26 - Ardent love

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(I know he doesn't have a scar on the photo, so just ignore that) 

I slowly came to consciousness as I breathed in the familiar smell of Ben from the bed. My head was practically buried in the pillow and duvet. I wasn't quite sure if I was still asleep until I felt something strong holding around me, and a warm breeze in the hook of my neck.

Memories from last night started to pop up in my head, which made me open my eyes.

Oh God! That actually happened. I slept with Benedict!

At first, I got a moment of... I don't know how to describe it... Panic? How am I supposed to react when I've spent the night with my favourite celebrity?

Then, a wave of other feelings hit me. I felt loved and safe in his presence. And that's when he was just Benedict to me. Not the guy everyone know. But the guy who only his family and friends know. I loved that man. I looked up at him and-

I got interrupted by my own thoughts as I felt Ben's arms move around me. He must've noticed that my breathing got faster. As he kept moving them, I sensed that I wasn't naked, at least not quite. I looked down and saw that I was wearing his shirt from last night. Although, I couldn't remember at what time I put it on. Maybe I didn't. Maybe he did it after I fell asleep. The last thing I remember is all that pleasure- 

"You awake?"

Once again, I got disturbed. This time by his lips kissing my neck and his hoarse morning voice.

I stunned as I moved on my back so I could look up at him. His hair was really a mess, but I guessed mine was as well. He smiled to me as he stroke my arm.

"How was your sleep?"

"The best I've ever had," I said and found myself getting lost in his eyes once again.

Ben got a wider smile as he noticed. "And how about last night?"

I opened my mouth but no words came out. Inside, I was screaming because of how good it was, but I couldn't exactly show him that.

"It's still the best night. It was amazing," I told him.

He moved so he laid on his back as well. He gestured for me to lay on his chest, and I didn't hesitate doing so.

The warmth from his body met me the moment I placed my head on his chest.

"Mmm, what time is it?" I asked.

Ben turned his head over to the clock on the table. "It's almost twelve," he said and looked back at me.


"You have somewhere to be?" he asked, slightly worried I would get late if I did.

"No. No, I don't."

"So you have the whole day?" he smiled.

I supported myself with my elbow and my other hand in his chest, gently stroking him. He titled his head as I leaned down close to his face.

"I do," I smirked and kissed him, for multiple seconds. When I released my lips from his, he dragged me back down to give me a deeper kiss in return.

Ben tugged on the shirt I was wearing and I knew he wanted to take it off me. My hand travelled from his chest down to his waist, reaching the hem of his boxers.

It didn't feel strange at this moment. It was just as if we were an ordinary couple, without all the fame.

I was rolled over by Ben, who was now on the top. After we kissed for several minutes, Ben pulled away.

I Deduce Romance | Benedict CumberbatchWhere stories live. Discover now