16 - "Hi"

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It was a long night at the hospital. Ben's parents went home in the evening, but I wanted to stay. It felt like I wasn't allowed to do so because I hadn't known Ben for so long, but I couldn't get myself to go home, to leave him in a state like that. When I went to see him, he was lying on the bed with eyes closed. His chest was slowly rising and sinking, like he was in a peaceful sleep. Although he must've felt the pain, or at least feel it when he woke up.

When Timothy and Wanda left, I sat down in the chair beside the bed. I wanted to reach out my hand and hold his while taking away the lock of hair that had fallen down his face, but at the same time, it didn't feel like it was something I could do. Either way, I didn't resist it. instead, I let myself do it.

I took a away his hair from his face and thought he might open his eyes but he didn't. I took my hand over his and held it tight.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you," I said while looking at him. I've been so lucky to meet him and to actually spend so much time with him, and now he's ended up here. Maybe if he had met me last weekend to say what he wanted to tell me, this wouldn't have happened. Or if I went to him earlier...

I couldn't bother myself with such thoughts. It wasn't my fault that this happened, nor was it Ben's. the only one to blame was the person who did this to him. I wanted him, or her, to be found and answer for it.

The next day at the hospital, I woke up, still sitting in the chair. I rubbed my eyes and looked at Ben. He was still asleep and it seemed like he hadn't moved at all. I sighed and got up just as my stomach rumbled. I didn't eat much the day before so it wasn't so surprising.

I went to get myself some food. When I came out in the reception, I saw a police officer talking to the nurse I talked to the day before. She turned and noticed me. She nodded in my direction for the police officer who followed her eyes and landed his gaze on me.

"Miss Fairchild?" he asked, coming towards me.

"Yes?" I responded, getting a bit nervous.

"They say you found," he stopped and looked down his file and I had to smile a little for myself. "Mr Cumberbatch yesterday in his house, unconscious and wounded."

"Thar's correct."

"Did you hear or see anything before or after you found him?"

"I only saw that his terrace door was open, and then I saw him on the floor." I hated to say it out loud that I found him, bleeding, in his own home.

"And you didn't see or find any objects that could refer to be the weapon used?"

I shook my head in response.

"What were you doing there?"

"Are you asking if I had anything to do with this? Because if you are then you're mistaken. I would never-" I raised my voice but stopped myself before it got too loud and people would glance at us. The last thing I wanted right now was to make a huge scene. The policeman was waiting for me to answer his question.

"I was going to see him because he didn't answer his phone. I got worried and wanted to check if he was all right. And I'm so glad that I did."

"Okay, that'll be all for now. I'll come back when he's awake," he said and was about to leave.

"Wait!" I called after him. "Can you try to let this case stay out of the news? I don't think he wants the world to know about what happened. He's an actor so everything he does practically comes out in the news, but it would be great if this didn't."

The police man thought for a moment, but answered, "I see. I'll see what I can do, but I can't promise anything. The press is really intrusive."

I thanked him and he left straight after.

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