20 - The party

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Hi! I changed my last chapter just a little bit, but nothing important you'll miss if you don't re-read it :)

Hope my story is still enjoyable and I'll write the next chapter as soon as possible :)

~ Cumberlocked4ever


The party started at 9pm and it was about fifteen minutes to Will's place. I didn't know what to wear so I just picked out a  black skirt and a black top with my hair loose.

I met Will in the hall just by the front door, and together we walked out and hired a cab to take us to his friend.

* * *

"Hey, Will! Good to see you, and- oh, you've brought a friend!"

Will's friend stood in the doorway with a half-full glass in his hand.

"Come in, my friends!" he said and it wasn't hard to deduce that he had had a little too much to drink already.

"What is your name love?" he asked me as he quickly turned around so he was facing me. This all came so sudden that I almost crashed into him.

"This is Clary, from Uni," Will explained and I smiled and nodded.

"Clary, this is Chris. A friend from childhood," he continued.

"Clary!" he said aloud and shook hands with me. "A name worthy a pretty girl."

"Thanks." I replied and looked uncertain over at Will who just raised an eyebrow.

We followed Chris inside to the living room where a big group of people were talking and dancing. I tried to look for Amy and Simon, but it was hard because of the low lightening and all the people jumping up and down.

"Do you want a drink?" Will asked.

"Yeah, sure," I told him.

After he left, I still looked for my friends, but when I didn't see them, I disappeared into the crowd.


I turned to my left and saw Simon, lifting the glass in his hand up as a gesture.

"Hi," I said.

"Did you come here alone?"

"No, I came with Will."

Simon gave me a smile.

"What?" I asked.

"Is he your...?" he stopped before he finished his question, waiting for me to take the hint.

"Will? No, he's not my boyfriend. Can you please let this go?" I gave him a light push to which he laughed off.

"No, I need to know who he is so I can tell him that if he hurts you-"

"You're gonna make him regret it?" I chuckled.

"Yes, your my friend, and I want you to be happy," he said and put an arm around my shoulders.

"I appreciate that, but there's no need to worry. He can be trusted."

"If you're so certain, then fine. I'll let it go for now."

He took his hand off me and I turned to face him.

"But just tell me this," he continued, apparently not quite done with the subject.

"Is he here?"

I sighed with a smile. "No."

"Okay," he said.

"So, Amy, is she here?"

"M-hm, she is over there somewhere, I think," he said and pointed out the direction.

I looked over and saw Amy making out with a guy I couldn't tell who was because I couldn't see his face.

"Seems I'm not the only one with a boyfriend," I said to Simon who looked a bit confused.

"She doesn't... at least not that I know of," he said. I chuckled for myself.

"So if either one of us wants to be together with someone, we have to ask you for permission first?"

Simon made a 'thinking expression'. "Doesn't sound too bad," he said, but he shook his head. "No of course not. I just care for my girls."

"Aw, I'm glad to have you, Simon," I said and hugged his arm.

"Here you are," Will said, coming up behind us. "Here's your drink."

"Thanks," I said and took the glass he reached out to me.

The night went on, I got to talk to Amy in the breaks of her making out sessions. I got to meet the guy for a single moment. He seemed nice, he goes to the Uni too, but I haven't met him. Simon sort of questioned the guy, but eventually accepted him. In other words, we all had a great time.

"Hey! Clary right?"

Chris laid a hand on my back. I was alone at the moment after coming out of the toilet.

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Yes, I am." I could smell alcohol from him, not that I couldn't from other people, but it was quite a lot more coming from him.

"Actually, I was thinking of heading back to my place," I said, trying to step away from his grip.

"Why? The party isn't over," he said, trying to get me to stay.

"I know, but I'm feeling a little tired and-"

"Have a dance with me first," he insisted and took my hands. "You're hot, you know that?"

"Look, Chris, I'm flattered, but I really should be going."

"Well, we don't have to dance, we could do something else," he said with a cheeky tone and twirled me around.

"Let me go, you're drunk."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

He kept pushing me backwards until I hit the wall.

"I do as a matter of fact. Now, let me go." I was determined in my tone, hoping it would help.

"He isn't here is he? Otherwise, I would've seen you with him during the night. Come on, he doesn't need to know."

He still held my hands, which he held strongly down my sides, clung into the wall. He leaned in closer. I could feel his breath on my neck.

"Stop it," I demanded, but he wouldn't. I could try to shout for help, but the music was still on and it was loud so no one would probably hear us anyway.

I tried to free myself from his grip but it only made him tighten it more. As I went into my mind, trying to figure out what to do, he was already working on my neck. I resisted but he held me tight with the rest of his body as well.

He kept his lips on my neck before he lifted his head and kissed me.

"No! Get off me!" I yelled at him and kicked my knee between his legs, which really made him letting go.

I immediately got out of his way and pushed myself through the crowd. I believe I heard someone calling my name, but I didn't stop to look. I just wanted to get out of here.

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