chapter 48 jingles? and liu?

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author note 

hey guys this part of the story may be a little scary to some people. in this chapter we find one Caroline's little dirty secrets. certain things triggers horrible merroies for her. theses merroies are sometimes mixed with fears that become distorted. also when she’s hit with these memories attacks; she curls into a ball and holds her head. only a few people can get her out of this state. we also learn how she really escaped that “hospital”. they didn’t just let her go. and guys comment and tell me what you think of her or message me. oh and i don’t own jingles or bozo. a friend of my requested that i put them in the story. and since i SHIP THEM SO HARD XDXD ok story time 

carolines prov. 

jack, slenderman and i were watching the building that held jeff and jane. jack looked over at slender man

“you sure that you can’t teleport us to jeff and jane?”

slenderman shook his head

“no that would sending you two right into a trap.”

i nodded 

“so you suggest we split up?”

slenderman nodded

“yes we need to get the center of the building. i’ll teleport us inside. caroline we need to get you to Jeff and jane. mainly Jeff because i feel him getting weaker and wearier by the minute.”

i nodded and took jacks hand. he took slender mans hand and 


we were inside of a white hallway that was covered in wanted posters. each one was a different creepy pasta. i shuddered, we started walking down the hallway to the end of the hall. There were doors on both sides of the hall. each one had a picture of a different creepy pasta. i stopped dead in my tracks, the door in front of me was jacks door.

 i pushed the door open to see chains on the wall. the room was white with a medical bed in the middle. there were alive chains on the bed. next to the bed was a table filled different kinds of medical equipment. 

my eyes widened understanding. who ever was trying to trap all of us was going to make us go through the thing that made every creepy pasta go insane. my mind filled with the memories of years i lost my family the doctors taking me apart.the room began to spin i feel to the ground as the merroies came flooding in. the horrific images filled my mind my family having to go through the same thing i had. jack dieing over and over again right before my eyes. my self surrounded by the all the dead bodies of each creepy pasta, along with my family. i looked down at my self covered i was covered in red,blood,  their blood. 

“you killed them all caroline”

i looked up with wide eyes to see Dr. smith. one of the doctors who had ripped me apart. he was grinning his blood was filled with red. as he spoke it spilled down his shirt.

“you killed them caroline like you killed me!”


Dr.Smiths head fell off his shoulders, his head less body fell forward in a pool of red. i screamed till no more sound would come out. suddenly all the bodies started singing 

“you did this, caroline you killed us its all your fault.”

the kept chanting, i started screaming back 

“No i would never NO!!!”

suddenly the images disappeared, i opened my eyes to find my self curled into a ball, shaking. someone hand their arms wrapped around me, the person was kneeling next to me. they held me tight whispering in my ear

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