29 - Don't be gentle

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So, I got to write this chapter as well before I leave this weekend. If I got time and opportunity, I'll do some writing, but it'll mostly be in the holidays I believe. Therefore I'll leave you with this chapter for now. Hope you'll enjoy it ;) and feel free to let me know what you think. 

If I don't get time to update, then I wish you good luck with whatever it is you're gonna do after this summer! Be safe xx

~ Cumberlocked4ever 


Ben had promised me to meet me just outside the airport. If he came to meet me inside, there would be floating with paparazzi all over us. I didn't bring any luggage to New York since I still had some of my clothes there. I moved fast out of the airport pushing my way through all the people who seemed to have good with time. But I didn't. I needed to tell him as soon as I saw him. He had to know. When I hit the exit, I looked from left to right and I spotted a familiar Jaguar standing along the sidewalk a little further down where there weren't any others. My feet started running down the road. When I passed a car, I saw Ben leaning against his own, but when his eyes landed on me, he smiled and took a few steps. I ran over the road, ready to throw my arms around him. By the look of it, he might have expected me to hug him, but instead I kissed him. He chuckled as our lips were pressed together and put his arms around me. "Oh, Clary, I've missed you." Ben hugged me tight. "I love you," I said, taking him by surprise again. "What?" I looked up at him, but we still held our arms around each other. "I love you. I never got to tell you over the phone, but I do. I really do. I love you." I kissed him again and this time he kissed me back. "I love you too," Ben said. And that moment, was definitely one of the most special ones in my life.  

Since it was in the middle of the day, Ben took me to his home. The second I got in, I was greeted with a familiar sent. "Did you make pancakes?" I asked him. "Yeah." He responded like it was obvious, causing me to smile. "Thought you might be hungry after all those hours on the plane." He got out two plates and put them on the table. i walked over and put my hands on his waist. "You're the best." He smiled to it and kissed my head. "I did say I'll spoil you." I rested my head against his chest, feeling every heart beat. They were calm, but strong. "Come on," he eventually said. "Let's eat." 

The food was splendid. Not that I thought it wouldn't but his food always tasted excellent. I talked about my family and what it was like to see them again. I also said that they really wanted to meet him, and Ben wanted that too.

When we moved over to the couch, he told me about the shootings for the new movie. It sounded really interesting and he was back to work first thing in the morning, as I was gonna go back to Uni. An hour passed with him just talking. It wasn't surprising. When he's asked a question on a interview, he often gives a several minutes respond. When he was done with his story, he was about to kiss me, but I stopped him by placing my fingers on his lips. He smiled a little and kissed them instead. It caused me to bite my lip. I put my hands in his shoulders and corrected him so he sat with his back against the couch. He was about to touch my arms, but I stopped him there too. "Don't. Just sit still, don't move. Close your eyes," I told him. He looked at me suspiciously but did as I said. I took a moment and just admired him. God, I'm the luckiest person ever.

"Is something gonna happen, or am I just to sit here all day?" he chuckled. "Now that you're back I want to look at you, to touch you." His words made my head start to spin. I got up on my feet and took off my t-shirt before I leaned over him and kissed him gently on the neck. Then I did it again and again. Ben didn't move or open his eyes, but I could tell he wanted to. Finally, I sat down on his lap, making the kisses on his neck longer and more intense. He let out small growls and couldn't help but lifting one hand on me. "No," I rejected and put it down. "Not yet." I pressed my body closer to his and continued to kiss hard on his neck. "Clary," he groaned. I started to undo one button at the time on his shirt, and then I pressed myself closer to him again so he could feel that I was half-undressed as him. "I love you," I whispered in his ear. Ben leaned forward, but I pushed him back on the couch. His desire to touch me and kiss me back was just as big as mine. But I kept being strong enough to reject him. "Oh, God..." he moaned as I ran my hands all over his naked chest. I had never done this before - never been the one in control. But now I was. 

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