21 - The date

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I rubbed my head as I sat up in bed. Last night felt like a dream, or should I put it more as a nightmare? No, it wasn't that bad. It could've gotten worse. Way worse. But, I decided that I wouldn't let this ruin me.

The light in the bathroom blinded my eyes as I turned it on. I trick my eyes closed and opened them again. I reached for my hairbrush and started fixing my hair, when I suddenly dropped the brush.

I leaned closer to the mirror, leaning my head swiftly to the side and lifted my hand up to my neck.

"No, please, no!" I said out loud. "Jerk!"

Chris from last night had left a hickey on my neck. Perfect!

I put my elbows on the edge of the sink and buried my face in my palms. "Why does it have to happen to me?"

I looked back up in the mirror just when I heard my phone vibrate.

I sighed and went to get it. "Shit," I murmured. It was from Ben, asking if I was still up for tonight.

"Oh God, what am I gonna do?"

* * *

As I got ready for my date with Ben, I put on makeup to try to hide the hickey so he wouldn't notice it. Not that I wasn't gonna tell him. Or maybe I wasn't. it's not that big of a deal, is it? No, I have to tell him.

"Okay, I'll tell him," I said to myself as I got in the cab.

He had rented a table at a nice restaurant called Le Gavroche. Apparently, the food there is excellent.

The ride was half an hour. Ben had offered to pick me up, but I said I'd be fine taking a cab.

I stood in front of the restaurant for a few seconds before walking inside. The restaurant was actually really nice. I'm glad I decided to go for the black dress instead of the purple one. This one suited more to the decorations. I also had my hair loose to help it cover up my neck. I didn't want him to see it before I had told him.

A man came up to me on my right.

"Welcome to Le Gavroche, have you ordered a table?" he asked.

"Ehm, yes, I'm meeting someone. He told me to just say my name, Miss Fairchild."

The man checked his list. He was dressed in a suit that looked expensive, but as did this restaurant, so it wasn't so surprising.

"Yes, follow me," he said next.

He led to the end of the restaurant where there were less tables. I saw Ben sitting at one of them, and I understand why he chose a table here.

When he lifted his gaze and saw me, he got a big smile on his face and stood up.

"Thank you," I said to the man who showed me the way.

After he left, Ben came up to me.

"Wow, you're beautiful," he said and took my hands.

I opened my mouth, about to say something.

Ben tilted his head a bit. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No! No, I just... get surprised every time you say that," I said and smiled, as did he.

We sat down and short after, a waiter arrived.

"May I take the order?"

I looked over at Ben who looked a bit blank too.

"Wine?" he asked me and I nodded in respons.

"Okay, which one, sir?"

"Ehm, the best one," he said and the waiter immediately nodded and disappeared.

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