Chapter 5 Unexpected

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Jane POV:
I woke up in somes ones arms but I didn't care it was really warm and I felt safe. This person could be a devil for all I care I'm not moveing. My I noticed how I was facing him I noticed how he was a flat chest a muscle one to. His arms were wrapped around me like he was protecting me from something. I placed my hands on his chest and snuggled up to him. I'm pretty sure this is a dream but at the moment I really don't care. I felt so safe and warm that in less than a minute I was passed out asleep on who ever this guy was.
Jeff POV:
I woke up realizing that I hadn't had any night mares that night I usually always do. Then I realized I was holding someone I reached up and took off my eye sleepy patch to find my arms wrapped around Jane. 'GAH WHAT AM I DOING WHY AM I HUGING HER WHY DO I NOT WANT TO LET GO OH CRAP JANE PLZ DON'T WAKE UP'
I felt Jane stir for a minute or too so I brought her closer to me to clam her down and suddenly she stopped stirring. She snuggled up to me making me blush like crazy. I have no idea what I'm doing ugh what is this why is my face so hot why am I so at peace right here it's so nice holding her hmm. I kissed her forehead (idk why) and fell asleep.

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