14 - Where are you?

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I spent time with Will after Uni the next few days. We stayed at the library there, working and talking about a lot of things. It was a pretty good feeling to be around him. He made me laugh and focus on other things than what my mind had been quite occupied with recently. Or that would say, almost make me focus away from it. I still felt the same way about Ben, and because of my weakness for him, I had sent him several messages. But what bothered me was that he, oddly enough, hadn't replied to any of them. I was worried something might have happened to him, but what could that be? Everything seemed fine when I saw him last week, and therefore-

"Clary?" Will looked at me curious and a bit worried. "You've got that look on your face again."

"What look?" I asked, hoped I wouldn't be too obvious but clearly, I failed on that.

"That look you get when you're thinking about... something," – he made a waving gesture with his hand – "It troubles you, I can see it as clear as day, Clary. I really enjoy being with you, but whatever or whoever, is on your mind, you need to sort it out." Will spoke with a calm and caring tone.

I turned my gaze away from him and down to the floor. He was right. I needed to fix this thing between Ben and me. The problem was, how do I actually tell him how I feel? I mean, it's Benedict freaking Cumberbatch!

Will took his bag over his shoulder and came closer to me.

"Look, I know we have just known each other for a brief week, but you can talk to me if it will help you."

There was a brief pause.

"Is it a boy?" he asked.

"Eh, sort of... it's-"

"Complicated?" he finished for me.

"That's one word for it," I sighed.

Will put a hand on my shoulder and said; "Figure it out," before he left.


I slung my bag on the bed, took out my phone and made a call. After a few tones, she answered.

"Clary, darling! How are you? So nice of you to call."

"Hi, Amanda. I'm fine. No actually I'm... Listen, it's about Ben."

"Oh, has something happened?" she asked worried. I scratched my pan while wandering around in the room.

"I hope not. I have texted him these last few days but he hasn't responded to any of them, and he usually do. I was just wondering if you or Martin know if he's alright," I explained.

"Really? You're right, he always replies. I haven't talked to him lately, but Martin has. Just wait a minute and I'll ask him. Be right back."

I sat down on the bed, tramping my foot against the floor in anxiety. What if something really had happened? To Benedict? I didn't manage to think about it.

It must've been several minutes before Amanda came back on the phone.

"Okay, Martin said he saw Ben last weekend and he told me that Ben had something to say to you then, but he didn't then?"

I knitted my eyebrows. "No... I didn't meet him that weekend," I said, a bit hesitating in my words because I was wondering what he wanted to tell me but never did and now he doesn't respond. Before I could ask her what he wanted to tell me, she continued.

"Martin last talked to him two days ago as well, on Tuesday. He said he sounded a bit strange, almost upset."

What on Earth was happening?

"Maybe we should go and check on him," I said, starting to get really concerned.

"Oh dear, I should've gladly have gone with you, but Martin and I are going out any minute in a meeting and that can take a while."

"No, it's okay," I said and waved my hand in the air like she could see it. "I can go over and see if he's home."

Maybe not a good idea considering my- No, I have to go. If something bad has happened it was best to check than not too. He could be in danger... oh come on, it's probably nothing, but I better check on him anyway.

"Okay, but don't hesitate giving me and Martin a call if something..." her voice died out in the end and we got silent.

"I will," I said. "Talk later."

We hung up and I fixed my hair a bit, grabbed my jacket and left to go and see if Benedict was home.


My feet stopped just in front of his driveway. I admired his house and his fancy Jaguar. It was quite a beautiful place.

Wait? His car is here. That means there's at least a chance that he's too.

I took some cautious steps towards his house and up the little staircase. I took a depth breath and knocked on his door, waiting.

And waited I did.

I knocked again, but the handsome, British actor with the ocean eyes, never opened the door. I tried to call him, but he didn't pick up the phone either.

He was probably out, meeting someone or something. Yes that's it. He was probably just busy with his life and would call back when he had time. Just to be on the safe side, I decided to take a round around his house to see if I possibly could spot him inside. I had after all been inside and knew he had big windows where you could see the kitchen and the living room.

As I entered the corner, I saw the terrace door standing open. I knitted my eyebrows in wonder.

I approached with watchful steps and peeked inside and got immediately shocked. The sight stunned me and I dropped my phone on the grass.

"Oh my God!"



Hi! This was a bit short chapter and sorry for another annoying ending :3 but it won't be long to wait for the next on which will also be longer. Thank you for taking so much interest in my story!  

Stay put! :)

~ Cumberlocked4ever 

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