chapter 56 the girls secret plan

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Jane prov

I opened my eyes to a blinding blast of white light. I groaned and ducked my head under the blankets. My neck felt like it was on fire and my whole body ached.

‘What happened?’

I thought to myself, I racked my brain for any merrory of last night nothing came. I peeked through the blankets to get a better look of the room I was in. The room was plain and simple, white walls, white bed, white everything. I sat up slowly as my sore body would let me. I looked to my left; on little white table was a single rose. It was blood red with a white ribbon tied into a bow on the stem.  Next to the rose was a note. I picked up the note with my left hand and rose with my right.  I was about to open the note when Caroline busted in the room with a tray in her hand. She grinned when she saw I was awake, she glanced over her shoulder and shouted


I heard jingles footsteps quickly coming to my room. Her head appeared in the doorway smiling at me. She was wearing a simple white hospital gown. Her curly green hair was down, she was wearing her classic black headband. She ran over to my bedside and hugged me

“Your alive! You scared me! I thought you were dead!”

She shook me slightly while glaring at me.

“Don’t scare me like that!”

I laughed as Jingles stopped shaking me and went back to giving me a bone crushing a hug. Caroline came over and put the tray on the little table to the right of me. Jingles released me and sat on the end of my bed, she was still smiling.

Jack popped his head in the doorway.

"So she is back from the dead."

He said with a grin as he walked inside. Caroline grinned evilly at him, jack sighed and pulled out his wallet. He pulled out 10 dollars, Jingles gave jack the puppy dog eyes jack sighed and pulled out another 10 dollars out of his wallet.

He handed the 20 dollars to Caroline who was grinning. I gave them a questioning look.

"Oh we made a bet after I woke up. I bet you wouldn't wake up for 3 weeks."

Jingles said with a giggle, Caroline nodded

“Ya we all knew that most likely wouldn’t happen.”

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