Chapter 24

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Ally's POV:"Austin she..."Was all that could come out of my mouth. "Austin...Emily's yours."I say looking down at my feet. "Emily's mine!"Austin says cheerful. But it didn't last long. "Emily's mine, Emily's mine. Oh My God. I'm a father"Austin saysin a rather panick tone, but I still kept looking straight down at my feet. "Oh man, what am I gonna do? I'm not ready to be a father, I have a life! This could mess up my popularity."Austin says. How could he possibly be thinking about that now, in this situation? "Why didn't you tell me this earlier Ally?! Now my life is messed up!"Austin practically yells at me.

"It's not my fault Austin."I say fixing my stare up at him. "It is Ally! If you would have told me the second you found out, that you we're pregnant. It would be different. It all would be different! You're telling me this now while my life is on top, why?"Austin yells. "Because I thought that you should know Austin."I say not yelling at Austin like he was at me. "You thought I should know."Austin says chuckling"I should have been known Ally, I should have been the first! You know what i'm done with this!"Austin yells whlist turning red before storming off.

"Where are you going?"I yell to him. "I need time, Ally."He says before dissapearing.I knew that telling wasn't going to make things better. If anything it made this worst. What do I do now? I think that I've ruined everything. I walk home to see that Daniella is already here. "Hey Ally, how was school?"She asks and I break down crying. "Austin hates me!"I say in between sobs.

-Three Days Later-

Well it's been three days, four hours and 27 mintues since I lasted talked to Austin and it's been killing me. I haven't seen him in school ethir, so i'm pretty convinced that he's avoiding me.

"Take one and pass the others back."My Biology teacher says as she hands us the test. And to be honest, I was so not perpared for it. I've spent the last three days stressing over whether Austin was avoiding me or freaking out about it all. I take a test and pass the rest back as I see the principal come into the classroom. "Allison Dawson, come here and bring your things."He says and I do as told.

"Am I in trouble?"I ask but he shakes his head. He then whispers something in my ear. Something that made me cry. Something that made me go weak. "Allison, your family has been in a car accident."I heard him say. I didn't know that nine little words could make your whole life seem meaningless. "Come with me."He says leading out. I might have seemed calm on the outside, but on the inside I was freaking out. "The nurse will be driving you to the hospital, your family is in my wishes."He says as he walks away leaving me with the nurse.

-At The Hospital-

We we're finally at the hospital and I took no time. I ran straight inside, into the waiting room. "Where are they?! Where is my family."I ask the receptionist panicking. "You must be Ally Dawson, wait here."She says taking a call. "Wait here?! My family could be in there dying right now."I pratically yell at her. "Ally."I hear someone say. "I turn around to see Daniella and my parents standing behind me. "Guys!"I say running to them. "Wait where's Emily?!"I ask and once I do their facial expressions change. "Mom...Dad..."I ask with tears coming out at full force. "

"Ally..."My mom says as a tear excapes out. "No! No!"I say as my knees start to weak. "The Dawson family."The doctor asks, coming out with paper work. "That's us."My dad says. "Well, Emily lost some blood, and to her it's alot since she's so young. And we need blood for her but we don't have her type here."The doctor explains. "What type does she need doctor?"My mom asks.

"A positive"The doctor says as my parent's look around. "None of us have that blood type."My mom says speaking up."Well, we need to get some fast, before she slips into a coma. And I can't guarantee that she'll wake up from it. Do you know anyone with that blood type?"The doctor explains.

Oh My God, what if Emily dies?! I couldn't live without her! Come on Ally think! Think! Who has A positive?Oh My God...Austin does."Austin!Austin has it!"I speak up. "Good! Call him quick!We don't have that much time."The doctor says before leaving. How will I get a hold of Austin? I've been calling him for the pass three days so what make you think that he'll answer now? This may not turn out the way I want it to.

End Of POV

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