Chapter 55 a project? And HES ALIVE?!

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Slenderman prov.
After I put sally and BEN to sleep, I went to the 3rd floor. I walked into the hospital wing to see Caroline, her back facing me, standing between two beds. Lying on the bed to her left was jingles and to her right was Jane. Both of their eyes were closed, jingles was groaning and Jane was shaking. Caroline had her left hand on jingles right, and her right hand on Jane's left. Caroline was glowing, so were jingles and jane. Eyeless jack came over to me, I nodded to him and said

"how are they doing?"

Eyeless jack sighed

"Not the best, but they should be ok. And we found out that the collar gave them a small virus; which slowly started eating away their body from the inside out."

If I had eyes they would have widened to the size of dinner plates. Eyeless jack chuckled

"But since Caroline and I picked up the virus at once we were able to extract it, before the virus could do much damage. Now Caroline is healing them, but they also will need a lot of sleep and they still medical attention. So we're going to keep them in here until their ready."

I nodded understanding.

"How are jeff and bozo?"

Eyeless jack pointed over to the girls and I noticed for the first time that on the left side of jingles, standing was bozo. He was pacing back and forth, he kept glancing at jingles. He wasn't wearing his mask, he let his bushy brown hair fall into his yellow eyes. I looked over to see Jeff sitting in a chair besides Jane's bed. He held her hand tightly fear evident in his ice blue eyes. I turned my head back to eyeless jack.

"how long have they been in here?"

Eyeless jack shrugged

"they've been here since we got back."

I shook my head.
"I knew Liu was causing problems. I should have stopped him; I just didn't know the extent of his evil plan."

Bozo eyes widened, he ran over to me so now we only a few inches apart. His eyes were burning with rage.

Jeff let go of Jane's hand and ran over to bozo. He pulled him off me.

"Calm down slendy probably knew that If he got involved it would cause a lot of bloodshed. Maybe even jingles and your life, he knew that he couldn't get involved till he could figure out a plan. But since liu kidnapped Jane Jingles and me; he knew that it was time. "

Bozo calmed down after jeffs little speech and gave me a guilty look.

"I'm really sorry slenderman. I shouldn't have yelled at you."

He rubbed the back of his head, looking at the ceiling then the floor. I nodded understanding
"it's alright, you had every right to mad. Now I only ask if you two can help me with a little project of mine?"

Bozo's eyes went to Jeff who crossed his arms across his chest. They glanced back at the girls. Jeff's eyes on Jane and bozo's on jingles. The faced me. Jeff rasied an eyebrow

"what kind of project?"

Police officer james prov.

My green eyes were wide as I walked around the crime scene. I walked over to Detective Johnson. He was new; this was his first murder case. He was bent over a body that had a gashes on his chest and was missing a chest.

"I think someone has done us a little favor."

Johnson got up and looked at me confused

"How is murdering an entire police squad good for us?"

I smiled and walked over to the dead body of Detective Liu and pointed at him. Johnson eyes were wide as they met my own.

"Is that?"

I nodded

"Yep that's dective liu."

Johnson's eyes fell to dective lius dead body.

"H-he's the Detective who turned his whole police squad into his own little army."

I nodded again looking down at lius dead body.

"When he was little, his brother was attacked and was burned alive. Luckily he was able to survive but with a horrible price."

Johnson who looked chilled to then bone Asked

"What price?"

"His mind, Lius brother lost his mind in that horrible fire. When his parents took him back home, he killed his parents. Liu him self was almost a murder victim. But he was lucky enough to survive his brothers attack.

Ever since liu has been obsessed with tracking down his brother and making him pay for the murder of their parents. We've been trying to caught him for 4 months now. So who ever did this have saved us a lot of work."

Johnson looked down at Liu's body And then back up at me.

"By the looks of it his brother did this."

I shurrged

"I wouldn't blame him."

Johnson got up and out his hands inhis pockets

"Well we have to find them."

I shook my head.

"His brother joined a group of creatures who protect each other. So If we try to hurt him they'll come after us."

Johnson frowned

"We'll we can't just do nothing! Why don't we try to put them all into an asylum?!"

I raised my eyebrows

"Not a bad idea, Detective, not a bad idea."

"Can I help with that?"

I jumped slightly and looked down to see Liu's bright green eyes. He had one open the other covered in red was closed. Detective Johnson looked down at him and paled. He yelled over his shoulder.


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