Chapter 17- Parting is Such, Sweet Sorrow

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Okay well I know I said I would do a double update, and I apologize. I've had this chapter ready for a week, but when I went to see Catching Fire (ah freaking mazing If you saw it comment on what you thought about it.) I lost my phone. And I don't have a computer or wifi at home (I know, I'm a poor deprived child) so I had to wait until Sunday to use the church wifi (I know I'm horrid) but here's this. I have a lot planned for this story and I'm sorry I say I'll update a lot when I don't always hold my end of the bargain. Thank you too the people who have stuck with his story through this far. Also I had to repost 14-16  because somehow 14 got deleted. Anywhoo, without further ado, Chapter 17


Chapter 17


Harry groaned as he awoke, feeling uneasy. He soon realized why, as he opened his eyes and found a lack of his blue eyed boyfriend... well could he consider Niall his boyfriend now? I mean he would hope so after the last nights events.

He didn't get to dwell on the matter much longer, as Niall walked into the room, a breakfast tray in his hands and a bright smile slapped onto his adorable face. He quickly sat the tray on the bedside table, before climbing onto the bed.

"Goodmorning babe, " Niall said, sitting on Harry's lap, strattling him innocently. Harry smiled at his use of the word, and all his previous worries seemed to vanish.

"Morning Love," Harry said, sleepiness still evident in his gruff voice. Nialls eyes widened as Harry's lovely voice flooded through his ears. "What's a matter?" Harry asked, causing Niall to blush. "That was so... sexy," Niall mumbled, suddenly very interested in his fingers.

Harry smiled at how adorable Niall looked, how innocent and adorable Niall looked. A blush spread over his cheeks and his blue eyes looking down and his fingers fumbling with his tail, while his ears where sat up, and perky.

"So what's this?" Harry asked, after pulling Nialls chin up and placing a soft, reassuring  kiss on forehead, then gesturing to the bedside table.

Niall scrambled off of Harry, his eyes bright. "I cooked for you," Niall stated, with a twinkle in his eyes.


"Okay so I'll see you after work," Harry began as he held Niall in his arms. The pair stood in front of Leeroy and Liams room, a few floors down from Harry's. "Thank you for breakfast, again. It was delicious!" Harry stated, his nose skimming the blonde boys neck as Niall let out a inaudible moan. He nuzzled into Harry's neck before pulling away a few minutes later with a sigh.

"Go, you'll be late," Niall said, with a small smile before standing on his tiptoes to kiss the younger lad. Harry kissed back for a moment before walking Niall into the apartment. As he walked down the hallway, he couldn't keep the grin off his face as he heard Leeroy gushing about how cute they were.


Harry sighed as he pulled into the familiar parking lot. After the short goodbye with Niall this morning, he had sulked as he drove. He would much rather stay home with his boyfriend and cuddle than work. He laugher suddenly, his mood brightening as he heard a familiar song on the radio, known as 'Gorilla.' Maybe this day wouldn't be as bad as he thought.

A/N: Sorry it's short. it deleted and I had to retype it >_<


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