15 - Calling hope

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All sorts of thoughts raced through my head. First, I just stood there like a frozen statue. I couldn't move. What I saw... It would haunt me forever, I knew it. It was a terrible sight. A sight I'd never forget. I had to do something but my body just wouldn't move.

Then all of a sudden, it was as someone flipped a switch. I stormed inside the house and rushed over to were Ben was. He was lying on the floor in a pool of blood. His own blood. He laid on his stomach, unconscious.

"Ben," I tried but he didn't move at all.

"Ben! Wake up!" I cried with tears streaming down my face. "Oh my god, oh my god," I mumbled and started to panic.

What the hell am I gonna do?! What am I gonna do? Oh God, no. Not him! Please, not him! Oh... Focus, Clary! Focus! What am I supposed to do in a such situation? Think! Ambulance!

I was gonna grab my phone when I noticed I didn't have it. I looked towards the porch and thought I must've dropped it there.

I hurried over and found it lying on the grass. It was hard to see the screen because of all the tears that were covering my eyes. But I managed to call 911 and got response immediately. It was hard to speak as well. My voice was shaking and I probably stemmed every word. I told them the address and they said they'd be on the way.

I rushed back to Ben who was still unconscious. I tried to turn him around, but he was heavy, but I achieved it. The blood came from a wound in his torso. His shirt was soaked in blood. I checked his pulse. It was weak but he was still alive. I had to do something to make it stop bleeding so much. I looked around, trying to find something I could use.

The kitchen was the place and I went there to find a cloth. When I found one that was big enough, I jogged back to Ben, opened his shirt and pressed the cloth on the wound. It looked bad, and I kept praying that he'd wake up. But he never did.

"Come on, stay with me Ben!"

I suddenly remembered that I promised Amanda to call her if something had happened, but I seriously couldn't cope talking to someone again. Besides, I needed to keep pressure on the wound until the ambulance arrived.

Luckily, it didn't take long before the driveway was filled with sirens. The ambulance was here. I hurried over and opened the front door for them.

"Thank you for coming. He's over there," I told them. Two men came in, carrying an ambulance stretcher and two others carrying one medical suitcase each.

They checked his wound and helped each other so they could get a bandage around his torso before lifting him carefully on the stretcher.

One of the men came over to me.

"Do you know what happened?" he asked.

I shook my head, unable to talk.

"Okay, are you coming with us? It'll be easier to fill in papers if you know him."

I nodded. Of course I was coming along!

He lead me to the ambulance and I got in behind along with Ben and two others and rushed off to the hospital.


It felt like a nightmare that I wasn't gonna wake up from. This is something you never really think are gonna happen to people like Benedict. To people who are known across the world because they're celebrities, either it's acting, singing or others. You're never prepared for it to happen and when it does it comes like a huge shock.

When we arrived, they took him into the operation room, leaving me in the waiting room. There were a few other people but I didn't mind about them. I leaned against the wall, still crying.

I Deduce Romance | Benedict CumberbatchTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang