Prologue- A Lost Soul and A Scientist

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The Hybrid Effect is completely my idea. I thought of it one day and I'm working really hard on this story. Please don't try to steal my story, if you do I will find out. If you, as a reader see anyone copying my story please let me know.

Hey don't steal stories, just read and enjoy them!

Copywrite 2013 

Elizabeth C. Salazar 


Miracle: (mir'e k'l), n. 1. A happening that seems to be against the known laws of nature or science. 2. An amazing or remarkable thing; marvel 



Hybrids arent popular, nor unpopular in society. The only people who know of them are the scientist creating them, the people selling them and the ones buying them. Scientist feed the public lies saying every hybrid was "born," when most were manmade.

Everyday people pretty much ignore hybrids and act like they don't exsist. The ones who buy them either use them as a pet, or for their own unnerving desires. Hybrids are capable of speech and learning, but no one bothers to teach them.


Niall walked through the halls, head down and beanie on as people whispered and laughed as usual. Everyone knew him as "The Orphan" or "The Mute." You see, Niall lost his parents when he was just eight, to a tragic fire. Having been sent to the local foster home right away, he became withdrawn and depressed. He ended up emancipating himself two years ago at sixteen and now lived on his own in a small flat.

Its not like he wanted to be alone, he actually longed for companionship, but he had no one left. He was an only child, and everyone at school either avoided him or picked on him. Its not like he could defend himself though, because on top of everything, Niall had a slight stutter problem which he knew would just give people something else to give him hell about.

So no one would care.. if he went missing.


Harry had always been fond of cats, so naturally when he was asked to help with a scientific experiement he agreed. You see he was an aspiring scientist taking classes at the local UNI and took this as the perfect internship opprotunity.

Upon arrival Harry begans his work, helping along side the hybrid scientists. It is explained to him that what they're creating is a breed called "Hybrids," having a human body, along with cat ears and tail, but also combining the catlike physical abilities along with the human thought and speech process.

He felt uneasy about it, feel like its against the laws of nature. Trying to think about his future he continues helping until he notices how badly the hybrids are treated. Poked and prodded daily, having tests performed on them, then sold to petshops. One day while doing his normal rounds, checking on the hybrids, he meets a hybrid that catches his eye. A blue eyed boy with a look of such innocence it breaks his heart to see him in this condition.

What will happen when he meets a hybrid like no other?


Well that's the Prologue.. 

What are your thoughts?

I'm trying to make this story different from other Hybrid stories, I have the first chapter written and I'll post it when I get 3 votes and 2 comments. No I'm not "one of those authors" I just want to make sure that if I write a story, someone atleast likes it, only the prologue and first chapter will be like this, after that I'll update weekly.



stay gorgeous and I look forward to posting the first chapter.  

- Lizzie xx

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