Chapter 41 jeffs dream

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Jeffs prov.
I laughed; Jane closed her eyes and put her head on my
chest. I smiled and laid back on the coach with Jane on top of me. I gently put
my hands on her waist, kissed her forehead and closed my eyes. It felt so right
to hold her, keeping her safe. I smile as I enter my dream land.

((Dream mode))

"Daddy! Daddy!"

I look down to see a little girl she looked around 2 to 3
years old. She had ice blue eyes with long black straight hair and ghostly
white skin. She wore a pure white dress with a black bow wrapped around her waist.
There were little specks of splattered red on her dress. I picked her up and
put her on left knee.

"Dad! Dad!"

I looked over to see a little boy; he looked around to be 4
to 5 years old. He had pure black eyes with short shaggy black hair and ghostly
white skin. He wore a black turtle neck with black dress pants Bits of his
turtle neck were darker than the others it looked like bits of red liquid. I picked
him up and put him on my right knee. They smiled up at me

"Daddy what does love feel?"

The little girl asked, I raised an eyebrow and looked to the
little boy. He smiled

"I think she means what does it feel like to be in love with

I smiled

"It feels like sparks whenever we touch and I always have
this warm tingling feeling when I'm with her. I'm always happier when she's
around, and it's like the whole world just gets better when I'm with her."

The little girl giggled and the boy smiled. I raised an
eyebrow with a playful smirk

"What's so funny?"

The little girl answered with a giggle

"We asked mommy the same thing."

The little boy nodded

"And she answered saying the same thing."

I smiled

"Well she does love me, and I love her."

"Dinner's ready!"

I smiled hearing her voice I picked up the two little kids
and put them on my shoulders. The little girl giggled the boy laughed

"haha Dad put us down!"

I laughed and carried them to the dinner table; then put
them down in their seats. She was
sitting there next to the little girl. The seat next to her was empty; she was saving
it for me. She looked up when she saw me and her whole face let up.

"Jeff, ready for dinner?"

I smiled and sat next to her

"If it's with you then yes I am, Jane."

I leaned over and kissed her, she instantly started kissing
back. The little boy gagged
"Not at the table! We eat here!"

He said blushing, the little girl laughed

"More Mommy and daddy more!"

Jane and I broke apart, blushed and laughed with our kids.

((Out of dream world))

I opened my eyes and smiled at the dream. I yawned and
remembered that Jane was lying on me. I blushed slightly and looked down to see
Jane yawning. I smiled

"Morning Janie."

She smiled with her eyes half closed

"Morning Jeffery."

"Did I wake you?"


Ii smiled enjoying the feeling of Jane this close to me. She
clearly hadn't noticed the position we were in. Jane looked to still be half
sleep, she rubbed her eyes.

"can we just go back to bed?"

She said with a yawn. I smiled she looked so adorable. I noticed how the room was kind of cold, Jane
shivered slightly.

"Hang on."

I sat up, took off my ghostly white hoodie and slipped it on
Jane. She was too sleepy to argue she let me pull it over her head. She smiled
and pulled the hood over her head.

"It smells like you."

She said sleepily, I chuckled at her sleepy state.

"Well it is my hoodie."

She smiled and put her head on my chest.

"Can we go to bed now?"

I smiled and nodded. I wrapped my hands around her waist and
pulled her close. I lay back on the couch with her on top. I felt her nuzzle
into my shirt, as she fell asleep. I looked down to see Jane smiling in her
sleep. I smiled feeling this warm feeling inside my chest. I closed my eyes and
drifted back to my dreams.

Sally prov

I came down the stairs and walked over the living room to
watch some TV before slender man wakes up. I walked over to the couch to see Jeff
and Jane. Passed out asleep with Jeff holding Jane like she was his teddy bear.
I smiled seeing Jane was wearing Jeff's hoodie. I slipped up the stairs to grab
my camera; I tip toed back down the stairs to see that they haven't moved. I turned
off flash and took a picture. I tip toed back up the stairs I looked back down
at Jeff and Jane before I reached the last step.

"Just go out already!"

I whispered shouted at them. I waited to make sure they didn't
wake up. Nope still passed out asleep. With a smile on my face I turned and
walked to my room. I closed the door behind me and slipped into bed.

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