Chapter 54 liu's end

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Eyeless jack prov.


Jeff's head was bent forward his shaggy black hair hiding his face. I walked away from Caroline and walked up to Jeff. Liu was smirking, he laughed. He got up he was wobbling he held his shoulder. He grinned a red smile at Jeff.

"Feeling guilty brother dear? Feeling guilty for killing our mother? Our father? For TRYING to kill your own brother? For almost killing your precious Janie? I would too, I wouldn't be able to live with my self."

My eyes widened

"Jeff! Don't listen to him!"

Liu chuckled ignoring me.

"I would kill my self. I wouldn't be able to take the guilt. I would take janes knife and end it. If I were you."

I felt Rage fill my body. I can't let Liu do this to Jeff. What Liu doesn't know is all the nights Jeff came to me when ever he had a nightmare. He would come to me I would calm him down. He would come to me shaking and crying. Telling me How he shouldn't have done it, how he couldn't help it, how they were going to kill him. How his mother would yell at him for doing the smallest thing wrong. How his father would call him a freak. How they always yelled at him "why don't you act like you brother?!"

When ever liu wasn't there. I couldn't just Stand there and let liu destroy Jeff. I will not let him feel guilty all because of liu doesn't know what his parents did to Jeff. I remember once I asked Jeff if he had ever told liu about what their parents did to him. I remember Jeff shaking his head

'even though he wants to kill me. He doesn't need to know that our parents weren't as saintly as he believes. Besides he wouldn't believe me he was the little golden child.'

I couldn't take it anymore I screamed at Jeff

"Jeff don't you dare listen to him!! You and I both know that your parents deserved what they got!! And Jane forgave you! She loves you! She told me herself!!"

Jeff's head turned to me, he had tears in his ice blue eyes. he looked scared, and worried.


He said he was shaking slightly. In his eyes I saw hope. He was showing his side only me Jane and BEN had ever seen. I smiled and nodded.

"She was going to tell you at the ball."

Jeff smiled and chuckled

"Just like what I was going to do. Jane you copy cat."

"Hey don't blame me."

My eyes widened, Jeff's head snapped down to Jane her eyes were open slightly she was smiling weakly.

"Crazy brilliant minds think alike."

Jeff grinned down at her. I smiled. Liu how ever was starring at me looking furious.

"What do you mean they got what the deserved? They didn't deserved what happened to them! They were amazing parents to me and Jeff!"

I laughed and looked over at Jeff. He nodded

"Might as well tell him."

I grinned my widest. Liu looked confused

"Tell me what?"

I chuckled and looked over at him

"Liu you parents weren't saints. They called your brother a freak even before he changed. They hated him and treated him like scrum. And always yelled at him saying why aren't you like your brother liu? And that fateful night when it all happened. Your mother yelled to your farther 'honey get the gun! He's lost it!' That doesn't sound like good parenting to me."

Liu's eyes widened

"They would never, they loved him... They would never hurt him.NEVER!"

I laughed and kicked him to the ground. His time was coming I could tell he was losing to much red. I sighed and grinned down at him.

"You know liu all this crap your telling me is really pissing me off. And you did hurt Jeff."

I looked over at him.

"May I?"

Jeff nodded and kicked his knife, which was lying beside him, towards me.

"Sure but please use my knife."

He looked down at liu who was shaking. Liu whispered to him.

"Is it all true?"

He nodded then said.

"Every. Single. Word. They always loved you and hated me. Sorry brother dear but they weren't good parents."

I kneeled beside him and raised my Jeff's knife high above my head. Ready to strike,

and I did. Red covered the knife. It felt amazing to finally end him. After he'd done he deserved much worse but this will do. I got off the floor and walked over to Jeff.Jeff started at his brothers lifeless body

"Go to sleep brother dear."

Jeff handed Jane to slenderman as did bozo with jingles. Slenderman took hold of all of us and teleported back to the mansion.

Slenderman teleported jingles, Jane and Caroline too their rooms so she could heal them. Leaving the rest of us out side the mansion. Jeff turned to me his eyes still brimmed with tears. I pulled him towards me into a tight hug. I rubbed his back calming down. This whole thing must have been very stressful and emotional. I held him tight, when we separated he nodded and I smiled back. Sally walked up to him and grabbed his hand.

"Let's go home."

We all nodded and walked into the creepypasta mansion. All very sleepy and ready for sleep.

3rd person prov.

No one noticing how someone else had been watching. Glaring at them waiting for his chance to strike. Waiting for revenge.

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