chapter 33 movie with jeff and jane

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jane prov.

I turned off the rushing water and pushed the shower curtain out of the way. i rapped a warm tower around my waste and another around my wet hair. i peeked out the door to see if Jeff had left my clothes at the door. I smiled seeing my clothes.

“thank you Jeff.”

i grabbed the clothes and quickly closed the door. 

“your welcome jane.”

i glanced around the room just to make sure that he wasn’t there.i began to slip on my clothes when i realized they weren’t mine. instead of my black dress, it was a pair of white long white fluffy pajama pants with a long sleeve, black, V neck shirt.

“Jeff theses aren’t my clothes.”

i heard Jeff’s dark chuckle from out side of the door. I rolled my eyes and slipped on the black shirt, it was surprisingly very soft. i heard the door creak slightly.

“Your clothes are clean. but if you haven’t noticed most people like going to sleep in there pajamas. And since you don’t have any i got slendy to grab some for you.”

i slipped on the pants and took the wet towel out of my hair. 

“thank you jeff you know didn't have too.”

“i wanted to.”

i blushed slightly and began to run the fingers through my midnight hair. 

“your weird jeff.”

i could almost see him smirking 

“so are you jane.”

i shrugged, i left the dirty towels in a basket by the shower. i opened the door to find Jeff on his bed. 

“im not as bad”

he rasied an eyebrow 

“not as bad? well thats true. but i wouldn’t say that being weird is a bad thing. i would like to say that we are original, not normal. normal is boring my dear jane.”

i shrugged 

“that is true but there lives are so much more simpler.”

jeff nodded 

“and boring.”

i smiled 

“you know for once i actually agree with you.”

he got up, his eyes widened 

“well this has never happened before.”

i nodded 

“it feels weird.”

jeff nodded he slipped his hands in his pockets.

“its kinda weird hey wanna watch a movie?”

i smiled 

“sure. scary movie?”

He nodded and bent in front of his TV looking through all of his DVDs. he turned to me with a smirk 

“how about a horror movie marathon?”

i grinned 


i sat down beside him and together we looked through all of the DVDs he had. I held the movie "the shining” 

“do you have every single horror movie?”

he shrugged and took it out of my hands.

“this is not a very good one and i truthfully don’t know.”

i chuckled slightly then i saw a movie that i know would be prefect. 

“jeff how about this?”

i held up “the texas chain saw massacre” ginning. he grinned  and took it from me with a smile 

“you’ve seen this?”

i nodded 

“well kind of, I’ve seen a bit.”

jeff nodded and put the DVD in the DVD player 

“well then you must see it.”

i smiled and sat next to him. we watched the whole thing when it was over. i sighed slightly disappointed. I turned to Jeff with a slight poutSave & Publish

“there wasn’t that much blood in it.”

he chuckled

“ya thats always a let down.”

He took the DVD out and put another one in. he smirked and turned to me

“ready for a true horror classic?”

i nodded he sat down beside me the movie was called "dead alive” the whole time i was  grinning like the mad woman i am. by the end of the movie i was holding jeffs hand we looked at each other, grinning. 

“that. was. AWESOME!”

we said together. we stayed like that for some time us holding hands, grinning at each other, gazing at each other. Ours faces inched closer together. Until the door was slammed open and a flash of light hit us. i felt my eye sting, i let go of jeff to rub my eyes. Jeff did the same then we opened ours eyes to find BEN grinning at the door, with a camera in his hand. 


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