32 - A step forward

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It's now summer, and Clary has finished the first year at Camberwell College, which was also her last. It surprised Benedict that she didn't plan to finish the college, but when she got more and more small parts in movies, he understood that doing that and be at college wouldn't work out for long. He was happy that she seemed to enjoy acting so much. However, not studying at the college any longer, also means she needs a new place to stay.

"Everything is so expensive!" Clary sighs upset and drops the paper down on her lap. "I'm never gonna find something."

"Don't say that," Ben tells her and takes her hand. "I'm gonna help you keep looking and I've asked some of my friends if they know anything, Eventually something will come up." He sees the worried expression on her face and removes his hand from hers to put around her shoulders instead. "Hey, everything will be alright." He drags her to him so her head lands on his shoulder. He kisses her forehead and strokes her arm.

"Thank you. You've been such a huge support," she says and turns to the side so her head is on his chest. He smiles and looks down at her when suddenly an idea pops into his head.

"Why don't you live here?"

Raising up, Clary looks questioningly at him. "What?"

"It fits. We both act now, and we've been together for almost a year."

"Yes, including the friends part," Clary says, smiling at him. Benedict makes a face and tilts his head from side to side.

"Yeah...but I've been hoping for us to live together soon and this seems like the perfect opportunity." He corrects himself in his seat and takes her hands in his. "I love you, Clary," he says more seriously.

When Clary only continues to stare at him, with a hint of a smile, Ben frowns his brows. "Clary?"

Realizing that she hasn't said anything, she chuckles. "Sorry, it's just... " she looks down at their hands.

"What?" he asks curiously.

"It amazes me every time you say that," she smiles up at him.

"Well, get used to it." He leans forward and gives her a kiss. Returning it, she climbs up on his lap and puts her arms around his neck. She pulls away a little and looks him in the eyes.

"You really think this is a good idea?" she asks.

"I do. But, if it should turn out we're not there yet, you can move out and we'll go on from there."

While he speaks, Clary's fiddling with his t-shirt, thinking about his offer. Ben lets her do so and waits patiently. Eventually, she looks him in the eyes.

"Let's do it," she says.

A big smile formes on Ben's lips. and he throws himself back on the couch, pulling Clary with him, causing her to laugh.

A month later...

Walking back and forth in the living room. Ben is waiting for Hayley to return from an audition she got offered. Apparently, it's for an important role. He knows she'll do great, but it's her first role which is this big, and he knows how tough that can be. He remembers his first audition as the main role and how his palms were sweating.

His thoughts are soon disturbed by the sound of the front door opening. In comes Hayley with a rather upset look.

"What happened?" Ben asks, instantly worried and goes over to her. She drops her purse on the couch. "Hey, talk to me."

"They loved me," she says with a neutral tone.

"I- What?"

Now she can't hold the mask any longer. She starts to laugh and points her finger at him. "Got ya!"

I Deduce Romance | Benedict CumberbatchWhere stories live. Discover now