Chapter 40 an old friend

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janes prov.

I ran to jacks room and knocked

"Jack are you in there?"

He didn't respond, I frowned.

"He's not here.

I turned to the owner if the voice to see BEN with a smile on his face. I raised an eyebrow

"Where is he?"

BEN smiled

"He went off to see an old friend."

Eyeless jack prov.

was raining i put my hood up and looked around i walked closer the slide i was back, back to the place where i had lost her. i ran my hand across the slide, i felt the horrible memories come flying back; they hit me like a ton of bricks. caroline making me laugh, her smile, her beautiful eyes. the doctors changing me, me running back to this place. caroline covered in blood lying under the slide slivering from the cold of the rain. me holding her as she died in my arms. i fell to my knees and held my face.

"why couldn't i save you?"

i got up and turned to the apple tree. i walked up to it right to the spot where she layed. where she lay forever asleep never to wake again. he kneeled in front of the grave and stared at her name.

"i'm so sorry caroline. i shouldn't have let you die i should have saved you im so sorry"

i felt tears form in my eyes i didn't even try to fight them. i took off my mask and cried for caroline. i miss her, i miss her smile, i miss her laugh. i miss how caring she was for everyone, how she would try always try to help me. I missed her plans to get revenge on bullies. I miss her stories, i miss her dark blue eyes. i miss her blond waves of hair.i miss her smile that would always bring a smile to my face.

"i miss you."

"hey stranger why are you crying?"

my eyes widened i turned around and there she was. caroline. she wore the same outfit she had on the day she died.


i couldnt move was she really there? she had tears in her eyes, she smiled, she was trembling.


I smiled, hearing her say my name. I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her waste. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I held her close, afraid that if I let go she would disappear forever. I could feel her cry into my shoulder.

"I missed you."

I rubbed her back, comforting her.

"I missed you too."

I smiled taking in her scent. I whispered in her ear.

"Promise not to leave me again?"

She nodded

"I promise."

We stayed like that for a while longer, neither of us wanting to let go. I let go of her and grabbed her hand. I picked up my mask and put it back on my face.


She nodded, we turned and walked out of the play ground. We walked through the neighbor hood. I asked about her new life. She told me she had simply been under the slide or at her grave for most of her time.

"I didn't know where else to go."

She said with a shrug I nodded understanding

"Ya I've been staying at the creepy pasta mansion."

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