Chapter 62 a crazy clowns help

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Jane and I looked forward and screamed in fright. Then I let out a loud laugh,

"LJ!!" I opened my window and let the clown prince slide in. Laughing Jack grinned, wrapping his long arms around Jane and lifting her up. He sat down in the passenger's side, placing the kicking Jane down on his knee.

"JUST BECAUSE I'M SHORTER THAN YOU DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN LIFT ME UP AS YOU PLEASE!" Jane glared up at Laughing Jack, Her arms across her chest. Laughing jack let out a cackle, a grin on his face.

"We've been through this before~ I'm bigger than everyone, and anyone I can lift, I can and will." He shrugged, ruffling Jane's dark hair with his long fingers. Jane hissed like a cat while I giggled.

"Easy kitty easy" I teased, closing my window as I glanced at the two dorks. My yellow eyes went back to the road,

"How did you find us LJ?" I asked, with a smile on my face. Laughing jack leaned back in his chair, with his hands resting behind his head.

"Caroline freaked when she saw her two lovely patients had escaped. Her little boyfriend sent me to check on you guys. So why are you two on the road with those two little kiddos in the back?"

Laughing Jack asked as he glanced back at the back seat, Seeing Sally and Ben. Both little kids still fast asleep, the moonlight creating shadows over them. Laughing Jack looked back to me then he glanced down to Jane.

"Not playing on leaving the mansion are we?" He asked, I shook my head while Jane rolled her eyes.

"Naw, We just know that Jeff and Bozo need our help. So we are out to find them." I explained with a nod, Jane glanced up at Laughing Jack.

"True question is: can you help us find them?" She asked, Laughing Jack placed one of his hands over his chest.

"Oh my toys, you shouldn't doubt my love for knowing all the secrets of the mansion and what evil plans we have planed. I overheard slender telling the boys about this crazy doctor. I know the place and the bad guy. I can take you two there. I'll give you two all this if I get to help take down the freak." Laughing Jack's silver eyes glanced from Jane and I. I looked to Jane, pursing my lips.

"You up for it?" I asked, Jane nodded eagerly turning her head back to Laughing Jack. The black and white clown and reached into the folds of his shirt and pulled out a brown folder.

"Now ladies, and sleeping children! Here is where the boys are," he opened the folder. Jane took the folder in her hands and looked at it.

"They're at an abandoned hospital?" She asked, looking over the file. LJ nodded

"Mhm, But the last doctor at this hospital were mysteriously murdered. His assistant however is still alive and has seems to be following in his master's footsteps. He took in patients, torturing them and making them insane. Then for the cherry on top he kills them. Before I left the mansion I heard Slenderman mentioning to someone on the phone that Jeff and Bozo hadn't called in a while. They weren't the best the at staying in touch but they always called in before it hit two days. They haven't called or sent any means of an update since last friday. Today Girlies is tuesday" Laughing Jack slid out a lollipop from his pocket, he unwrapped it and slipped it into his mouth. My bright yellow eyes glanced to the two,

"You think they were taken?" I asked, Jane looked down to the file.

"By this Randall person?" Jane's finger pointed to a picture on the file. Lj poked his head in and nodded.

"It makes sense. Anyone who ever looked into this creeps case suddenly vanished or had to take a vacation" LJ nodded softly.

"And never came back" Jane finished, Her eyes wide as she looked to Jingles.

"He took them because they must have found something involving his case!" I saw jane smile from the corner of my eye. I felt myself eyes flicker

"Then where would this creep take the boys?" I asked, I was starting to dislike this Randall more and more. I glanced over at the two of them, my eyebrow raised. Jane looked down at the file once more, checking to see the location.

"It says here that Randall lost his house after his mentor died. That leaves the hospital where his mentor once worked. It's abandoned, So it would be the perfect place for him to be!" Jane closed the file with her silver eyes bright. LJ nodded.

"Very true, and we are just about a couple hours away from that very same hospital" LJ grinned at the two, He glanced at the kids in the back. By sounds of their snores, both BEN and sally were still passed out asleep. I felt my evil grin return.

"Well then let's go"

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