Chapter 3 - And Viola! Hybrids Were Created

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(FIXED and slightly LONGER version)



Chapter 3

Hybrids? What's a hybrid? Harry may be a science major, but he was completely oblivious to the idea of a hybrid. Which isn't very surprising, considering his upper class status. Most hybrids were found in small petshops in the slumps of the city, which he never ventured into.

Harry looked at Mr.Vance, curiously raising an eyebrow. "Hybrids?" 

Dr.Sheeran spoke up. 

"Yanno, half feline half human?" he said.Harry gulped slightly at the thought but shook his head. "Enlighten me?"

"You see a long while ago, a scientist named Theodore Hybridizes had a deep adoration for felines, cats in particular. Their perfect coordination and graceful physique intrigued him. He became engrossed with studying them, wanting to know everything he could about them.

His wife, Seraphine had given birth to a baby girl and died 6 months after due to the influenza. Almost immediately, Theodore resented the child for claiming she was the cause of his beloved, Seraphine's death. He hired a nurse to care for the child, while he poured himself into his work.

One day, while doing some blood work on the house cat, he created a syrum in which he hoped to give himself catlike traits. Whether it was rage or some unknown reason that caused it, he injected his daughter, Juliet with the "Hybrid Syrum." Within minutes, she began to feel sick, and a month later she sprouted a tail and fluffy ears.. and. viola! Hybrids were created." Dr.Bailey said, finishing the story.

"What a twisted fucker" Harry thought, speechless by the story. Who would do that to there own child?

"Pretty messed up shit," Ed remarked, guessing Harry's thoughts. 

Mr.Vance shot Dr.Sheeran a look "No offense, but what exactly do Hybrids have to do with this?" Harry said looking at the four people in the room. 

"We work with them, obviously " Dr.Cowell spoke up for the first time with a bored tone. 

Harry choked down the bile threatening to rise in his throat, so all these people around him take poor humans and create hybrids? I mean who does such a thing? Its against human nature.

"All of our tests subjects are volunteers, each wanting to become a hybrid. Most are born -the result of a hybrid female giving birth-. Hybrids are used as pets mostly since they don't really talk or walk on two legs," Mr.Vance said, suspecting Harry's uneasiness. This comforted Harry slightly, knowing they didn't just yank people from everyday life and do things against their will. He had always been fond of cats, his thoughts going back to his childhood cat and something sparked in him. Suddenly intrigued by the idea of a hybrid he looked up at Mr. Vance before speaking four words.

"May I see one?"


Dr.Sheeran smiled as he pressed the basement floor on the elevator. "I'm the caretaker of the hybrids. I feed, bathe, and make sure each of them are in tip top shape; physically and mentally." he explained as the elevator made its way from the 30th floor to the basement. 

After saying his goodbyes to Mr.Vance and the other two scientists, Harry had been sent to go with Dr. Sheeran, seeing as he would become his assistant for the time being.

Harry smiled, "So Dr.Sheeran-" 

"Call me Ed please, formalities aren't my thing" 

"So Ed," Harry corrected himself with a smile. "What exactly will you have me doing?" he finished, giving Ed a curious look. 

The elevator stopped, and Ed adjusted his black Beanie, before he gestured for Harry to follow him. He entered the room, slipping off his white lab coat, revealing a zip-up jumper underneath. When asked about this, he explained that he liked to be relaxed at work, it made the hybrids relaxed knowing their caretaker was too.

"You will be taking over the job of caring for the hybrids for a couple of months, apparently the boss needs me to go down to Bath and assist one of his companies with a hybrid who is ill. Ill be leaving Wednesday so I have all of two days to show you the ropes." He said, typing in a code as big metal doors clicked open, to reveal a room with 3 long rows. Each row had a total of six, very large cages holding what Harry guessed were hybrids.

"Are they friendly? I mean what if they don't like me and attack me?" Harry asked worried. Ed just shook his head and scoffed. "They may be part cat, but their emotions are as human as you. As long as they're fed and attended to properly, they're as harmless as .. well as a house cat"

Ed pulled Harry's arm over to the far end of the room which held a kitchen area with a sink and 4 cabinets. He gestured to each cabinet, pointing them out as "Food" "Toys" "Medicine" and finally "Bedding".  

"That door there leads to the park area where you take them out to exercise and play." Ed said pointing to a door. 

Harry nodded, taking in everything. Luckily, he was like a sponge when it came to learning new information. 

"Okay, Sounds sort of simple." Harry smiled as he ran his hand along the countertops nodding.

"I reckon so, now they've all been properly fed, exercised and what not for today, so sorry to say you probably wont see one quite yet. They're about ready to go to sleep for the night so when you come in tomorrow, I can show you properly what to do, hands on." Ed stated, picking up his carry on bag. Harry glanced at the clock on the south end of the wall, surprised that it was already ten o'clock at night. 

"Sounds good," he stated, smiling before walking into the elevator with Ed.

As they stood in the elevator, Harry peeked at Ed. "How do you know so much about hybrids?" he questioned. Ed sent him a smirk before pulling off his Beanie to reveal a pair of orange colored tabby cat like ears. "My mums one, and so am I." He shrugged.

"But I thought that hybrids can't talk.. or walk?" Harry asked, perplexed. "Hah," Ed let out. "So a lot of people think, doesn't mean its true." 


After a long much needed steamy shower, Harry plopped onto his bed. A quiet moan escaped his lips as he tangled himself in the silky black sheets. As he began to succumb to his sleepiness, his thoughts drifted to hybrids. It amazed him how normal Ed seemed, even being a hybrid. Maybe they were just as human as him? 

His eyes fluttered shut, as he fell asleep, filled with anticipation for tomorrow.




Did you like the story of The Creation Of Hybrids? I kinda pulled that one out of my a** to be completely honest. Oh WHALE.

SORRY!! I was supposed to update yesterday but I didn't have wifi :/

Do you like Ed? 

I love him haha YES he's Ed Sheeran so really, what's not to like. Surprised that he's a hybrid?

I have a strange obsession with Les Misérables. Like I listened to I Dreamed A Dream and Do You Hear The People Sing while writing this chapter.... ITS AN AMAZING PLAY/MOVIE/BOOK(S).

-Beard Out xx

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