Chapter 13 candy?

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Laughing jacks prov.
"Want some candy little girl?"
I held my claw like hand infront of her filled with colorful candy. My white and black clothes along with my white skin and black hair made the candy pop.she smiled, took the candy from my hand and popped it in her mouth.
"Thanks LJ you always get me the best candy."
I smiled
"Well you are the only little girl who invites me to tea party's."
Sally giggled her curly Brown hair bouncing around, her bright green eyes shinning.
"Oh ya do u want to come to my tea party today?"
I nodded
"Will Charlie be there?"
She nodded
"And I was gonna ask Jeff, maybe Jane if she's here yet."
I smiled raising a knowing eyebrow
Sally blushed 'she so likes him."
"Y-ya I'll invite him."
"Do you-?"
We both looked up startled I looked at Sally
"Was that Jeff?"
Sally nodded
"It sounded like him."
"Come on let's go find out what's going on up there"
Me and Sally ran up the stairs find to Jeff's door open.we ran in to find Jeff on top of shadow creeper punching his eyes out. Jane in the groaning on the floor, and BEN the corner knocked out cold. Sally ran over to BEN.
"Oh my god BEN!"
He groaned
She smiled and hugged him
"BEN you scared me."
He blushed and smiled weakly I gave him the thumbs up. He pulled Sally closer I smiled. Then I heard a Groan
BEN and Sally ran over to janes side
"You too love birds see if she's ok I'm gonna break up Jeff and shadow."
I got up and walked over to Jeff and shadow and pulled them apart. Haveing long arms on this situation is very helpful.
"Usually if u too were gonna fight I wouldn't break it up I would cheer u too on. But in this case I'll make an exception."
Shadow was smileing evilly at Jeff who looked like he could rip shadows head off.
"How could you two start a fight and not invite me to watch?"

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