chapter 50 he can't!!

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BENs prov.

We were on

top of the roof of the building where the police officers were keeping Jeff and

Jane. We were looking down through a sky window. From what I could tell we were

looking into a security room, One wall was covered in TV screens. Inside the room

were four security guards. I felt rain drops on my back, I looked up to see

raining pouring down. I looked up to LJ

"You ready?"

I said with

a grinn

LJ laughed

"For a fight, when am I not?"

I nodded and turned to Sally. She grinned

"Do you even need to ask?"

I chuckled

"Nope alright on three. One, two....THREE!!"

We crashed through the glass and landed in front of the gaurds. The stared wide eyes at us. I grinned and titled my head to the side. Laughing jack was smirking, Sally giggled. Laughing jack chuckled darkly

"Oh dear my little children I do believe that we have some nasty gown ups here."

Sally and I stuck our tongues out at them. Sally smiled

"Hey gown ups wanna play with us?"

One of the officers spoke up.

"We don't want anything to do with you."

I pouted

"And why is that? It would be so much fun."

The police officer ran over to the computer and pressed a big red button. A second after he did that, I grabbed both of his hands.I shouted over his screams.

"You shouldn't have down that!!"

I let go of his hands, and watched him fall to the floor. I looked up to see the lights flashing red with a robotic voice saying

"Intruder alert all units head to the security room! Intruder alert!"

I glanced over my shoulder to see more police officers running in through the open door way. I turned around and checked on laughing jack and Sally. Laughing jack was laughing as he threw the officers at the walls. He already had a good 6 of them down. Sally was tripping them and had taken two of dead police officers guns. She was running around shooting like a crazy person. I chuckled and turned back to the computer. I hacked inside.

"Wow their security system is shit."

I chuckled to my self, I turned off the alarm and shut the door. I then looked at the wall of security videos and looked to find Jeff or Jane. Laughing jack and Sally came up next to me both were covered in red. I turned to them

"You two look for Jeff and Jane."

I pointed to the screens.

"I'm going to see who did this and what there plan is."

They nodded and started looking. I went back to the computer and opened some confidential documents. And read some notes

"Hey guys remeber Jeff's older brother, liu?"

I called to them over my shoulder, Laughing jack chuckled

"Hard to forget."

Sally giggled

"Ya we remember why?"

I waved at them to come over.

"Because he's the one who's planed all this. And oh my god he wouldn't."

Laughing jack read the documents his sliver eyes widened.

"No he can't!"

Sally, who couldn't read, titled her head

"He wouldn't what?"

Jeff's prov.

The girl who healed me ran over to the cell next to mine. I was grinning at my brother. I turned to bozo. He had bright yellow eyes, blood red spiking hair.

He had two metal Spikes comeing out of his head that looked like two metal horns. He was his outfit was all black with flame designs on it. He had armor on his shoulders with metal spikes sticking out.

On his feet he wore metal boots that had spikes sticking out. In his pail hands he held two meat cleavers. His yellow eyes were filled with rage. I chuckled

"Bozo, how about you and me vs my dear older brother?"

Bozo grinned at that idea.

"Sounds like a great idea to me."

We turned to liu And kicked him into a wall. He came out of the Crumbling wall, covered in dust. He had some red dripping from his mouth. He coughed, and then stared to laugh. Bozo punched him straight back into the wall. Liu didn't get up this time. Bozo looked over at me looking slightly confused.

"That was to easy."

I nodded and walked over to the hole in the wall where liu laid. Bozo who stood next me looked confused

"Is he?"

I shook my head

"He can't be it was only to hits."


We spun around to see laughing jack, BEN and Sally all panting. Sally spoke first her eyes wide with fear.

"Guys we have to get out of her now!"

I raised an eyebrow

"Why? we're winning!"

I said with a Grin.sally shook her head

"No we have to get out of her now!"

We all heard a dark chuckle, we turned to see liu who was holding a little remote. He grinned at Sally

"Nice try but it's all ready to late."


Sally screamed, As Liu pressed the button down. Suddenly two high pitched Screams filled the room. The looked around unable to pinned point the sounds. until we hear


from the cell that was next to my own. My eyes widen, recognizing the scream.


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