chapter 60 doubts

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   Jane Prov.

Jingles sat in the driver's seat with ben and sally asleep in the back seat while I sat in shotgun in a large SUV we had 'borrowed' from our last victim. My dark eyes looked out the window as we drove into the night.

"Caroline and jack are going to kill us"

Jingles laughed, I glanced over at her, her yellow eyes bright with happiness at finally getting out of that place. I couldn't help but let a small smile grace my features. I nodded

"They will, but hey can they blame us? I mean we have been in the medical zone for way too long. Just wait until Nina gets back, As soon as she finds out her 'jackypoo' is with someone else. She is going to be mad."

I felt a shiver shot up my spine at that, Nina had been off at a long term assignment but before she left she had a huge crush on jack, one that Jack never showed signs for feeling the same affections. Jingles smirked with a playful glint in her eyes

"Ah, Caroline is lucky she's a phantom or a zombie or whatever, if not then I would tell her to run for her life. A crazed fangirl will be hunting her down as soon as Nina finds out. Didn't Nina have a huge crush on jeff before she met Jack?"

Jingles asked, The opened window making her bright green hair fly back the tips of her hair held golden little bells that jingled softly in the night's air. I snorted with a soft growl, Nina and I had never gotten along. I had tried to get her to join my side when I first met her, Before i realized how insane she was about Jeff.

"That she did, and even if she constantly denies it, she still does has a crush on him."

I hissed darkly, my own eyes narrowed filling with annoyance with jealousy. Wait, I am not jealous of her. I can't be. Jeff isn't mine, and he never will be. Things are just far to complicated for us to ever be together. No matter how badly I want us to be. I'm one of his first victims!

One of the 3 of his victims that he actually let to live. Well he didn't plan on Liu still being alive but he knew that Nina and I would live.

This whole thing is just too complicated. After we save Jeff and Bozo I'll just have to leave. I may have forgiven him, but things are too crazy for us. My heart was pounding when it honestly felt as if it was breaking. I felt ice blue tears start to form in my dark eyes. I moved my head down, using my dark bangs to hide my watering eyes.

I didn't notice how long I must have been lost in thought. Jingles pulled over and parked out on the side of the road. Jingles glanced over at me her bright yellow eyes filled with worry. I felt her gaze on me, I slowly shifted my own gaze to hers. Jingles shifted in her seat. Her eyes glowed softly

"Jane. spill it, Something has been bothering you and I want to know what."

She gently reached out and brushed my hair out of my eyes, then she moved her thumb down and wiped away my tears, I smiled at her touch. I took in a deep breath, my eyes locked with hers. My lips trembled, My eyes closed as the tears threatened to reappear. I wrapped my arms around my sself, hugging myself trying to calm my self down. 


Before I could finish we both heard a voice

"Well hello ladies" 

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