33 - Kiss and tell

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It's late in the evening when Ben and Clary arrives out of the National Theatre. A long line of fans is already there waiting for to meet the actor. They all shout of happiness and call for him as soon as he steps out of the door. Ben waves to them and starts to sign pictures. Behind him, Clary waits with one of Ben's security guards.

He spends time with the fans for about ten minutes before he makes his way over to Clary,

takes her hand, and gets towards the car. Once they're inside, he puts his arm around her shoulder, and as soon the car starts moving, he pulls her close and kisses her cheek.

"I appreciate you coming tonight," he says gently.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," she replies and pats his chest. "You were wonderful." She rests her chin on his shoulder. "My Prince."

Ben breathes out a chuckle. "It means a lot that you're supporting me, and being patient while I meet the fans," he tells her and strokes her arm. Clary smiles and gives him a long kiss on the neck. Bringing her arm around his neck, he joins in the hug.

They end up cuddling all the ride home, and when they get inside Ben's house, they get some easy snacks before going into the bedroom. Clary changes from her dress to one of Ben's comfy t-shirts he gave to her. Meanwhile, Ben undresses from his grey sweater and black jeans to pajamas trousers. On the floor, there's a packed suitcase leaning against the wall.

"I can't believe you're going to Mallorca for your role," Ben says when he gets under the sheets.

"I know, it's so exciting," Clary replies and joins him.

"I'm gonna miss you though," Ben says and puts his elbow on the pillow to support his head. Clary smiles as she lays her head down and looks up at him.

"Yeah? I think I'm rather gonna enjoy the Cumberbreak," she jokes and Ben smirks and throws himself over her to tickle her. She wriggles in his arms while they burst out laughing. By using some strength, she manages to roll him over. Looking down at him with a loving smile, she runs her hand across his chest. "Of course, I'm gonna miss you."

Smiling pleased, Ben removes some of her hair away from her face. "I love you," Clary says and Ben pulls her down and gives her a kiss.

"I love you more," he says against her lips and kisses her again. "I'm so competitive," he smiles, placing a kiss on her forehead. Gently, she drops down, half on top of him. "You know I'm more than happy to take you to the airport tomorrow."

"I know, and I'm thankful, but you need to rest while you can. It can't be easy to implement all those performances. I'll be alright."

"I know you will," he says and looks her deep in the eyes.

The next day, afternoon...

The lights in the plane have almost been turned completely off. It's only some of the passenger lights people have on to either read or do crossword puzzles. Others are sleeping, listening to music, playing on Ipads, and so on. However, they all have one thing in common at the moment; everyone is quiet.

Hayley finds herself staring out the window with her phone resting in her lap as she lets the music guide her into deep thoughts. As she closes her eyes, she finds herself in Ben's living room, sitting by the dining table.

Ben is sitting opposite her and they both enjoy a good meal together. It's one of their latest dinners. "Are you alright? You look a bit distant," Ben says with concern and lays down the cutlery. Clary does the same and meets his eyes.

"Yeah... It's just, this trip to Mallorca scares me a little."

Ben exhales and moves over to Clary's side, sitting down beside her. "If anyone can do get through with this, it's you. I have faith in you, and Tom will be there with you. He'll look after you in my absence," he smiles, making her giggle.

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