that has a chance with a celebrity, like Benedict who you like so much. Now come on! Who is he? You're killing us with not telling."

I didn't say anything the next seconds, just looking at them, wanting them to figure it out so I didn't have to tell them myself.

But when they just raised their eyebrows at me, I sighed and gave up that idea.

"You're right," I said, very low.

Amy and Simon exhanged looks.

"What do you mean? Right about what?" Simon asked.

"It's... Okay, don't freak out," I said and waited for them to agree.

"Please, promise me."

Then, like a switch was turned on, they gasped and by the looks of it, Amy was about to scream or say something aloud but I hushed her just in time.

"Oh my God," she almost whispered, then she said it again but higher. "Oh my God!"

So they figured it out. I'm not gonna go into details for what happened next. Just know that it was a big blow for them and I know exactly how they're feeling.

They accepted it in the end, at least I think they did. They asked me multiple questions about how he was, if he was a good kisser, for how long we've been together...

I also told them about going to the premiere and after taking it all in, they seemed happy for me.

Now, my family was next on the list, then the world.

To spare you time, my family was just the same really. Shocked, but in a good way. They were happy for me, but it's something hard to believe. They know I've been a fan of him for around two years, and now I'm his girlfriend. After a long talk about it, they asked if I was coming home for a visit soon. I said I had my vacation late in October and I was planning to take a trip then.

My dad was the same, no changes either good or bad. I missed him so much. He was home from hospital most of the time. It'll be so good to see them again.

* * *

For the rest of the week, me and Benedict was the only thing Amy and Simon talked about.

And the closer Saturday came, the more nervous I got. I had no idea for what to wear, but I knew that I had to go shopping.

Luckily, I would get some help, because Amanda was going to come with me. She would know what will suit me, and the red carpet.

I met her after Uni on Friday. She was over excited about me and Ben and the fact that I agreed to come with him on the premiere.

She took me to a shop were she ofte  bought new clothes for occasions like this.

It was a big shop with a lot of dresses in all possible colours.

This is gonna take a while, I thought to myself.

After looking around and getting a lot of comments from Amanda, I ended up with five, which I tried on.

* * *

Yet again, it was a good thing I had someone with me. The dresses were so beautiful and if I had been by myself, I think I'd never leave.

In the end, we both decided which of the five I should take, and I couldn't wait to show it to Ben.

We had arranged it so that Amanda would come over to Ben's place tomorrow to help me get ready.
However, the nerves were still getting stronger, and I began to think if this really was a good idea.

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